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Thirty-third dayFriendship, affection, love 第三十三天 友情亲情爱情







蚕是靠它的嗅觉和味觉器官来辨别桑叶气味的,如果破坏了这些嗅觉和味觉器官,它就无法辨别桑叶的气味。于是,它就不再挑挑剔剔,而能随便吃些其它植物的叶子了。这个破坏感官是否就是喝了孟婆汤,打到禅界归一化为尘土的单个量子,无所谓组合亦即无所谓偏好逻辑,不过下凡之后就又因缘组合为新的生命偏好与逻辑?人类也就是这样的组合体吗?这一生你是原子核还是被挤到了生死剃刀边缘呢?王思聪说了:我是演了一个叫王思聪的富二代,说的很有意味,名利只是他的人为刀俎我为鱼肉,只有他的不变的核心质能才是属于他自己的。刚才看了老梁说雄安新区有一句: 睡到三更时凡功名皆成幻境,想到百年后无少长俱是古人。和我前两天的圆镜梦境有点联系。















昨天因绵阳失火想到为什么是火啊?因此想到秘鲁飞机火。59想过。又看到这个绵阳失火,昨天想到一半又去想那个2011610的预言,奇怪这个编号如何成为了日期的。昨天已经知道绵阳对应柳絮如绵,搓一起如棉花,棉花肯定容易起火的。其起火地点信息对应有:营销笔记销售中心,上岛咖啡楼上谈事情咖啡厅,涪陵榨菜涪城,6人。看到秘鲁为什么地震啊?为什么和绵阳失火有关系呢?难道秘密鲁地与绵阳有关系?绵如柳絮易上火,想起这个突然想到为什么能如此对应棉花与阳成为绵阳地址的,难道人的秘密生殖器官精子如丝对应柳絮,而柳絮如绵所以就失火了吗?精子如丝~柳絮~作茧自缚~柳絮如绵~蚕天虫如男阴茎吐丝~蚕究竟何时被发现的? 继上午跃进路1958火灾后,游仙区欧家坝龍溪谷一施工现场再次发生火灾。

这两天想了纳兰德妃自己做的诗词分身无数,摊薄厚度,一人安一些诗词,然后再连接各人关系。今天看到一人一句宋词热搜。1958年曼巴足球队员出事,后面曼谷10年4次中心日食,为什么都有曼呢?想到陆小曼徐志摩。林徽因原名林徽音: 5.琴徽,系琴弦的。弦以园客之丝,徽以钟山之玉。——嵇康《琴赋》。徽,善,美好。由徽意想到雍亲王十二钗一幅画上的“有清音”。董其昌,两个日,阊门里有两个日,懂阊门什么了?蘭吗?蘭字的門楣倒是像两个日,如此出来了阊门吗?




菜汤: 用心看看现实世界,这三种情感,爱情是最小的(仅限二人),然后是亲情(有血缘关系的),最广泛的是友情。她们的共同点就是有信有爱。最小即最亲密直至无间(私),信任度决定亲密度,所以爱情需要的信任度最高,稍不信任就玩完。

----秋蓝看到,思考:如果反之深度模式,则友情是两个0,亲情是8,爱情是葫芦。然后广度模式,生生不息则再爱情生发亲情,亲情扩张为友情。如此无穷大与无穷小之间这样子光波传播一样。按马斯洛需求图则友情是安全,亲情是归属,爱情是超越,分别对应自我边界的清晰~联接~联通;如果以与道之关系需求论,则是自我修道的各安其本位(个性强烈,感性)~依道的客观信息来行动(理性)~完全联通道之思维规律,道成肉身(长期客观理性);以上都对应马斯洛的体验是:安全感~归属感~高峰体验。 ​


