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Thirty-seventh day Wandering in heaven and earth第三十七天 天地人中游





个人的一生前后有这样的纠缠对应关系,那前生今世不也应该有此关系吗?那远古未来不也如此吗?远古未来亦是如此的纠缠关系,他们之所以有易经的道理,则是此关系的探寻或客观展示,此理可通环宇,此星球可通彼星球,万物相连、万物一理皆从此出。--------前几天秋蓝看到以前写的此段话,尤其最后一句此星球可通彼星球时,秋蓝想到了是与系外星球联通,然后就看到了朋友圈发的NASA发现系EXOPLANET外星球10颗类地行星。还有EXO,同韩国EXO歌队名称。 前面这句话让她想到14年在网络上看到的研几网,里面有“我”即是自远古以来到现在的存在体,还有谈到女性的创业优势,也谈及此思维通路可能。当时对此印象很深,现在这段感悟即是和它有极强的关联的,还有她的文章系列中有说到基因的我的存在形态,亦是如此的一以贯我的说法。

7.4日,秋蓝见到有人发美国建国日,星条旗,查了具体资料,美国国花是玫瑰,由13发展到50个州,想到51区是其背后的真正州属吗?美国独立战争也是8年,想到撤三藩战争8年,抗日战争8年,为什么都是8年呢?如果禅思8年撤三藩塌缩出了抗日战争,那么美国独立战争是禅思了什么呢?昨天查伊利诺伊大学建校总统没通过,隔了两年林肯当总统通过了,想到103位名人油画中与毛泽东坐一起的林肯。又看到高晓松谈论章莹颖案,说清华是按照伊利诺伊大学核心建造设计建造的,两个校园极其一样一样的美,不敢相信那么美的校园会发生那样的事。还查到伊利诺伊大学雕塑Alma mater,母校,谷物女神的意思。1867年建校,可翻转为1987.1978.1678.1687。

马伊琍道歉杰克逊这个热搜哪时候出来的呢?秋蓝上午看地理未解之谜有大陆漂移说,非洲与美洲分离,且其地理山脉等有联系。联系看到的人类非洲起源说, 心想非洲黑色,美洲白色,中国黄色。 非洲黑人禅思自己不要太黑,到黄土高坡中国地区成黄色,再发现美洲禅思成白色,但最早基因还是非洲人。昨晚看到我的前半生网络新闻,秋蓝以为是演出溥仪的作品,一看是马伊琍演的都市剧。




咏菊 林黛玉






【中国又多了一个世界遗产!】中国青海省可可西里7日在波兰克拉科夫举行的第41届联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会会议(世界遗产大会)上获准列入世界自然遗产名录。至此,中国已拥有51处世界遗产。秋蓝如是回忆: 川普被波兰总统无视握手; 翁帆在分割别墅相关文章里41岁了; 昨晚查大草原怎么来的看到好像是黄河长江源头都是青海,看到可可西里很惊讶,因为泛易哲学以前在一个叫这个名字的网站发表意见,很喜欢这个不知道是什么意思的独特的名字。昨天北美洲地图看到墨西哥似大象鼻子,提到墨西哥可能是美国隐含的51州,因为以前看到墨西哥是UFO最早出没地,似是奇异源头;昨天7.7日想到七夕节。这些信息组合为这个新闻的重要要素:时间,地址,事件,结论。

将俄罗斯和蒙古国联合申报的外贝加尔山脉景观(Landscapesof Dauria)列入世界遗产名录。这是蒙古国第5项世界自然遗产,俄罗斯第27项世界遗产:奇怪!昨天下午查贝加尔湖畔等依然专辑歌曲,想明白到底贝加尔湖究竟什么情况,查看百科有说尼布楚条约康熙把贝加尔湖以东的给了俄罗斯,后来雍正把全部都给出去了。看到很多黑圈奇异事件,月牙湖,想知道贝加尔湖究竟怎么来的呢?晚上听到草原歌曲就是想到了这个贝加尔湖怎么来的疑问,才进而想到天然草原也有这个来源问题的啊!现在热搜就是贝加尔湖:贝加尔湖位于俄罗斯东西伯利亚南部,狭长弯曲,好像一轮弯月镶嵌在东西伯利亚南缘,是世界上最深和蓄水量最大的淡水湖——弯月,婉约?前两天对联句子配图就是一弯新月,对的句子是叠加态双重意味: 出句:清风暮色悬新月===对句:(初一初二看不见,初三初四一条线。今天是七月初三),对句:似有若无空牵挂。

提问:一的法则的标志:男♂女♀,为什么和女♀一样?有人回答: 应该是生殖器的标志,标志的作用就是区别,两个性别最大的区别就是生殖器,男性的上边的这个尖象征了男性生殖器,特别是沿用到现在很多领域,比如美国大兵的肩章,中国也有类似的人丁兴旺的丁也是这意思,形态也很像,女性的则是子宫或者说怀孕的肚子,这个在圣经中天主教中一样。秋蓝看到这一问一答,说: 刚在看球形闪电之谜,看到你的回复,你说的有一定道理,那么它们都有一个圆○,一个作为底子,一个作为子宫吗?任何事情都不是无缘无故的样子,所以才会想这个一的法则的标志究竟是什么意思啊!这么说来,也许一的法则就是道德经老子的延伸呢?否则为什么要用谦卑的女性标志作为这本书的瞩目标志呢? 一的法则是由三个美国人从1981年开始在通灵状态下获得的一组灵性资料。这个过程持续了两三年,共进行了106场通讯。有106?与610有联系吗?与910有对应吗?难道是教师节?狮子园?埃及狮身人面像?

