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Twenty-eighth day To meditate on the road to solve Dream of Red Mansions II 第二十八天 以禅思之道解红楼梦 二





天风姤: 累累硕果 莫明其数

  一果一仁 即新即故


   万物土中生 二九先成实

   一统定中原 阴盛阳先竭










[ 唐代·杜甫 ]













康熙帝四妃排位顺序:惠宜德荣四大宫妃、延禧宫惠妃纳喇氏、翊坤宫 宜妃郭络罗氏、永和宫 孝恭仁皇后乌雅氏(原德妃,雍正帝生母)、钟粹宫荣妃马佳氏。为什么又是四!康熙四妃,四大美女,四大名著,雍正乾隆都是老四。








  颂曰:万物土中生 二九先成实


  1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金小姐郝思嘉爱上了另一庄园主的儿子艾希利,但艾希利却选择了郝思嘉的表妹——温柔善良的韩媚兰为终身伴侣。郝思嘉出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了韩媚兰的弟弟查尔斯。不久,美国南北战争爆发了。艾希利和查尔斯作为征兵上了前线。查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着艾希利。




“女儿,你不会的。只有同一类型的人两相匹配,才有幸福可言。”思嘉忽然心里起了种恶意,想大声喊出来:“可你不是一直很幸福呀,尽管你和妈并不是同类的人,”不过她把这念头压下去了,生怕他容忍不了这种卤莽行为,给她妈一耳光。 "






Gone with wind本身发生的时间地点,整个故事根本无法跟这个背景脱离开,单从故事本身去理解,也无法去体会《飘》怎么能成为世界名著的原因。故事发生在南北战争(1861-1865)和紧接着的美国重建时期(1865-1877)美国南方佐治亚州的一个叫"Tara"的庄园。女主郝思嘉的父亲是一个爱尔兰移民后代,母亲是一个法国贵族移民后代,这里大家要知道早期爱尔兰移民在美国的地位是非常低的

——wind 飘 ,风,巽,木。


























——1673-1681,三藩之乱, 在耿精忠、尚之信归顺清廷之后,吴三桂于1678年(康熙十七年)在衡州称帝,立国号周,建元昭武,大封诸将。还是国号周,同武则天一样啊!











Mat 5:29a 若是你的右眼叫你跌倒,就剜出来丢掉。宁可失去百体中的一体,不叫全身丢在地狱里。

Mat 5:30 若是右手叫你跌倒,就砍下来丢掉。宁可失去百体中的一体,不叫全身下入地狱。

这句话不能按照字面意思理解。表明我们必须与罪割绝,不要沾染罪。这句话嘴上说的容易,但是实际上没有圣灵的指引,往往连认识自己的罪也困难,更不要说与罪割绝。罗马书3:20:“ 所以凡有血气的没有一个,因行律法,能在神面前称义。因为律法本是叫人知罪。”上帝的律法是我们分清罪与非罪的界限。

——圣经里面居然也有,红楼梦 飘 圣经。









“ 你们听见有话说、『不可奸淫。』 马太福音:5:27

只是我告诉你们,凡看见妇女就动淫念的,这人心里已经与他犯奸淫了。 5:28












——芙蓉诔以此说出晴雯被逐背后的事实: 诼谣謑诟,出自屏帷;荆棘蓬榛,蔓延窗户。













—— 三亦斋刻印《西厢》制艺,其名称正式从《醉心...“清溪范滨秋水著”,可见范滨的选本在当时...都有清溪。














此乃《红楼梦》第五回《红楼梦曲 引子》。 开辟鸿蒙:天地开辟以来的意思。鸿蒙是古人设想的大自然原始混沌的状态。 谁为情种:谁是最痴情的人。情种即情痴,指感情特别真挚的人。 试遣愚衷:试着排遣一下我的情怀。遣为排遣。愚为自谦语,指我。衷为情怀的意思。


