----秋蓝看到此又接着思考:如果未修道,则人之间的三情只是徘徊在归属感之下,上升不到需求最高峰,毕竟通往那里的路是窄的(网络出来了以后会极大的改变这样的金字塔架构),只有两个同时达到超越自我无欲无求而与道同存的具有长期客观理性的人,而其必定未失去来时路之根基的人,才能联通自我葫芦边界,达成合肥样的大葫芦整体。此葫芦如同漏斗,上面是两个人同道的思维清气,下面是两个人脚踏实地的万象世界,可互相转化气象万千。也就是说,从低往上攀登,安全性你是0这么大,归属性你是0那么大,只不过带了个随身计算机字典仓库0,组合为8字样结构的你,超越性你是葫芦那么大,反过来看路径,则推向友情的新生命边界0会更大一些,即轮回的你我的起点更高一些。 ​​​



“没有一艘舰船\能像一本书\带我们遨游远方 没有一匹骏马\能像一页诗行\如此欢跃飞扬 即使一贫如洗\它也可以带你走上\无须路费的旅程 这辆战车,朴素无华\却载着人类的灵魂”。这是知名台湾演员赵又廷近日翻译的诗歌《一本书》。此诗说的战车让我想到一的法则里提到的塔罗牌有双轮战车。埃及金字塔有狮子。长老木乃伊金色面具,刚才看到雍正死亡猜测有被吕四娘砍头只好戴个金色面具。


Thirty-third day

Friendship, affection, love

The first two days because she saw the insole caused her to do ballet shoes. Guizhou Guiyang saw the children's shoes. Yesterday left brain training there used to be something used in modern shoes corresponding to modern shoes. See more pictures of straw sandals, straw sandals feel this picture is very feel. But it seems that they did not think of anything. Now think about it should be implicit geomancer Weng 蓑 clothes grass shoes (due to a few days ago where to see Baoyu wearing fishing 蓑 clothes clogs picture). Yesterday afternoon to listen to the hundred Chinese pulpit speaks about the origins of Chinese characters. First of all, talk about what respect China. When it comes to Empress Wu Zihuan big frame there is a Chinese character, and later was said to have been trapped, such as prisoner words and changed again. The forum also mentioned the barbarians around China and other people who thought of pushing back the back figure of the figure. See friends circle JZ map at night, according to the map found that there are Wu is very strange, then look at the map thought of the Kangxi Horse, the Golden Mean, Jiang Zemin, Mencius, sun and moon Li Tian. Wuyishan + grass shoes + gem fisherman Weng Yi Mu clogs stone ☞ Wuyishan couple shoes.

Some people say that there have been Wuyishan shoes thousands of years, and wondered whether thinking back thousands of years ago, and then back to the present, then the time between space should be entangled in quantum, a million years ago Danxia mountain material and today's thinking quantum original Is one, they used to be a person's life? Thousands of years ago, the matter of the mountain was once the entangled relationship with your mind nowadays as a human body. After you die, you have to separate. Therefore, so far, can quantum entanglement? The power of Akash, the original strength, the knowledge is the virtue ... However, there should be quantum entanglement may be only the nucleus, wrong, the body should be entangled in consciousness dominated, but the nucleus is more entangled in the core, electronic restructuring has lost its power, which is not bad King Kong body Said that the road, heart, Nirvana control relationship. After all, proton protons are unchanged. So, can cause the bottom of the heart of the earthquake in Jiujiang, Guangxi, whether this meditation is from the oldest stars? At least the earliest planet-related stars?