秋蓝随事件连环一般的跳跃着,这时又看到:郑州地铁的标语火了“体肥还须少吃饭 想美就要多读书”“读诗三百首/不做单身狗”P图美颜爽一时/读书气质美一世 ………这整个一个书中自有颜如玉、书中自有黄金屋的演绎啊!标语关键词:减肥+读书+月——想过减肥还是得控制住少吃才行;看到微博美人一堆堆,想到要长久养颜永驻像仙姑一样还得多看书修道才行;不明白高晓松为什么叫大紧;查贝加尔湖畔歌曲有两次关于月的歌词;有人说点石成金。看小学生写我眼中的荆轲,紫色花章莹颖,看到谁叫华/庭还看到华字庭字。两公司标语关键词都有减肥、读书(梦想)、月如水(爱情),极其相似。刚才查看水木年华组合另外一个人居然姓卢,后面有说一生有你,隐对应一生所爱卢冠廷?

月光把爱恋 洒满了湖面

两个人的篝火 照亮整个夜晚

多少年以后 如云般游走

那变换的脚步 让我们难牵手

这一生一世 有多少你我




昨天秋蓝看到青岛名字来源,看地图它究竟像什么,看到山东。因几度夕阳红板书看到一人发的夕阳红图片,说是在东海边,想到挨近山东边的海,再想那是渤海,东海应该在上海附近吧。还想了自己经常爱说倒装句,像英语说话的习惯,把重要想表达的放前面,自己不认为重要的补充到后面,或表达强烈情绪的放前面。今天秋蓝又去对接世界有什么新闻,看到热搜: 大家被山东人都爱倒装句刷屏了啊听说-我觉得顺其自然嘛这种事/你叫我改也改不掉啊现在......这明明就是山东+倒装句的现实反馈啊!山东人倒装句事实从哪时候开始的啊?我昨天才同时想到了山东与倒装句,以前这两个都想过,但是没有同时想过或看到的。为什么今天热搜出现了这个新闻?和我的想法有什么纠缠关系呢?还是说这个微博新闻是智能机器人组装的新闻呢?如同杨振宁的别墅谣言似得?

热搜出现杨幂马天宇双双秒删被抓包:(山东人倒装句)还是说这个微博新闻是智能机器人组装的新闻呢?如同杨振宁的别墅谣言似得?——这是秋蓝上午九点半写的句子,当时写智能机器人组装新闻想到了上一次情感问题杨幂秒删,以及马蓉那个可能是这样。马天宇不知道的,这名字倒很独特。两个微博时间都是12:53分啊!为什么是巩俐?巩高峰看到过。马天宇,RAY ma ,雷。发光~想过章莹颖微信上的发光的金马,想到天行的飞马。然后看到珊瑚~北思伊斯兰泉州,郑成功雕塑远看像珊瑚~雕塑骑马,厦门也有。很多地方有郑成功纪念地,想这金马马上成功跑遍全中国了啊!ray射线、光线;微量;伞形花序柄、放射;(思想,希望等)闪现;发光,马天宇1986年7月12日出生于山东省德州市——也是山东人,这个信息和山东人倒装句引出来的杨幂秒删也能对应上,许多都是这样信息叠加浓厚而塌缩出来了。因杨幂秒删自己,确定禅思清晰,不知道为什么是和马天宇纠缠在一起,原来是马天宇这个信息量叠加包也是浓厚的:雷/金马与其名字ray两个意思无缝对接+山东人+今日生日。


造物主造就了不同部分整体的我们,那我们之间肯定有组成我们本身的部分我的联系,这些联系就是如同前面所推理的叠加态组合塌缩出来了现实一样,组成每一个人的部分信息也可能和另外一些人的信息完全相同,比如部分信息山东人,或者部分信息生日都是7.12日且名字雷同都叫ray ma。因此,我们联系点就在于此的信息联通,当然,还有更微小层面的细胞,大至我们宏观层面的族群信息,这就是我将造物主信息与真实的我信息,与我一直思考的造物程序是怎样的,三者联通的思考结果。这是我目前一贯的思想工具。它们这些万物就这样落入了我的思想工具系统中。

哪个才是真我? 所以:生物、细胞、分子、原子都是由根源物质组成的。如果非要说最初的存在物才是真正的造物主,那么根源物质这种最初的存在物就组成了你,你就是造物主的一部分。由于根源物质组成了整个宇宙,所有存在物都是根源物质的不同整体,所以:整个宇宙就是完整的造物主,我们都是造物主的一部分。——秋蓝又想到:我的思想工具可能是探索性的,没有完全按照已发现的15个规律来系统化,有可能成为新的不变的规律,有可能只是我的带有主观性的特定的局部的某类偏主观规律,或许这正是对于主观的规律呢!因为目前世界对于意识不正是不可知不明白的吗?什么事情唯有觉察觉知了,你方能跳脱原来的依赖路径进行覆盖原黑洞的关照与探究。






7月17日6时55分在四川广元市青川县(北纬32.38度,东经105.36度)发生4.9级地震,震源深度21千米。 秋蓝昨晚想洪荒之力,红黄,也许形成的彩虹是自然的,所以是最原始的力量,红色是原始自然力量(想到了毛泽东红色对应4.9级),思绪回归到远古时期(广元),那么到彩虹另一端冷色系青蓝紫就是未来的力量可能是精致的人的思想提升吗?(青川)昨天上午还看到贵州落差148米瀑布 “三瀑同挂”的热搜。

对发言受限问题,秋蓝写道:限制道之自由意志,就是限制天道。 这可能就是专和全的矛盾所在。 妄想用低标准来限制束缚道之自由意志,来保证现实限时安全保障,确实是如此民主不妥当之处。专想保全自己的纯洁性,所以排斥自由意志;却落入了不能万物一理的局限性。全想弥散于无限时空以发挥道太极之威力,无视专之限制,终将洪荒之力奔流。