因此有 ……宝玉道:"我问你,可有贴女人的妒病方子没有?"。












——贾代儒应该对应顾贞观: 康熙十五年(1676)经国子监祭酒徐元文推荐,入内阁大学士明珠府中住塾师,与权相明珠之子纳兰性德相识,成为交契笃深的挚友。


纳兰容若《金缕曲·赠梁汾》曰:“德也狂生耳。偶然间、缁尘京国,乌衣门第。有酒惟浇赵州土,谁会成生此意?不信道、竟成知己。青眼高歌俱未老,向尊前、拭尽英雄泪。君不见,月如水。 共君此夜须沉醉。且由他、蛾眉谣诼,古今同忌。身世悠悠何足问,冷笑置之而已。寻思起、从头翻悔。一日心期千劫在,后身缘、恐结他生里。然诺重,君须记。”此乃容若初识顾梁汾时酬赠之作。容若性笃于情,顾梁汾祭先生文激赏曰“其于道义也甚真,特以风雅为性命,朋友为肺腑”。是作成于丙辰(1676),容若年二十二,时顾梁汾年四十,黑头解官,馆于纳兰府,志不得,而容若乃纳兰府少主,与顾定肺腑之交,必先明其志,以消悬殊地位之隔阂。顾梁汾和词附注,曾“私讶他生再结,殊不祥何意,为乙丑五月(1685容若逝世之年)之谶也,伤哉!”

纳兰性德与顾贞观心心相印,很重要的原因,是他们对现实有共同的认识。据顾贞观说,吴兆骞被诬流放,纳兰性德看了顾给吴的两首〔金缕曲〕,异常感动,决心参予营救吴兆骞的活动,并且给顾贞观写了这首披肝沥胆的诗篇。 “德也狂生耳”,起句十分奇兀



清代词坛,出现了一个很有意思的现象;许多词人,竞用〔金缕曲〕这一词牌填词。像陈维崧,一生竟写了〔金缕曲〕几百首。而在清代众多的〔金缕曲〕里,最受人注意的,有纳兰性德赠梁汾一首。据徐釚在《词苑丛谭》中说,此词一出,“都下竞相传写,于是教坊歌曲间,无不知有《侧帽词》者。” 纳兰此诗与红楼梦意境非常贴切,与芙蓉女儿诔有联系,此诗联通了爱情与友情,贯穿时空界限之门。









——才发现死亡日期和康熙生日同一天! 顺治十一年三月十八日(1654年5月4日)。















这首诗暗含红楼梦字词:断离自红楼梦~红雨,梦,身世,蕉叶覆鹿,枕凉,冰肌滑,石,松,乳,龙 吟细细,两地生孤木 桂 ,菊花诗。最后一句,容若 乌雅氏 兔年续!否则为什么叫断续令?如果如此此诗不是顾贞观写的,他去世在1714年。顾贞观去世前选了40首诗出版。














秦可卿有醋柴胡八分,林黛玉是 鳖血柴胡,更是验证她们是一个人,病成因说的都是脾土被肝木所克制。



红楼梦莫非借了焦大的口,骂了孝庄太后和康熙不成? 多尔衮是皇太极的弟弟,康熙认谁为儿子了吗?还是寓意自己是奴仆?贾政与鸳鸯的猜测也还不太确定……


刚才看到顾爷说围棋,提到了范蠡。 上午一直不知道为什么醉心篇作者叫清溪范滨的范?滨对上姜太公钓鱼,范呢?原来是范蠡啊!






















孝庄太后出生于明万历四十一年(1613年)二月初八日; 康熙五年(1666年)八月初二日,范文程因病去世,终年70岁。作为清朝开国宰辅,范文程为皇太极问鼎中原出“定国策”——面对清军初占北京城人心惶惶的局面,他创造性地提出:“官来归,复其职;民来归,复其业”,安定了士心、稳住了民心,填平了满汉之间的民族鸿沟,使清朝得以在中原站住脚跟。范文程一生历清四世,为清朝开创江山立下了不朽之功,对清朝功绩可与汉之张良、明之刘伯温相提并论。但也有观点认为:范文程对清朝功劳卓著,历事四朝,于清朝政权的建立和发展,多所贡献,却对明王朝犯下了不可饶恕的罪行。满洲人在当时作为边疆来的少数民族,而范文程因为自身不得重用而投靠,为了个人功利而背叛了自己的国家和明朝君主,于大节有亏。范文程自己现身说法:“我大明骨,大清肉耳。”范文程当时“每日坐午门右决事”,他是清政府的实际组织者,他不得不“昼夜在阙下,事无巨细应机立办”。到了天聪三年(1629年)在范文程的建议下,后金就进行了第一次考试,满、蒙、汉族知识分子积极参加了考试。到了天聪八年(1634 年),皇太极就真的搞起了科举,仿效明代办法,“中试为举人”。
















—— 《红楼梦》是以纳兰明珠家族大事件为背景的、隐含纳兰家族史而展开的故事。小说通部故事至贾兰(雍正)时,贾家繁衍到了第五代,贾家的发展行迹证明,小说故事隐含百年家族史,作者真实身世即与故事背景人物的第五世有关。


Twenty-eighth day

To meditate on the road to solve Dream of Red Mansions II


Push Back has been a precise prediction of the ancient miracles of the Chinese history from the Li Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty until the 21st century after the advent of the 21st century. Many historians have learned a lot from the "push back" did some in-depth study. "The vast world, I do not know where." The sun and the moon cycle, cycle again and again. Since the ancient Panxi to Xi Yi, tiger fighting is very strange.