This is the state ~ sea ~ state ..., big Kyushu map. The above-mentioned five-point theory plus the Greater Kyushu state said immediately that it was not the reason why the Qing Dynasty asked for the replacement of the dynasty (the meditation came out of the doldrums) and the inference (the theory of moral theory that the dynasties replaced morality based on morality Kyushu do not be local in their own right?)? Is not this the reason why Emperor Yongzheng was going to go with the origin of the rationality of the Ming dynasty survivors who had been in power during his administration in the Qing Dynasty? (Nalan Zen to Yongzheng). The Achievements and Deductive Reasoning of the Great Kyushu Sineran Region. (Meditation out of Journey to the West). Perhaps Nalan or De Fei can be connected with Yongzheng Zen Buddhism, a launch (a neutron black hole big bang) that receives (a gravitational wave penetrates anything to change its consciousness) because of the entanglement between them, The mother-child relationship, the body's nuclear neutrons can receive, if often maintain the relationship between entanglement, even after years can still be so, because the receiving cells even if there is only one core, but also instantaneous transmission to the entire universe body. Therefore, it is really not easy to put down a butcher's sword and to become a Buddha. It is because of the need to reach enlightenment "a rare confusion" before we can break the evil and receive good. However, the controlled person often can not omni-directionally "knowledge is virtue" and because of other causes, the collapsing reality of "local characteristics" appears. Although Yongzheng did not receive evil but received goodness, Yongzheng may not fully receive all the "Nalan knowledge" and what he demonstrated is a special "debate on the ruling rationality". Because the so many years of Kangxi should have been very stable in the country, his folk rumor is still Yinzhen or Yinzhen let him have a downward upward insecurity. Do not know what else can be a combination of things like that, or why Qianlong withdraw all the text?


Heilongjiang cemetery scratch "tornado", this is not exactly the same happened yesterday and Xinjiang kumtag tornado it? Whale Qin whale was hidden at that time. See friends today to find white and white, I thought nine black dragon counterparts. On March 28, I was reminded of a document previously altered to change the date to 3.28 and to see where this date appeared. To see which heroic woman died buried in Babaoshan cemetery and later her father was buried with her. Why 3.28 days today 4.4 days hot search?

Lan Keer video, see these a little bit of fear, as if watching the ghost story in the Yellow River that night makes people fear the same, but in order to truth can only bite the bullet and continue to think ... ... whether the speed of light wave of consciousness driven by the subordinate Consciousness enters the meta-space-time interface together, and then arrives at the space-time setting of the awareness of the wave. When the awareness of aura is withdrawn, the sense of coercion is transformed into the current space-time point. So many supernatural events should be the reason for this?

Iraq pass that, Lan Lan Lan Iran Lanna Lan. That person is in the dim light, the sentence containing that Lan, Nalan.


The silkworm relies on its olfactory and taste organs to distinguish the smell of mulberry leaves, and if it destroys these olfactory and taste organs, it can not discern the smell of mulberry leaves. As a result, it no longer pick picky, but can easily eat the leaves of other plants. Is this sabbatical organ drank from Meng Po Tang to the single quantum of normalized Zen into dust? It does not matter that the combination does not matter the preference logic, but descended into a new life preference and logic afterwards. Is this kind of combination of human beings? This life you are nuclear or squeezed to the edge of life and death razor it? Wang Sicong said: I played a rich second generation called Wang Sicong, said very interesting, fame and fortune but his man as a knife 俎 I am a fish, only his core attributes of the same is his own. Just read an old beam Liang Xiong An area: sleep three times when all fame fantasy, think of a hundred years after all the lesser strengths are ancients. And my previous two days a little contact lens dream.


The United States launched 59 missiles Syrian yesterday, saw the blue can be described in the monitoring video referred to 59 seconds, then thought of the first life and death map set 1:00 = 0: 60, so do not show 60, only shows 59.59, Ninety-five Supreme, is the time because the gossip figure was born? Only set up this space-time relationship? One second this picture ... 59 seconds another figure, and then turn pages across time and space? But why time will be set 59 seconds, instead of 95 seconds? Six 爻 6 bottom-up * Flip six 爻 to the conclusion of the Gua 2 = end to end connection of the 12, so a very slight completion of the cathode and the anode, anode and cathode reincarnation, and then * 60 seconds. At this point 1 minute to complete its mission. Yesterday saw the poor child, reminded of the photograph of the Syrian refugee lying on his stomach. Today I saw that the United States fired 59 missiles to the Syrian government forces. Just saw the video that Syria really mentioned the Syrian boy, actually called Cody! Checked under Columbia's mudslide is the search for its mountain range is Cody (Bryant McGrady has this mountain).