秋蓝前几天看地理未解之谜,看到秘鲁印记画有蜘蛛,想了两手在天两足在地。昨天看到朋友圈图案有那个秘鲁蜘蛛。早上读7个水晶球开头就是去秘鲁玻利维亚探险,也想了一下蜘蛛。然后夜晚就做了一个这样的梦: 看到我左手上印有立体图案,图案下面反面是蝴蝶,正面是蜘蛛还是什么,看了半天,我们都惊奇说图案不就是书上的那个吗?那个蝴蝶也一样样的,还有三条线,触角那里是黑色深点,对照了半天。右手两个,一个图案大的,那个图案(忘记了)上面我又发现一个数学公式,e=h2什么很长的公式(记不清楚),总共三个印记我手上了。

秋蓝这天刚感叹看到一个动画片粉红色的内耳朵甜甜猫对应了上海天空的粉色,就又发现看过的视频Lay打火机对应射覆打火机, 朋友圈看到法国国鸟居然是公鸡对应节目中的叫醒工具公鸡。





秋蓝查两个射覆贴吧最早的来源,看到世界末日中还是最早的哪个人头像有点阁僚,刚才忍者龟里面一个人肚子中间有个头和他头像一样。前两天一直纠结大肠小肠图片中谁是大肠。后来,秋蓝来到科技馆又看到了图片,还有大肠的长度有一根长绳。科技馆有一个地方,两个小女孩在比赛精子赛跑,墙上有图示精卵结合的过程,我近前看了看第一张,精子卵子圆圆的,里面各有三四个黑点。昨天看到UFO吧有NASA发现太阳中一三个亮点组成的三角形△,上面顶点的那个点拖着很长的尾部,似乎在往下俯冲……回来后,秋蓝玩手机,果真是又【目击】了! 分享链接:【目击】NASA捕捉到有不明物体略过太阳表面,脑补它的体积吧。




今日上午,网友拍到长江江面仙气腾腾的场景...秋蓝想到昨晚射覆说这个有两种形态,猜的冰块模具接近,有人猜花露水更接近,想到是抹的药有挥发性,液体与气态不就是两种形态了吗?之前看到一个人发的挥发辉: 这段绕口令是中国传媒大学播音系入学考题:发废话会花话费, 回发废话话费会花, 发废话花费话费会花费, 回发废话会费话费, 花费话费回发废话会耗 。


Thirty-seventh day Wandering in heaven and earth

Autumn blue this day to see 7.1 Days Orange Island head was flooded with the news, at first I do not understand why the flood in Changsha, I feel that in the analysis of Dream of the Red Chamber, the sand is nothing but the link with the snow, not with the water, now Think about it maybe with Hao Haisha. Just saw the flood commentary, there is a flood of Jinshan, suggesting that she also mentioned Fahai in the past two days. Qiu Lan was impressed with Mao Zedong's poetry, but never knew that Mao Zedong's young sculpture was on Juzi Chau. The original line of contact is this: You are Fahai ~ do not understand love ~ Shuiman Jinshan ~ Beijing's Jinshan song impressed ~ Mao Zedong Red Sun song Tibetan region ~ gold line Jinlujinlu ~ Orange Island has a nine-shaped road, and go to Nirvana The central cluster is in the same form as the Taiyuan squid.

This Changsha-Shenmu-Jiichi, I do not know how to link together? Is it the collapse of Fugui Mountain and the double-track elevator on Zhanpeng Road? Is this different from Chairman Mao’s vision for the future? After all, how did this all come together? Is there a logical path between these pieces of information? Why do I link a short slogan news with these two major events? Of course there is evidence to be followed, that is, Shengmu-Shenmu, Changsha-Changsha, Shuiman Jinshan. But what exactly happened to their independent events? And for what real feedback will happen?


Why is the slogan of Shenmu written wrong? Why is it wrong to go wrong in Changsha? Oh, because when I wrote the article I mentioned that I wanted to do a lot of sand. Then the former zen thoughts collapsed, and then the known deep impressions of Shenmu were faded, and the new combination of Changsha was highlighted. This reveals the information black hole in Changsha + the hidden main superposition information: At this point the information can not determine the positioning of the information to continue to trace the system / Beijing's Jinshan Shang / Mao Zedong is Hunan: so far this link of the concealment and display with the former call should be collapsed as follows: Changsha + Mao Zedong + Shuiman Jinshan ☞ ☞ 洲 洲 ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞.


This clue is based on my meditation system. It is definitely different from the other black hole information holders, each with its own essential characteristics. Therefore, each person's life and the environment in which he and she lived were all attracted by him or her own nature, or were caused by oneself. The meditation message should be the information that most impresses your essence, resonant with the same frequency that you strongly resonate with. Maybe another person is: Changsha + Jobs Mobile / Apple / You are my little apple / orange ☞ Changsha orange mobile phone founded. In fact, from a perspective of looking down from above, reality is indeed what Mao Zedong said. What we are doing is insignificant in the long history. So do not worry, but still like this meditation is a ring, can play some role in discovering the truth, in order to revamp the world, everyone should do it, with the role of enzymes in it.


There is such an entanglement relationship between the individual's life and that one should not have this relationship before. Will that not be the case in ancient times? The ancient future is also so entangled. The reason why they have the principles of the Book of Changes is the exploration or objective display of this relationship. This can lead to the universal. The planet can pass through the planet, everything is connected, everything is the same, and everything goes from there. . -------- A few days ago, Qiu Lan saw the previous paragraph written, especially when the last sentence of this planet could pass through the planet, Qiu Lan thought that it was connected with the Department of Planets and then saw the circle of friends. NASA found that the Department of EXOPLANET alien planet 10 terrestrial planets. There is also EXO, the name of the Korean EXO team. The previous sentence reminds her of the research network that she saw on the Internet in the past 14 years. There is “I” in it, which is the existence from now on to the present. It also talks about women’s entrepreneurial advantages and also talks about this way of thinking. may. I was deeply impressed by this fact. Now that this sentiment is strongly associated with it, there is a pattern of my existence in the series of articles that speaks of genes. It is also my consistent view.