- Instead of starting with Emperor Gaozong, he started with Empress Wu Zetian, namely, Emperor Fei, Emperor Fei in 1681, and a deaf Emperor at the age of 21! Therefore, A Dream of Red Mansions Fengshe, push the back of the Tang Dynasty 21 Jun, until the 21st century after the event ...


3) fruitful: The Gua for the wind, the dry stem, dry for the fruit, tired for the tired, the elephant for the big Gua, it is a fruitful.

- Dream of Red Mansions Jia Bao Yu sigh under the apricot tree, Red House women are knot, fruitful. There are also tired spring golden lost.

Days 姤 姤: numerous fruit inexplicable number

A result of a new kernel that is

Ode to say:

Everything in earth born 29 first real

A unified Central Plains Yinsheng Yang first exhaust

- Whether the picture is apricot fruit? 2918, De Fei 1678 18-year-old gave birth to Yongzheng. Push the back of the second image is certainly apricot, Red Mansions often set the fruit plate ... plum smooth, apricot villi surface. Is plum or apricot?


By the Qing Dynasty, the rulers followed their own customs and costumes, and the jade belt was no longer used. Ancient jade belt and jade ornaments, like the ancient crown hat, both etiquette decoration, there is a difference between the role of different grades, therefore, the belt that has tied the clothes since ancient times, after development and political needs, and ultimately It also became a ritual device used by the ruling class to represent the highest and lowest esteem of positions. The Ming dynasty was established as a leather belt at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Belts decorated with belts are decorated with different materials, such as jade, gold, silver, copper and ugol, respectively, which differ according to official grade. Such leather belts are also called jade belt, gold belt, silver belt and so on, of which jade belt is the most distinguished, more than one official can use. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the official jade belt system was abolished, but the jade belt became a pure ornament prevailing in the folk. The jade belt in the Qing Dynasty no longer had a complete form. The jade belts were mainly belted hooks and buckles, The device no longer has the practical value of wearing.


1661 Jin Shengtan Shunzhi have escaped, 20 years later, Nalan Zen think of pushing the back figure in 1681? If so, that a shade should correspond to Empress Dowager ah? In front of Jia Yuanchun and Jia Mu age are also linked. Push the back of the map in the third picture of a woman holding a knife stand. The text is: "The sun and the moon empty, according to the soil, confusing confusion, implausible .Search empty king color and space, once re-enter the imperial palace, survived the root still, oh morning chicken is male." Heaven and earth bamboo stove stove, sun and moon, Mulan yard complicated and confusing, there is no textual Yuanyang Sword, the Royal Concubine jade belt hanging in the Ming dynasty? Morning chicken for male 1681 years chicken. - This prophecy can correspond to Defei and Dream of Red Mansions. Xi Chun Miaoyu are the escape of the door, and wonderful jade eventually become a mystery to be solved.


Court tobacco convergence evening 棔. Autumn turbulent cut the marrow, Daiyu listened, can not help but also got up and called magic, said: "This prompted the narrow ghost! Sure enough, leaving a good. : "Fortunate yesterday to see" the literary history of the DPRK, "met the word.I do not know what tree, in order to check, Bao sister said:" Do not check, which is now commonly known as "towards the open night." "I can not believe it, in the end a check, really good. It seems Bao sister actually know more. Daiyu laughed: "The word" 棔 "is used more precisely at this time, but also nothing more than" Autumn turbulence, "a loss, you miss.

- Acacia, Suan tree.


Du Fu seldom wrote poems dedicated to chanting the beauty, but "beauty" is famous for her beauty in style. Mountain Qingquan see its quality of the Qing, paternity Selling beads to see the livelihood of the poor, led Luo Shuobu see their seclusion, picking flowers see its simple and unsurpassed, Cai Bai Ying Ying see its sentiment chastity, see the sunset High lonely.