Why can not I see less 56 seconds? Has been 3 minutes and 4 seconds 5 seconds ah, did not jump to 4 points ah, this video is just 4 minutes and 4 seconds, I am confused or the person made a mistake? Is this the correspondence between wave-like time and granularity? One is the existence of all the truth of the time and space exist, one is the analysis of clumsy local space-time, so to find the truth across granular time and space, we need to reach the wave-like consciousness of the wave of time to solve the pain, just as if Whether the use of chemical weapons is the same as the mystery has been entangled endlessly Yangxu suppression. My reaction to the United States is: chemical weapons sophisticated, hide hiding do not know who is using, are civilians weak how to chemical weapons? There is no power to produce chemical weapons it? The atomic bombs in the United States are all decent

I reasoned this way probably because I remembered that the 23-year-old man was a fabricated explosive device and thought he was the leader of a longing hero for a free and easy life against non-savior repressive oppression, Chemical weapons took place on that day, I wonder if Russia is revenge? The next day is the United States to revenge on the enemy, and I really have become a catch-all.

The man was a lot like the one he had seen before. It seems like he happened to have seen a name on the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 occasionally, but he thought he could not think of it. Results now I can not even remember his name. Do not think he reincarnated to the Middle East, right? Long although the idol is shaped a little more powerful sense of the Middle East, he saw a little weakest scholar the same feeling, but righteous still can show some. Between a thought blame myself a bit more, really went to Java country. In order to clarify the wave of space-time, you may need to resort to the possible combination of Taiji gossip to deduce its 59-second path, and then the leaps and bounds can be found between the insides.


As soon as I woke up, I wanted to think about religious issues in various countries without knowing why. Thought of the opposition between Christianity and Islam in Egypt. Think of yesterday's website to see that China is not as powerful as a foreign country because there is no reason for what the site of Christianity, just remembered in 2013 when the direction of the guiding theory of entrepreneurship encountered by chance site: China Reform Network. From then on, I did not know what Christianity was and I did not know that there were religious white papers in various countries. I still do not know what I believe in now, but the smog disappears and the previous feelings of light come to an end. This thinking process spanned 4 years, exhausted brain cells ... ... see the world religious faith map to understand that the original situation in China is so surrounded by Christianity and Islam, Buddhism surrounded by why only China No religion?


A few days ago to see Zhang Bichen singing, it is put into a good listen, thought of her name. Afternoon due to see the Bai Bai Ho actually is the partner of Zhang Bichen Bai Bai why derailed microblogging and replaced, the original is to sing Sansei Shili Peach, cool never heard, heard it wonderful again. ☞ Now hot search first?

Jade Pictures: Where. A few leaves Xiao Xiao Yu. Wet all eaves flower, flowers people speechless. Hide the mountain, jade furnace cold. Who see two brow worry gather lean lair.

Yesterday saw jade with shadow, think the first three are A Dream of Red Mansions Jia Yu Jia ring, what is the shadow? Three King is the spring, the King is Japan and Beijing, the Beijing word what is the heart? I did not think of it anymore Now think of the event because of the thought of Baoan have thought of Xi'an in two places ☞ Sansen III Shihli Peach Beijing for the cool.