On the 7.4th, Qiu Lan saw someone who had made the United States a nation-building day, the Stars and Stripes, and checked out specific information. The US national flower was a rose, and it grew from 13 to 50 states. Did you think that District 51 was the real state behind it? The American Revolutionary War is also eight years. When we think of the withdrawal of the San Francisco War for eight years and the War of Resistance Against Japan for eight years, why are all eight years? If meditation retreats three times and collapses and shrinks the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, then what is the meditation on the American Revolutionary War? Yesterday, the president of the University of Illinois was found not to pass. After two years, Lincoln passed the president and thought of Lincoln, who was sitting with Mao Zedong in 103 paintings of celebrities. Also seeing Gao Xiaosong talking about the case of Zhang Yingying, said that Tsinghua University was built according to the core construction design of the University of Illinois. The two campuses have the same beauty, and they cannot believe that such a beautiful campus will happen. Also found the University of Illinois sculpture Alma mater, alma mater, the goddess of grain. The establishment of the school in 1867 can be reversed to 1987.1978.1678.1687.


Ma Yi apologizes Jackson when this hot search came out? Autumn blue morning to see the mystery of unresolved geography There is continental drift said that Africa is separated from the Americas, and its geographic mountains are linked. Contact to see the origin of human African, said, I think African black, American white, Chinese yellow. Black African meditation does not want to be too dark. It turns yellow in the highland of China and discovers that the meditation in the Americas turns white, but the earliest genes are Africans. Last night I saw my first half of the Internet news. Autumn Blue thought it was a performance of Pu Yi's works. At first glance, it was an urban drama played by Ma Yi.

Are these realistic images all prophetic revelations? What the four female stars wore at different moments was what seemed to be the only way the shirt was worn. The entrance examination of the dream is also, but there is an exquisite article on the champagne gold blouse + car - the actual version of this case? There are now three dreams that can come to mind: the plane came to a corner of a green area with yellow flowers, say me Willing to sleep here - a Taiwan car crashed with a strip of green field yellow flowers died a few people. Dream bathing past simple bath, two rooms - air school school bathhouse collapsed, bathhouse style like a dream! Is it also the case of Zhang Yingying? According to the results of the investigation, at about 8:10 pm on June 12, 2017, law enforcement officials went to No. 2503 W. Springfield Avenue, Champaign City, Illinois, where they discovered a 2008 production of black saturn aspen. The Trapez, with license plate number P399495, has a large awning - 8:10 on the blackboard.


Share link: July 5th, 2017, Battlesbury Hill, Wiltshire, UK, crop circle, autumn blue think of the crop circle corresponds to: 4.22 Roses, 5.22-day cross-border butterfly giant, 7.5 days infinity image like Moebius belt The addition of the Quartet’s thoughts was impressive (Mobius's circle was like infinity, and a very wide range of free-thinking thoughts of quadrilateral thinking in the universe. Later, he felt that there was still a limit to writing and thinking.) Others did not pay attention in a timely manner.

Autumn blue people who saw the square danced the grassland song and suddenly thought of how Baikal came. Then did the grasslands have such problems? How did the grassland come from? Why does Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions emphasize the name of the grass? From the original grass ... ... the green ... square dance next to the yurt-like carousel, Ma Pentium prairie ... ... the wild fire is not exhausted, the spring breeze. Yuan Fang invaded the ancient road and Qingcui took over the barren city. They sent Wang Sun to go, and they were full of emotions. Why should you mention wildfire? Why is it separated? There are Rong, Rongguofu? Bai Juyi is a poet devil, there is invasion, think of Lin Daiyu's unpredictable poetry invades the faint. Qing Wen Qing Tsui, his wife?

Yu Ju Lin Yuyu

Rogue poetry stunned and invaded, rappelling around the fence stone.

The end of the show Hideo cream writes, Mouth of incense on the moon.

Filled with paper self-pity questions and complaints, and the film critics who dismissed the autumn heart.

From the Tao Ling's commentary, the eternal wind speaks of the present.

Poetry Enchantment: Buddhism describes people’s desires as a devil and promotes spiritual cultivation to demons. Therefore, Bai Juyi's "leisure" poem says: "Since we study hard, we have sold all kinds of hearts; only poetry hasn't gotten, and every time there is a leisure time." Hou Yi used poetry to describe the impulse of poetry creation. It brings no peace of mind.

[China has another world heritage! China's Qinghai Province, Hoh Xil, was approved for inclusion in the World Natural Heritage List at the 41st UNESCO World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Conference) in Krakow, Poland. At this point, China already has 51 world heritage sites. Autumn Blue is recalled: Trump was ignored by the Polish president to shake hands; Weng Fan was 41 years old in the article concerning splitting the villa; Last night's investigation on how the Prairie came to see it seems that the source of the Yellow River was Qinghai, and it was surprised to see Hoh Xil. Pan-Easy philosophy used to express its opinion on a website called this name and liked this unique name that did not know what it meant. Yesterday, the North American map saw the elephant-like nose of Mexico. It was mentioned that Mexico may be the 51-state implied by the United States because it was previously seen that Mexico was the earliest source of UFOs. It seems to be a strange source; This combination of information is an important element of this news: time, address, events, conclusions.

Landscapes of Dauria, jointly declared by Russia and Mongolia, are on the World Heritage List. This is Mongolia's fifth world natural heritage, Russia's 27th world heritage: weird! Yesterday afternoon, there were still album songs on the bank of Lake Baikal. I wanted to understand exactly what happened to Lake Baikal. I looked at the encyclopedia and said that the Nebuk treaty Kangxi gave Russia east of Lake Baikal. Later, Yongzheng gave it all. See a lot of strange events in the black circle, Lake Crescent, want to know what exactly Baikal Lake? When I heard the grassland song in the evening, I thought about how this Lake Baikal came to question. Then I thought that the natural grassland also has this source problem! Now hot search is Baikal Lake: Lake Baikal is located in the eastern part of Eastern Siberia, Russia, narrow and long curved, like a crescent moon inlaid in the eastern edge of Eastern Siberia, is the world's deepest and largest storage of freshwater lake - crescent moon, graceful? The two-day couplet sentence map is a crescent moon, and the sentence is a double meaning of the superposition state: Sentence: breeze 暮 暮 新 新 = = === The pair of sentences: (the first day and the second day cannot be seen, the third day and the fourth day is a line Today is the third of July.) The sentence: If there is no room for carelessness.