Du Fu's beauty: Jin Sheng Tan's Du Fu, Gone with the Wind, selling beads in order to livelihood, bamboo, picking flowers without.

- These are the images of Lin Daiyu in the Dream of Red Mansions. Is Du Fu's beauty is the result of Zen? Kim Sang Tan read the West Chamber that Kim Du-sam surely read the Du Fu poem. Dreams of the Red Mansions there are many end of the world say, was born in the end. Grace Ling Ling was abducted. Wang Xifeng sell beads as silver there are many details. Xiaoxiang Museum of bamboo. Lin Daiyu without Palace. The key poem in a dim, mandarin duck!

beautiful woman

[Du Fu Tang]

A perfect woman, seclusion in the empty valley.

Since Yunliang family, scattered by vegetation.

Guanzhong past defeat, brothers were killed.

Officer Gao Zu theory, shall not accept flesh and blood.

The world goes down, everything changes with the candle.

Her husband frivolous children, the couple has jade.

When faint still know, mandarin duck not only accommodation.

But see new smile, smell the old man cry.

Clear water in the spring, a mountain of water turbid.

Paternity selling beads back, pulling Lushou hut.

Picking flowers are not sent, mining cypresses surplus Ying.

Days of cuffed sleeves, day dreaming bamboo repair.


Emperor Kangxi four concubines Ranking: Hui Yi Tak Wing four palace concubine, Yan Xi Palace Hui Fei Na Laoshi, Yi Kun Gong Yi Fei Guo Luo Roche, Yonghe Gong filial piety Christine Empress Wu Yashi (formerly Defei, Yong Zheng Imperial Mother), Zhong Cui Gong Rong Princess Maggie. Why is it four! Emperor Kangxi four, four beautiful women, four famous, Yongzheng Qianlong is the fourth.


Xi Shi Huan yarn is not the last shot Xichun it? Xue Bao Chai is Baoyu said Yang is the Royal Concubine, Lin Daiyu Shi Shi, Chun-Zhao Tan, Diao Chan is not ... ... whether the history and modern links, the kind of quantum entangled relationship, you move here and read a little over there to start the motor ... ... or vice versa Also a possibility.


In 705, Empress Wu Zetian was seriously ill and Zai Bai Zhangjian's contact with the right feather Lin Wei General Li Duoji led the coup, forcing Emperor Wu Zetian to give Tang Zhongzong Li Xian and restore Datang's national symbol. In the same year, Wu Zetian passed away in the Yang Temple and was 83 years old. Before death, he went to Emperor Digger and claimed to be the great queen of the Holy Land. He ordered and buried the Emperor Gaozong together in Qianling. Empress Wu has done a total of 15 years.

- Empress Wu also 83 years old.


The best of summer dream performance Du Fu and Dream of Red Mansions and life experience of the same, but the final outcome is different:

From the miserable life experience to becoming a loyal guest of Xinling Jun, and then into the palace as a concubine, until finally stealing a tiger symbol of justice, such as Kyi's life ups and downs, but also full of dramatic and tension. The touching love that she and Xin Lingjun know each other but can not spend together, has also become the main melody in the movie.


Scarlett stood in a thick, foggy courtyard reminiscent of what her father once said to her: "The only land in the world is with me tomorrow." She decides to keep a new life in her land, Looking forward to a beautiful tomorrow.

- Previously on this sentence and weird, why she would say that the original and the push back figure has a relationship ah:

Ode to say: Everything in earth born twenty-nine first true


"Gone with the Wind" Plot introduction:

On the eve of the civil war in 1861, Scarlett, daughter of Thara Manor, fell in love with Ashley, the son of another manor, but Ashley chose Scarlett's cousin, a gentle and kind-hearted Han Meilan, as her lifelong companion. Scarlett out of jealousy, the first to marry Han Meilan's brother Charles. Soon, the American Civil War broke out. Ashlee and Charles came on the front line as conscriptions. Charles soon died in the war. Scarlett became a widow, but she had always been in love with Ashley.

- 1861, does it have nothing to do with the German 1681?


Just pick a paragraph, White Reid Scarlett's heartfelt words, all big truth.