Dirac: British Brexit, Newton: Westminster Abbey, Euler: St Petersburg subway explosion 8147, Statue of Liberty: Nice, France truck ... Why the name and information of scientists have such a large dispersion degree of traction? Are they precision-fitted gear switches from the second quadrant to the third quadrant? Just like those impressive words met again the same time, the same place once again see the earthquake will resonate, the traction is so strong for you content-rich information black hole? In view of this, the language, the spirit of the characterization The carrier is a combined black hole and black hole package that leads to traction with other secondary black holes in the universe (such as the smallest quantum particles). The two sides of the quantum entanglement are: the soul (language carrier) VS the secondary soul and matter, its content They can be interdependent, but follow the rules and laws of Pan-Yi philosophy and all things one. True love is also follow this rule, the country, companies, personal achievements too. A bit of heaven and earth big shift, the former for the dry, the latter for the Kun, VS VS Kun, Tai Chi rotation, never stop ... ... between heaven and earth six Liu Gua details of which the process, and stemming anecdotes, Kun like Elephant Biography Six, like a baby elephant. Or big, dry like a cliché, Kun-like heirloom, six spit like other six wings.彖 抟 Turbulent, 彖 such as Yuan Yuan Yuen Yuanyuan Yuan Yuan Yu Yuan citron. Chen Xun, Kangxi Jinan inscription storm. Yuan Spring Moon Reunion source can not hear the sound of apes Grand View Garden Yuan Tiangang broken wells Yuanyang Cao Xueqin kite paper kite Book Yuanchun sentenced to citron. Yi Jing ten wing also corresponds to Nalanxingde tenth tenth. Yesterday, see the Outlaws of the Marsh Jin Shengtan criticized their sentence together to the meaning of the German preface meaning: since Confucius 殁 ... unknown trial ten wings, night to today also. And the same night and Newton's comments. Jin Sheng Tan to know Newton.


The day before yesterday, I knew that the flies also spread pollen, which was an unpleasant smelling flower. At that time I told her that to do the fragrant flowers, attract the bees, can not make stinks can only lead to the flies. The thought of the low level of consciousness is like this unpleasant flower, like a lot of rubbish as transparent people can not afford the heart ... ... behind see Newton universal gravitation and vacuum space towel video. The law of universal gravitation is the law of gravity that explains the interaction between objects. The law states that any two particles attract each other through the force in the direction of the concentric line. The magnitude of the gravitational force is proportional to the product of their mass, inversely proportional to the square of their distance, and not to the chemical or physical state of the two objects and to the intermediary. ------- Is the psychic gravity inversely proportional to its mass (low quality of consciousness) and has nothing to do with distance?

At that time, referring to the heaven and earth to meet the attractiveness of intermediary intermediary law, and some since the spread, by the wind, and by water, birds. People may be the most free, right? In the past, we needed a matchmaker. Now we are free to love each other. However, there are still regional differences in culture and economy. Now there are networks for agriculture and agriculture in science and technology, and many restrictions have been reduced. The environment is beautiful in the hard exploration of our ancestors, With the speed of technology development? Otherwise, it will not be able to make a beautiful heaven and earth, whether it is individual marriage and love, the company's shape, the national direction ......

4.15 days to see the Water Margin Jin Shengtan said the favorite Shantou is an old servant, favorite black jade hook I think of Daiyu. ☞ Zhen Huan heat search found loyal servants, Qin Fang Pavilion and the couplet is the Dream of Red Mansions Daiyu. / Listen to the singer today singing phoenix in the thought Zhen Huan Chuan broadcast in 2011 all over the station are broadcast, but I never see.


See Harvard happiness class, think of dating sites. Open 2003 years ago, I heard about the edge of the century-like Web site, a lot of big head like very bad mood is not romantic, and the professor said the illusion of happiness corresponds to the ah, where is going to put himself in four Quadrant of a class as simple, but to be unified as a pan, so that he can only be promoted to the source of happiness, rather than the locality of the fixed-point object, the more looking for a better life, this life can not be happy now!

See previous notes If Starbucks self-esteem self-realization, I love, beyond the entrepreneurial self-creation, turn page to see notes of Harvard happiness class. Archeology of my own thinking made me see a little thinking and reality. Yesterday I saw several network mentioned in the happiness class, I thought I heard. Just may be remembered by the happiness white lilies ~ lily ~ non-you are admirable hundred network ~ a former leader of the site every day to find the object of love and marriage ~ Century Community ... ... If all this in turn is just thinking is possible?