Question: One of the rules of the law: male prostitutes, why the same with the son-in-law? Some people answer: It should be a sign of the genitals, the role of the sign is to distinguish, the difference between the two genders is the genital, the top of the male symbol of this tip The male genitalia, especially in many fields now used, such as the American soldier's epaulet, and China's similarly prosperous people, also mean that the form is also very similar. The female is the uterus or the pregnant stomach. This is in the Bible. Like in Catholicism. Autumn Blue saw this question and answer, said: Just looking at the mystery of the ball lightning, see your reply, you have a certain reason, then they have a circle ○, one as a foundation, one as a uterus? Nothing is for no reason at all. So what do you think of the sign of this law? So, perhaps the law of one is the extension of morality by Lao Tzu? Or why use the humble symbol of women as a target for this book? The law of one is a set of spiritual data obtained by three Americans in psychic state since 1981. This process lasted two or three years and a total of 106 communications were conducted. Is there 106? There is a connection with 610? Is there a correspondence with 910? Is it Teacher's Day? Lion Park? Egyptian Sphinx?

Qiu Lan leaped with the event in general, and then saw: Zhengzhou Metro's slogan fired "The body fat must eat less and think about the United States should read more" "Read 300 poems / not single dog" P chart The beauty is refreshing/reading temperament and beauty I... This whole book contains Yan Ruyu and the interpretation of its own gold house! Slogan Key words: weight loss + reading + month - have thought about losing weight or have to control less to eat Caixing; see microblogging beauty piles, think of long-term beauty stay forever like a fairy, but also much more to read the book before; not Understand why Gao Xiaosong called Dajin; there are two lyrics about the moon in the Song of Lake Chapel; See primary school students write Jing Ke in my eyes, purple flower chapter Ying Ying, see who is called Hua/Ting also see the Chinese character word. The keywords of the two company's slogans are weight loss, reading (dreams), and monthly water (love), which are extremely similar. Just look at the combination of Shuimunianhua and the other surnamed Lu, and there is something to say about you throughout your life. Does it mean that Lu Guanting loves you for the rest of your life?

Moonlight spilled love on the lake

Two people's bonfire light up the night

How many years later I walk in the clouds

The changing steps make it hard for us to hold hands

How much do you have in this life?

Was engulfed in the moonlight water night

Blowing out the reading lights, all of them are months. Many people comment on the meaning of the speculations. After Qiu Lan looked at the meaning of the song today, she felt very familiar with it and thought of such moonlight as water. When I checked the information, I thought about the school library, and then I thought of Zhengzhou which school runs through the dining hall to take up the hot reading of books. It seems that Zhengzhou students love the feeling of reading; Jing Ke alone thinks of Jing, but also thinks of Mrs. Xing of the Red Chamber Dream. Chu is an impressive memory of Jing Chu. Perhaps the superposition renderings are memories, all are familiar with the impressed impressions, so it is easy to collapse? A few days ago I saw the top light and thought that the pattern resembled Hong Kong's Bauhinia Flag. Then I saw the police reporting on Hong Kong returning to Hong Kong for 20 years. Today, when we see the mystery of unsolved geography, we mentioned that Hong Kong's area from Taiwan to the Philippines is the South China Sea. What strange things have happened there. Yesterday, we searched for many names and saw court characters and characters. These word combinations correspond to the name of the slogan company.

Autumn blue to see the image of the Hoh Xil world heritage snow mountain iceberg, friends circle Mount Fuji in Japan thought of the snow-capped mountain top, where to see the Kangding earthquake or news, think of Kangding love songs. Then we saw that the country is snowing at high temperatures in Sichuan: Recently, Gore Temple Hill, Dagu Iceberg, and Kangding Mugeco all snowed, allowing tourists in the scenic area to feel the coolness of the refrigerator!

Yesterday, Qiu Lan saw the name of Qingdao, see what the map looks like, and see Shandong. Due to several sunset red plates, I noticed a red sunset picture of the human being. I said that it was on the east coast and I thought of the sea near the edge of Shandong. I thought that it was the Bohai Sea. The East China Sea should be near Shanghai. I also think that I often love to use flip-flops, like the habit of speaking in English, putting important thoughts in front of them, not adding important ones to the back, or expressing strong emotions. Today's Autumn and Blue went to the docking world and there was no news. Seeing hot searches: Everybody was loved by the Shandong people and flipping their sentences. Heard - I think it's natural. This kind of thing/You told me to change it and change it. Ah now... This obviously is the actual feedback of the Shandong + inverted sentence! When did the facts of Shandong's flip-flops begin? I only thought of Shandong at the same time yesterday and flipped the sentence. Both of them had thought about it before, but they did not think or see at the same time. Why did you find this news today? What is the entanglement with my idea? Or is this Weibo news a news of intelligent robot assembly? Like Yang Zhenning’s villa rumors?