Yes, you are faithful to me because Ashley does not want you. However, damn, I will not envy Ashley holds your body? I know that body does not mean much - especially a woman's body. However, I really am jealous of his possessive feelings and your lovely, cold, shameless, stubborn heart. He does not want your heart, that idiot, but I do not want your body. I can buy a woman without spending much money. However, I really want your emotions and heart, but I will never get them, just like Ashley will never get the same heart. This is where I am sorry for you. Although she felt frightened and puzzled, his sarcasm still hurt her.


"Daughter, you do not, and only when two people of the same type are matched, will you be happy." Scarlett suddenly appeared to be malicious and wanted to shout it out loud: "But you are not always happy, though you and Mom is not the same person, "but she pressed down the idea, for fear he could not tolerate such reckless behavior, give her a slap in the face. "

"You did not understand Ashley at all, I loved him, but almost all of the things I said were over my head, and well, the girl told me honestly that you understood him about books, poetry, music, Painting, and silly things like that?


Scarlett is what kind of person, with the original words to evaluate is:

"A woman who only looks at the problem from the actual point of view and does not talk much about the morality to cover up the essence of the problem.

"We are all apostles, dear, all selfish rascals, and if the world is attributed to destruction, neither of us will care a little about it, as long as we are safe and comfortable ourselves."

- The last paragraph seems to be Jia Baoyu joke, as long as we do not miss the two on the line.


Gone with wind time and place itself, the entire story simply can not be separated from this background, just to understand the story itself, can not understand how "Gone with the Wind" can become a world famous reason. The story takes place in a manor called "Tara" in the South American state of Georgia during the Civil War (1861-1865) and the immediate United States Reconstruction (1865-1877). The head of Scarlett, the wife of Scarlett, is a descendant of an Irish immigrant whose mother is a descendant of a French aristocrat who wants to know that early Irish immigrants had a very low status in the United States

--wind Gone with the Wind, 巽, Wood.


"She had never really understood either of the two men she loved, so she lost both." This is Mitchell's summary of Scarlett's love and her summary of her. February 1936, from the "Gone with the Wind" was officially published.


From the publication of Margaret Mitchell in 1927 to Gone with the Wind in 1936, John Marsh almost always did the same two things everyday for 10 years: during the day he was Atlanta's power The manager of the advertising department of the company; in the evening he was the manuscript editor for Margaret Mitchell.

- Is also a very unusual ten years? A Dream of Red Mansions can not be a woman to write it? Should not, but is it possible?


The title changed to "Gone with the Wind" - this is a poem in the English poet Dawson's poem "Silana", used in this novel meaning the southern luxury all the Northern Army sacked, everything into nothing , Floating in the wind, full of sad women. This sympathy for the South has aroused widespread controversy in the critics.

- Qing Dynasty North to attack southern Yangzhou and so on.


The grandmother vividly portrays that night, the fire of the night of November 15, 1864, "when the flames of a large patch of swallowed the entire city, wherever you looked, there was a strange and indescribable light that reflected the sky." Is the prototype of the night in which Atlanta fell in the works.


All gone by the wind belongs to yesterday, and all that has survived the storm is for the future. "With the wind"


May God bless those who truly love you, you crumple his heart, "Gone with the Wind"

- Before I started talking about Gone with the Wind, I saw this sentence, originally from here!


Do not know why Scarlett so much like the land, but also did that? Timber business (Empress Wu), Manor (Grand View Garden management spices, etc.) are linked.


She did not know either of the two men she loved, so in the end both lost. Now she realized in a trance that if she knew Ashley, she would never love him: she would not have lost him any more if she understood Rhett. So she fell into the confusion of despair, I wonder if there is any one person in the world is she really understand.


I love you, Scarlett, because we are too alike. We are both rebels, dear, selfish mean villain. As long as we are safe and comfortable, then we do not care if the whole world is destroyed.

- Abandon the Virgin and the gentleman, take Reid and Scarlett? Is that the two protagonists is their love and abandon the dream?


Whether it is a little end seesaw, yin and yang poles, one end is fraternity, one end is love, then end diffuse, this end focus, that end was quantum collective subconsciously into spiritual energy for the wind, this end was quantum focus positioning was manifested as material energy earth?

- Or vice versa? There is a fish-eye in the fraternity into material, love in the fisheye into the spirit?

The book was originally called "Tomorrow is a New Day," Scarlett also do not call Scarlett, called Panyi. At the time of publication, Mitchell changed the title to "Gone with the Wind" - a sentence from the poet Dawson, the poet of the English poet, used in this novel to paraphrase the southern luxury that was sacked by the Northern Army Do, everything is vanished, the wind drifted away, full of feminine sadness. This sympathy for the South has aroused widespread controversy in the critics.