Yesterday, because of the fire in Mianyang, why did you think it was fire? So think of Peru aircraft fire. 59 thought. Mianyang again saw the fire, I thought half past think about that 2011610 prophecy, wondering how the number became a date. Yesterday, we know that catkin like Mianyang corresponding cotton, rub together, such as cotton, cotton is certainly easy to get angry. Corresponding to the location of the fire information: marketing notes sales center, on the coffee shop upstairs things cafes, Fuling mustard Fucheng, 6 people. Why do you see the earthquake in Peru ah? Why is it related to the misfire in Mianyang? Does the secret of Lu and Mianyang has a relationship? Cotton as catkins easy to get angry, think of this suddenly thought of why cotton and Yang can be the corresponding Mianyang address, is the human secret genital sperm as silk corresponding catkins, catkins, such as cotton so Is it fire? Sperm as silk ~ Catkin ~ for cocoon ~ Catkin as cotton ~ Silkworm as male penile silk ~ silkworm exactly when was found? Following the morning Yuejin Road 1958 after the fire, the Eurasian Longjiagu Youxian District a construction site reoccurred Fire.


These days I think Nalande own poetry to countless, dilute the thickness of one person, some poetry, and then connect with each other. Today, one person to see a song search hot. 1958 Mamba football team accident, followed by 10 times in 10 centers in Bangkok 10 years of eclipse, why have Man? Think of Lu Xiaoman Xu Zhimo. Lin Huiyin formerly known as Lin Huiyin: 5. Qin emblem, the strings. Chord to park off the wire, the emblem of Zhongshan jade. - Ji Kang "Qin Fu." Emblem, good and beautiful. From the emblem of the thought of Prince Yong twelve hairpin on a painting, "a voiceless." Dong Qichang, two days, there are two days in the gate, know what gate? Orchid? Lan words lintel like two days, so out of the door?


See also bees, and Peru is the combination of Lu peak secret, the Wu Yue independence? Just found that five things are information interconnection: the law of all that the United States which is characterized by three-dimensional, transparent, etc. ~ just see the transparent three-dimensional transparent circle round dandelion; afternoon Mianyang video accidental continuation of the track distorted the train is still moving, but also several such videos , I thought this track really cattle ah ~ for a while hot British Rail track into the cows looked below the track; not finished, just want to figure is not honey bee nectar? Is it Yaeyamaya?)? I heard her say a small bee, a look bees take nectar math problem. That British railroad track above is really a cow ... speechless.

Cool songs in the peach Garden ~ ~ Today there is no tree into the ten peach tree, and then look over there Acacia leaves have not grown out, the other trees are full of green leaves, and this one will not die You are replaced by peach? The other is thinking of silkworm silkworms (silkworms to the death of the wire to make wax ashes of tears into tears like Daiyu also tears of Narran love it?) ~ Toast bread; think of the previous baby Graphic Education Wall Chart ~ Today's English teacher is teaching.


Yesterday saw the rise of great powers Speaking of Portugal, Spain, Britain and France, the United Kingdom and Japan, the Netherlands, the first three are more profound and Nalan related to see the world map where they are, and found Portugal in China, China and the West Sea edge, think of the Western Regions, Xi'an to western China to Iran, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, think these countries may be closely related to China - Shih Shih ~ collective photo classmates Shi Xing impressed, Asia, Europe and the United States Road. See the yellow shared bike deposit 200 for vehicle value. See a postal code is a symmetry 45 have 17, think of Kangxi and 17 years old ~ 414,000. Behind the witch and Jia feel Xiaobian blind editor, right? So coincidence surname these two surnames? Yang Jie died in the morning Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions director, compare the two contents, the surface is: one is all monsters, one is Jiaxing worldly. So A Dream of Red Chamber actor often talk about the status quo, and Journey to the West to talk about what is not good?


Vegetable soup: take a hard look at the real world, these three emotions, love is the smallest (only two), then family (kinship), the most extensive is friendship. What they have in common is faith and love. Minimal is the most intimate (private), trust determines the degree of intimacy, so love needs the highest degree of trust, a little less trust to finish.