Hot search appears Yang Mi Ma Tianyu both seconds deleted caught: (Shandong people flip sentence) Or say this microblogging news is the assembly of intelligent robot news? Like Yang Zhenning’s villa rumors? — This is a sentence written at 9:30 am in the autumn blues. The smart robot assembly news at the time thought of Yang Mei’s last emotional problem, and Ma Rong’s probably the case. Ma Tianyu does not know this name is very unique. Both microblogs are 12:53! Why is Gong Li? Gong Gaofeng saw it. Ma Tianyu, RAY ma, Lei. Glowing ~ I thought about the shiny golden horse on Zhang Yingying's WeChat, and thought of Pegasus. Then see the corals ~ North think of Islamic Quanzhou, Zheng Chenggong sculptures look like a coral ~ sculpture riding, Xiamen also. In many places there is Zheng Chenggong's memorial site, and it is thought that this Golden Horse has successfully traveled all over China! Ray, light; trace; umbrella stem, radiation, (idea, hope, etc.) flash; Lu, Ma Tianyu was born in Dezhou City, Shandong Province on July 12, 1986 - also Shandong, this information and Shandong people flipped the sentence Yang Mi’s second-second deletion can also be applied to correspondence, and many of these information are superimposed and collapsed. Yang Mi seconds to delete their own, to determine the meditation is clear, do not know why it is entangled with Ma Tianyu, the original Ma Tianyu this information is superimposed on the package is also strong: Ray / Golden Horse and its name ray two meanings seamless docking + Shandong + today birthday.

Share the link: Do yourself better to be selfish? As a whole, I am the whole of my composition, including: family, social circle, team, community, region, city, province, country, and the world. The better I am to the bigger the whole, the more selfless in the traditional sense. Autumn Blue sees these and thinks:

The Creator has created us in different parts of the whole. Then we must have part of my own connections that make up our own. These connections are just like the collapse of the superposition state combination in the above reasoning. May be exactly the same as other people's information. For example, some of the information in Shandong, or part of the information birthday is 7.12 days and the name is similar to ray ma. Therefore, our contact point is the information exchange that is here. Of course, there are even more tiny cells, up to our macro-level ethnic information. This is the creation process that I've been thinking about between creator information and real information. What is the result of the thinking of the three companies? This is my current ideological tool. All of these things fall into my thought tool system.

Share link: Which is true? Therefore: organisms, cells, molecules, and atoms are composed of rooting materials. If you have to say that the original being is the true Creator, then the original existence of the root substance constitutes you, and you are part of the Creator. Since the root material constitutes the entire universe, all beings are different entities of the root material. Therefore: The entire universe is the complete Creator. We are all part of the Creator. - Qiu Lan also thought that: My ideological tools may be exploratory, not systematically based on the 15 laws that have been discovered, and may become new and unchanging laws, and it may only be my subjectivity. A certain partial partial subjective rule, perhaps this is the subjective law! Because the current world is not unknowable or unclear about consciousness? What is only aware of this, you can escape the original path of dependence to cover and explore the original black hole.

These attributes of "I" can be arranged and grouped and studied in depth, such as: historical part of me, individual at the present level, me at the future level, me at the historical level, my self, self at the future level, etc. Wait. Based on such subdivision, understand me and understand everything. Because: From the part to the whole, from history to the future, it contains everything in the world. - Qiu Lan also thinks: Discovering yourself is the discovery of the world.


Autumn Blue searched ray yesterday and the second was the Japanese female singer Ray (Japanese: レイ). Curious to see her introduction, actually just retired early this year. Her cartoon design in front of her cover reminds her of the fact that Zhang Yingying suspects that Cretan loves Asian women's kawaii-like information, and then sees that some of her real-life photos are a bit like Zhang Yingying, young and somewhat full of kind. When she thought she was retiring, Zhang disappeared. Yesterday, Qiu Lan saw the news of Zhang Xinsheng unclear. Today's Autumn Blue saw that all the columns of the B TV drama series had been discontinued and the official did not comment. From the current situation, the film and TV area of ​​the A station has completely disappeared, and movies, TV series and other contents have been completely emptied. The situation at station B seems to be slightly better, with targeted adjustments. Japan, South Korea, the Anglo-American drama series and movies are hardest hit, but there are still some resources to watch. - The two cartoon girls who disappeared from the video displayed on this station B. Didn't the two kawaii girls disappear? The contents corresponding to its favorites have also disappeared.

It is the kind of bloated life: getting too much representational information and knowledge, being busy every day with trivial matters, and bloated lives. It feels that the burden of everyday is heavy, but that ever-increasing knowledge and information cannot cope with this ever-changing world, and the more it gets, the more it becomes bloated. Each of these bloated knowledge is more independent and cannot be folded in layers. At the end, it becomes only one point, and it is reopened again. Instead, all of the brains are spread out in the head and cannot even be queried. ——I was very impressed by watching this last night. Does this collected information and knowledge correspond to the Favorites of AB Station? Can't fold in layers to query, is the corresponding favorites and some resources videos gone?

Autumn blue read yesterday, the mystery of the Buddha light, the flashing light of the Buddha light, and the following also said that like phosphorus, she imagined the darkness of the mountains in the night. I also remembered the ghost stories I heard before. The book mentioned Fan Chengda Wang Yangming and thought of the Dream of the Red Chamber. This morning she saw ducklings ducklings, count eight, and remembered gossip, infinity. Afterwards, Qiu Lan was surprised to find news that 800 million tons of extra-large phosphate rock was discovered in Kaiyang, Guizhou, China! 800 million phosphate rock.

Qiu Lan saw the post saying Xia Jingui's name, saying that he was scared to gold, said to scare ghosts, mentioned that she loved Xue Xuan; then she saw the Dazhao stele, Xue Yan. Autumn blue to see Grandpa's garden feels very beautiful, especially on this page a lot of trees are particularly spectacular, read that there is Green married inside. Then she checked the microblog's first hot search actually was Li Xiaoxia's wedding picture. I never knew her before. Her boyfriend was a coach and a gardener. Just think of it a few days ago to change the background of the chat into a lot of trees of the abstract painting background ~ then see Grandpa's garden book ~ and then see Li Xiaoxia's hot search open love romance.