'If your right eye made you fall, you 剜 out and throw it away. I was his right eye, his eldest son, and he severely knocked me out.

- It is strange to see why you talked to Jia Mu today why you say this is not auspicious? What exactly is behind ah? This is the answer! Naren is the eldest son ...... You are saying: "The family has four sons: the eldest son has only one eye, the second son has only one ear, and the third son has only one nose and four sons, but it is a dumb "Just here, I saw Jammu eyes have dim, it seems sleepy.


After Scarlett returned to the destroyed homeland, she said on the top of the hill, "God testifies to me and God testifies to me. The North Koreans want to break me down. Never too will I starve my relatives, even if I let them steal, rob, kill ... Please God testify to me and I will not be hungry anyway.


"Let me say that your two eyes are like a pair of goldfish tanks, the clear green water is all the way up to the cylinder, and the fish swims to the water, so fascinating, as you are now, that you are satisfied ?"

Swill, Pisces?


"All wars are sacred," said He (White). "This is the case for those who have to go to war, and if the warring man does not sanctify it, is there a fool to fight?" No matter how many orators preach war on fools who fight wars, and no matter how noble they are for war purposes, there is only one purpose of warfare, that is, money .All wars are essentially for money, but it is a pity to know this truth Almost no one, most people's ears stuffed with bugle drums, as well as the peaceful speech of the orator sitting at home, they advocated the war slogans vary from time to time.

- "Gone with the Wind" Chapter XII, Baird's view of war. All wars are made for the sake of launching wartime profitable, monetary or other.

Lonely sad what benefits, in vain Tear Tears sigh!

After the merciless war, you and I meet again!

- 1673-1681, San Francisco chaos, after Geng Jingzhong, Shang Zhixin to the Qing court, Wu Sangui in 1678 (Kangxi seventeen years) in Hengzhou dignitaries, the establishment of the national week, Jianyuanzhaowu, Da Zhu Zhu . Or the national week, the same with the Empress Wu ah!


The conquerors are proud and cruel, conquered are the torment and hatred.

Tell me, do you often marry someone you do not love? "With the wind"


"Qin Jane's" Fairview "of the preliminary finishing is completed and found that it plagiarized more than 200 fiction, the book 294 chapter 9 is not plagiarism, mostly for the entire chapter copy. Because there is the intention of the joint prosecution, the public is not open in detail Contrast. "This microblogging then Yu Fei, Wang Hailin and many other industry screenwriter support, on the" plagiarism "published an open boycott.

- Really want to see the contrast.


During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the crowds, beings everywhere, fighting constantly controversy. Originally born in the northern cool girl heart children, this is a naive and kind-hearted princess, a million people love, wantonly casual happy days. Great Northern Wei generals 叱 Yunnan for their own ambitions and framed, Liejun indiscriminately on the unparalleled troops, resulting in a night of blood flow between north and south, the arrogance of the day forced a strange land. The Northern Wei Shang Shufu abandoned in the country's common people Li Weiyang accidentally saved heart children, and later because of the protection of children was chasing soldiers to kill. Heart child had to live in the name of Wei-Yang, courageously, a person carrying the two girls fate and suffering.

- Again the Civil War, Gone with the Wind, too. South of the South, different temperature wave consciousness?



Means that dew wet stairs, the bacteria have regiment Health; Cigarette Garden, Xi Xi convergence convergence. North Korea bacteria, a fungus born in the morning, life short.棔, Acacia tree, there are coma, night co-Lan Ying, etc., trees, feather-like leaves, leaflets at night then together.

- Acacia, and Narran clearly correspond. Chao bacteria, Zhaojun, Jia bacteria. Qiaoyu come from here?


Funeral soul, with the Ming Dynasty Ye Shaoyuan "Dream of the afternoon collection set ... 窈 窈 记 记" Chronicles: Ye young girl 鸾 鸾 (short-lived talented woman) ghost of the ring, answering his teacher asked: Cloud: 'guilty .-- Condemn bead ring Han Yu, play donate powder box burial soul.' Teacher praised ... ... '(see my book, "Dream of Red Mansions, page 226," Cold Moon burial soul ")

- Buried here clearly the soul and Jin Shengtan related, Lin and Jinsheng Tan what is the relationship? If it is Zhang Tao, the age is right.