Autumn blue see, thinking: If the contrary, the depth of the model, the friendship is two 0, affection is 8, love is a gourd. Then the breadth of the pattern, the endless development of love is the natural affection, family expansion to friendship. So infinite and infinitesimal like this light wave spread. According to Maslow's demand chart friendship is safe, family is attribution, love is transcendence, respectively, corresponding to a clear boundary of self-connection ~ Unicom; if the demand relationship with the road, it is self-discipline of the security its own (personality Strong, sensual) to act in accordance with the objective information of the road (rationality) ~ completely connected channels of thinking, incarnation (long-term objective reason); all of these correspond to Maslow's experience is: sense of security ~ sense of belonging ~ peak experience. The company is located in:


The Complete Works of Civilization: Relatively long time to judge, is rational. A great part of self-awareness is rational, you want to use reason to force yourself to do something, is very difficult. Because reason does not carry the energy of action, because the ideal wants to touch with too much information, and it would be a tragedy if there is an action energy for every message. Therefore, unlike the various emotions is the emotional energy of action. In fact, the physical energy of action is a variety of biochemical substances, such as: epinephrine, dopamine and so on.

---- autumn blue see this and then thinking: If not monastic, then the three conditions between people just hovering in the sense of belonging, rose to the peak of demand, after all, the road leading to it is narrow (network When it comes out, will greatly change such a pyramid structure). Only two people who have long-term objective reason that simultaneously surpasses self-desires and desires but does not have the same will, and who must have not lost the foundation of the road , In order to Unicom self-hyacinth border, reaching the overall Hefei-like gourd. This gourd is like a funnel, above is the thoughtfulness of two fellow fellow, the following is a down-to-earth Vientiane world of two people, each other can transform the weather. In other words, climbing from low to high security you are 0, attribution you are 0 so big, but with a portable computer dictionary warehouse 0, the structure of the combination of 8 words for you, transcendence you are gourd So big, on the other hand, looking at the path, the new life boundary for friendship, 0, will be larger, that is, you and I will start higher. The company is located in:

Last night's question: Why is my thinking analysis process, will be combined into the real world? For example, last night's Fan Bingbing earrings and Bai Bai Ho Awards? Do they and their associated directors their needs just with my rational analysis of thinking Unicom? And her demand is precisely because of this (Fan Bingbing beautiful special, Bai Bai He and director or other people do not know the existence of the existence of demand), so spurred their actions? But why is my thinking process and they Unicom it? Is my invisible needs is like this? However, the long-term objective and rational demands are more intense (paying close attention to them in the process of Fan Bingbing's needs (observers)), and continuing to think forward is merely an incidental co-existence of the realm of action (observation collapses into reality) ? Is thinking can lead to walk so much so much world?

This is the question of what exactly the observer is, that is, the Nirvana, the first impetus, and the observer is an infinitesimally localized Zen in infinitely diffuse thinking that is rendered as if it were collapsed A pavilion, so distinct three-dimensional, Jin Shengtan that rolling method. Of course, this process of painting the whole Chinese painting is a wave of consciousness, but that the pavilion is entangled relations, or should be like a dream of Red Mansions a chaos like that.


"No ship \ Can be like a book \ Traveling with us a distance without a horse \ Can be like a poem line \ So cheerfully flying even if impoverished \ It also can take you to \ No need to travel on the road This war Car, simple and unobtrusive, but carrying the human soul. " This is a well-known Taiwanese actor Zhao Youting's recent translation of the book "A Book." The chariot that this poem says reminds me of one of the Tarot cards mentioned in a law that has a chariot. Egyptian pyramids have lions. Elder mummy golden mask, just saw Yongzheng's death speculation had been Lu Siangiang beheaded had to wear a gold mask.

When I saw the poem of Zhao Tingting at that time, did he not know my mind? There are a lot of situations that many others are like, so I have to doubt myself, I feel the world dreamy, floating, is the world all joking at me? Or am I as autistic like Dickinson? The disease What symptoms? I do not think I am sick! Really into the chaos, people can not afford the ancient contract seems to be, there can no longer be a trace of the existence of the meaning of the ... ... ... Is it so thrown into the flood of Buddhism and unable to extricate themselves? Road as deep as the sea, unpredictable and profound, and Confucius how easy to interpret it so determined?

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