At 6:55 on July 17th, a magnitude 4.9 earthquake occurred in Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province (32.38 degrees north latitude and 105.36 degrees east longitude). The focal depth was 21 kilometers. Autumn Blue thought last night of the power of the prehistoric, red and yellow, perhaps formed a rainbow is natural, so it is the most primitive power, red is the original natural forces (think of Mao Zedong's red corresponding 4.9), thoughts return to ancient times (Guangyuan) , then to the other end of the rainbow cool blue blue purple is the power of the future may be refined people's thinking to enhance it? (Chingchuan) Yesterday morning, we also saw a 148-meter waterfall in Guizhou Province.

On the issue of limited speeches, Qiu Lan wrote: Limiting the free will of the Tao is the limitation of Heaven. This may be the contradiction between expertise and all. It is indeed such a democratic inadequacy that we would like to use low standards to limit the free will of the shackles and to ensure that the reality is limited by time and security. They want to preserve their purity, and therefore reject free will; but they fall into the limitation of not being able to do everything. All thoughts are diffused in infinite space and time to exert the power of Taoism, ignoring the limits of specialization, and finally rushing through the power of the prehistoric.

Beijing Metro has a slogan and its founder is called White Tea. Autumn blue finishing house packed up a packet of old tea white tea. Do not understand why this name is called. Because the tea is split, the person thinks of the Dream of the Red Chamber and thinks of the Tang word. Then he thinks of the poems that were analyzed in the previous three hundred and first thought of Tang Dangling. Yesterday, Japan's seabed searching for a mobile phone tsunami was terrible. In the 74 buildings in Changshu, I saw my first half-life, Cixi, 74 years old. This information is superimposed together with the Bering Earthquake Tsunami 7.4?

A few days before the autumn blue, I saw the mysteries of unsolved geography. I saw Peruvian imprints of spiders and thought of two hands on the ground. Yesterday I saw the Peruvian spider in the circle of friends. Reading 7 crystal balls in the morning begins with an expedition to Peruvian Bolivia and also thinks about spiders. Then there was such a dream at night: When I saw a three-dimensional pattern printed on my left hand, the opposite of the pattern was a butterfly, and what was the spider or what was on the front. After reading for a long time, we were surprised to say that the pattern was not on the book? The same kind of butterfly, there are three lines, where the tentacles are dark spots, contrasted for a long time. Two on the right hand, one on a large pattern, and one on the pattern (forget). I found a mathematical formula above again. E=h2 What a long formula (cannot remember). A total of three imprints are on my hands.

Autumn blue just sighed on the day and saw a cartoon pink sweet cat in the inner ear corresponding to the pink of the Shanghai Sky, and then found the video Lay lighter to see the corresponding shot lighter, the friend circle saw the French national bird is actually a cock Correspondence program in the wake tool cock.


This is the 7.18th crop circle in Wiltshire, England. Looking at the crop circle, for the first time, I had a feeling that "the real power will create a true miracle." Autumn Blue looked at the pictures in the group and said, Is this the Napoleon triangle? The first two days saw the odd triangular cat's mouth, and typing to see this triangle was very different from the word. Check the heat to find Guo's video, he said that he is born like this, thought of Deng Xiaoping, imagining Napoleon. Triangular Napoleon triangle - Napoleon triangle theory. This crop circle is a little bit of this meaning. There are peanuts in the great caretaker of the movie, which is very much like the previously mentioned combination of the gourd-shaped friendship and the boundary fusion theory of love. This pattern has six peanuts/8/infinity patterns.

Autumn blue just saw the friend said to shoot wine bottle opener, think of what the meaning of just shooting, shooting is predicting the meaning of guess. Now we immediately think of Sheyang, Zhejiang, or Sheyang, a city on the edge of Fujian. Is Japan meditation when the ancients shot it? Guess the sun should come out of it and then spin around the country and fall into the West. Then there was the land of Japan, where the sun originally appeared. For a while, Qiu Lan sees a circular pattern of a bag shot by a friend, such as a flower, a leaf, a pocket, and a strap. If you think of a round lotus, you think of a lotus in the water, shaped like a lotus leaf. And there are filaments on the edge, so she guesses it is lotus root, loofah. After the autumn blue saw microblogging hot search jellyfish jellyfish, it is like the pattern of the smashed bag lotus-like pattern, requiring water quality and the sludge that does not stain the same lotus, the jellyfish is the mother of water.

This is a magical ring. A ring can store all sorts of information. It's easy to pay and unlock.... Autumn Blue sees this message and thinks if our genes are also centrally stored. Karmic seeds, quality sources, characteristics? Once we need it, we can unlock it. Without the genetic code on the other hand, we can't unlock this path. Is this the difference between our innate and acquired ones?

Autumn Blue focused on a few days of shooting games and discovered the relationship between meditation and collapse. My heart always thinks: How can this object be in a covering in this time and space? Isn't it also the thick combination of meditation that has collapsed there? Moreover, the contents of a good number of shots were all thought of. Some of them have been shot for a long time. What light bulb she saw? The answer is light bulb! So thinking of shooting small objects like this, then predicting personnel and the scope of larger-scale space-time objects or personnel is also such a law? This question has been thinking for two days. Then last night, the shots cleared away, I was bored with the news, I saw KPMG in the bank's closing shop article, and it was the world’s top companies that saw their services. They thought that they had mastered the economic information of the world! This is almost like the Sun Wukong of Qi Ma Wen! Then we saw the world predictions of the 2018 financial crisis transmitted by Skywalker.

Autumn blue check the two shots of the earliest source of it, see the end of the world is still the earliest person who is a little ape, just inside the belly of a ninja turtle has a head and his head. The first two days had been tangled in the large intestine in the picture of the large intestine. Later, Qiu Lan came to the Science and Technology Museum and saw the pictures. There was a long rope in the length of the large intestine. There is a place in the science and technology museum where two little girls compete in sperm races. There is a process of combining sperm and egg on the wall. I have looked at the first one before. The sperm eggs are round, and there are three or four dark spots inside. Yesterday I saw UFO. NASA discovered the triangle formed by one or three bright spots in the sun. The point at the top of the sun dragged a long tail and seemed to dive downwards. After returning, Qiu Lan played a mobile phone. Witnessed! Share link: [eyewitness] NASA captures an unknown object over the surface of the sun and fills it with its volume.