Mat 5: 29a And if your right eye causes you to fall, you will come out and throw it away. Would rather lose one of the hundred, not let the whole body threw in hell.

Mat 5:30 And if the right hand beholds you from falling, then cut it down and throw it away. Would rather lose one of the hundred, not under the whole body into hell.


This sentence can not be understood literally. It shows that we must cut off from sin and not sin. This sentence is easy to say, but in practice it is often difficult to know one's own sin, let alone to cut off from sin, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Romans 3:20: "Therefore, none of the flesh is justified in the presence of the law because of the law, which justifies sin." The law of God is the dividing line between sin and non-sin .

- The Bible actually there, Dream of Red Mansions.


Let us again share the explanation in the Spiritual Bible:

Mat 5:29 And if your right eye causes you to fall, then he will come out and cast it away. Would rather lose one of the hundred, not let the whole body threw in hell.

Here, Jesus used a metaphorical notion that he did not ask us to really dig our eyes out, because even blind people could have obscenities. But if there is only one choice, lack of one eye or lack of one hand into heaven, better than the whole body fell into hell. It may be better to endure the temptation than to judge and punish us for our sin. We allow sin to grow in our lives, and sin will eventually destroy us. Check your life, see what makes you sin, try your best to get rid of these things.


2 Corinthians 3: 6. He told us that we could bear the deacon of the New Testament. Not by word, but by virtue. Because the word is called death, the essence is to call people to live ("refinement" or "the Holy Spirit").


So, read the Bible, consider the Bible, should not get out of context, bite the word!

In Matthew's passage, Chinese uses "剜." English should be "pluck".

The meaning of pluck not only includes the meaning of "mining, picking, pulling", but also the meaning of "removing and eliminating".


It can not be denied literally. Here it shows that we must cut off from sin and not be contaminated with sin. This sin is adultery and of course applies to all sin. The sentence is:

"You have heard something that says," Do not commit adultery. "Matthew 5: 27

But I tell you, anyone who sees the woman in jealousy has already committed adultery with him in his heart. 5:28

If your right eye causes you to fall, you will come out and throw it away. Would rather lose one of the hundred, not let the whole body threw in hell.


People try to cover up the fact that they committed adultery by using the legitimacy of marriage, and marrying after divorce is not adultery. Jesus told you that these acts are as adultery, just as in your heart's delusions. But libido is clean, this is the most crucial. In fact, human beings do not need the restrictions of marriage at all. Because sex itself is legal and clean, this is the true meaning of the Bible.


Mark said: "Men rise from the dead, neither marry nor marry, as the angels of heaven." That is, the kingdom of heaven does not marry nor marry, get out of the shackles of marriage. Men and women together the most crucial reason should be love, whether a marriage certificate this piece of paper does not matter.


Emperor Xuan Ye of Emperor Kangxi, "mysterious" word is commonly used words, the Qing Dynasty taboo "mysterious" word approach, or the lack of the last sum, or use the "Yuan" word instead. The traditional Chinese medicine "Scrophulariaceae" is renamed "Yuanpao" and has been used up to now; At that time, the famous dramatist Li Yu, the word "Hyun Yu", for the taboo then renamed "Yuan Yu." The "Dream of Red Mansions" transcript, pay attention to avoid the "mysterious" word, but not strict enough, it may be the wrong handshake, but the "too virtual environment" written as "too illusion", but should be the author intended to avoid taboo instead Chao Shou for. I doubt that the title of "Yuan Fei" is whether the author intentionally uses the taboo law of "Yuan" to change "Yuan", suggesting that "Yuan Fei" is "Mysterious Princess", that is, Tong Queen who died of twenty-eight years of Emperor Kangxi. If the author is Hong Sheng, he has every reason to do so, but also with the book "tiger rabbit meet big dreams," the verdict match.


However, in "A Dream of Red Mansions", there are no nonsense words about Jia Yu and Wang Madame, the parents of Baoyu. Especially in the chapters like "Da Cheng Tuan" and "Cc Grand View Garden" of Baoyu, tigress. This is unusual in the feudal era of "administering the world with filial piety." No very special reason, any author will not be so pen. In addition to being a "unscrupulous" child, it is quite possible that some people may sow discord from one another. The detached persons are likely to be "Jiahuan", "Aunt Zhao" and "Madame Xing" Moved tongue, unscrupulous Dacheng Tartar "can be seen in a chapter clues," brothers and sisters ", brothers," moving lips "who sow discordant also.