Autumn blue began to shoot again today: potatoes, peony flowers, green pepper / autumn blue dream items; six paintings Mahjong, locks, buckles / subway, due to the day of the Shenzhen Metro accident thought; aircraft model, telescope, car The United States and the United States have many thoughts on the iconic six-figure icon on the ground. They are said to have been used for the focusing of the aircraft during the 1950s. At the time of the shooting, Qiu Lan discovered that one person said that, and she was looking for an answer and thoughts entered the interior of the subway. She searched for the subway ring, then searched for the iron gate of the subway to think of the lock and unscrew the key. This is the same characteristic. It was surprising. She wanted to shoot a balloon yesterday. Even if he wanted to shoot a small toy again, he would be even better. Today, the shooting is a balloon. The pattern is peach and plum. Autumn Blue's shooting thinking is based on the recent impressions of meditation or external news. For example, Subway News has entered the subway to search for objects that can be perceived. It is not an inconvenient, but an object naturally thought of, of course. Need energy. It seems to be like a scanner. It is also so perceptually scanned for that information in the United States. The key words that were previously impressive meditations are extremely easy to be scanned by the mind, so the stacking is sufficiently large to collapse into reality? Then your natural scan will be so scanned by others, so people with high entanglement tend to have the same thoughts and may be the result of their scan consistency information. Those impressive meditation status messages are extremely easy to scan, that is, if you do not think of it, it will also appear in your real life. This is the same as the seeds of karma. Autumn blue went to check the United States aircraft photography focused on the six ground giant paintings, there are these corresponding: shooting cover mentioned six 爻 stickers ~ someone just bought six divination tools shot ~ 7.20 days to take remote control aircraft Color hit ~ 7.21 on the morning to see the United States this microblogging ~ 7.21 guess Tao Lee balloon when it mentioned the aircraft model.

On the evening of July 21st, the sky of Liancheng in Fujian was struck by a giant column connecting the sky and the ground. The scene was too shocking! Autumn Blue saw the news, thinking that it might be the previous few days of checking the Australian rainbow tweets to see a sky full of clouds in the middle of the picture, thinking of Nu Wa. I have seen the heart-shaped heart before. A few days ago there was a video of local rain as the smaller version. Heaven and earth turned into Thailand, the rain was stained only mentioned. Qiu Lan was too lazy to look for the holey sky clouds, and then went out. For a while, there was a cloud with blue sky and white clouds in the sky. You can go out before and after the sky is all gray and white.


Autumn Blue benefited greatly from the practice of shooting during this period. If you are enlightened, you will be able to return to the Tai Chi, the center of the vortex of consciousness. This requires a sweeping scan of the nature of its consciousness, that is, its love, which can be attributed to a large class. The yin and yang were sub-contracted; then the Taiji consciousness center gradually reduced its dimensionality by tracking down its imaging law, namely determining the four images; finally, according to the fragmented information of foreign aid, it focused on its space-time point, which was to play the Bagua. The guilt is the consciousness of the knot, the characteristics of the trunk; the outer yi is the image of clothing, appearance and appearance. Things are guessed for their best; things are superimposed on them. The number of people is smooth, and the person who knows comes back. Cases that want to understand the past can be calculated along the way, and cases that want to know the future can be inferred. As for the primordial to the kun, we have the wave consciousness to superimpose the package to the extreme, reaching the track of the second quadrant; from earthquake to dryness, we return to combing the source of the wave consciousness of no greediness and delusion, the origin of the fantastic space of Tai Chi. Only the essential content of the past affair can be understood; Kou Zhikun's converse is to speculate that the future affairs include the content, that is, the consciousness without greed and hatred, and the wave consciousness with greediness and delusion. If the Green Arrow chewing gum is a chewing gum, then it is in accordance with the above thoughts after writing: The purely conscious rule of the Tao's operation, because of its best use, should be based on its most appropriate wave consciousness without greediness and ignorance. Like the outer packaging; because of the function of the sage's career in consciousness, it should try its best to focus on the wave consciousness of greediness and ignorance (love principle/features) to focus Its function. The same is true for the overthrow of this thinking game, but it only attracts the logic and transformation of the law of love and the transformation of the rules of the love of inquiry. The free will of the transfiguration and the infinite Creator of Taiyi will require the liberation of the soul to realize.

This morning, the netizen photographed the scene of the fairy gas of the Yangtze River... Qiu Lan thought that there were two forms last night. I guessed that the ice cube mold was close. Some people guessed that the dew water was closer, thinking that the medicine was wiped off. Is sex, liquid and gas not two forms? Before seeing a person's volatility: This tortuosity is an admission question for the Broadcasting Department of the Communication University of China: It costs a fee to send a nonsense call, it costs money to send back nonsense calls, it costs when you send a call for nonsense, and you pay for a call for nonsense membership fees. Returning nonsense will consume.

The entanglement and mirroring between this heart and the other is just a sign that our heart (this heart does not refer to the heart of the flesh) is an energy that exists in a quantum state and can follow any external Everything is entangled in all things, the sails are heart-warping, and the same heart can make the sails. This involves the scope of specific functions. Lin Yuyu: No foothold, the party is clean. Where the heart is located, Nirvana is a complete realm. This is the purest expression. You can also: There is no word monument, Fang official is the quiet place of Lingling. Today, I saw 12 performers. Shan Fang’s government official called and he thought of Yong Yong. Shi Xiangyun loves her brother to love ah ... ... think of the West tour of Eritrea, love?

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