The "truth of the children's children" to be released by the author not only has unforgettable love but also "girlfriend passion", that is, the friendship between men and women. The attitude of the author to women is not the kind of "skin abuse" feeling, but "a certain infatuation generated in nature", named "obscenity" feeling. This kind of "infatuation", "but the heart will be unbelievable, can be up to the tongue can not be reached," "in the boudoir, it can be a good friend, but in the world is not averted delusional strange, ridicule hundreds of mouth, ". In this sense, the author self-proclaimed for the ancient and modern "the first unholy person", it is really a stunning feeling!


Lilac knot hibiscus sash, not the Department of Pearl knives.

- Just said Hibiscus God, followed by the title of this poem, suggesting that Lin Siangiang is Lin Daiyu four children Qingwen, not with the Pearl and the Nalan mandarin duck sword? Nalan also wrote such poetry, what the Koukui, Changchun Publishing In the whole biography of Lan.


Jia Zheng said: "And what are you doing. Wait for them to read one or two years of books, and then release no later than I have fancy two girls, one is gem, one to the ring. Only young, afraid of them Misunderstood the book, and then another year or two mention. "Aunt Zhao also speak, just listen to a sound outside, I do not know what, we were taken aback.

- Perhaps this section corresponds Jiag Qiang marry mandarin duck failed.


Guessed dove evil vicious high, eagle 鸷 turned 羓 羗; 薴 葹 jealous of its smelly, 茝 竟 actually being 芟 蒩. Huayuan from cowardly, Qi Bie crazy? Willow worry, why ban shower? Even poisonous 谗, then hold cream 肓 disease.

- Furong 诔 in order to say Qingwen be betrayed the fact behind the rumor: 謑 rumor, out of the screen; thorns vase, spread the window.

This section is deleted:

They must also make known their own opinions and refrain from hitting their predecessors' nests. They must fill in a few words to spread their eyes and ears. They must also shed tears of tears and blood, There are more than enough text to talk about, no trace of allusions and no grudges. Moreover, there are many ancient words, non-self-made figurines also. Chennai today are all confused in the name of the word, the ancient style of a wash, fear of anachronism, in the name of the obstacles so. I do not want that fame, not for the world to read praise, why not far from the Chu people << Damian >>, << Spirit >> << << << Li Sao >> << >> Tree >>, << Difficulty >>, << Autumn >>, << Biography of Mr. adults >> and other laws, or miscellaneous Sentenced sentence, or occasionally short, or use a classic, or set apartment, free , Pen and letter away, hi is the text for the show, the sadness of the words of pain, the words are done so far, why if the custodial of secular detention between the square inch. "Baoyu was a man who did not read, and then had this crooked mind, how to have good poetry and writing .Her own discreet compilation, not people admire, so rampant, actually made up a long story Text.


Mythical daughter since its inception, so far, where ten years. The first of its hometown surname, annihilation and Mo can test for a long time.

- 1676 years


Alas! Solid ghost 蜮 as a disaster, not god but also jealous. Nian slave slave mouth to discuss Qi from wide, cut the heart of Shoushu, anger is still unresolved! Although the edge of the dust in the king, then the jade despised eventually. Because of the thinking of boxing, can not help but questioning. God began to know Ching Jing, Palace of flowers to be Chao, students LOH, death jurisdiction Furong.

- Hershey heart, anger, corresponding to the Acacia flowers left. Think and ask, corresponding to the front of Begonia wilting and the first few times to write Bao Dai Chai wrote the poem asked the day. Before his life called blue husband and wife, died Jialong Long Wei captain, husband Nalan Rong Ruo, corresponding to Furong.


Yefushan the ancestor, the name of the country heavy, buried in the mountains of Songshan, France is good at its disposal Abbey, erected in the next, and asked the North Sea for its ancestral inscriptions. Beihai Dream Ye Shan Shan come again to find a book, allow it, the book is not finished, Zhong Ming dreams, to the T-word, a few more. When the Dharma carving monument completed, the ink to thank the North Sea was shocked: I think the dream, but true evil? This is known as the epicenter of the World Epworth, also known as Tintin monument also.


After Ye Fushan invited the great calligrapher Li Kui to write the "Shinto Tablet and Preface", he asked Li Kui to write an inscription and Li Yong politely declined. Ye Fushan to display the spell, paper and ink prepared in the static room, the night shot Li Bing's soul to write inscriptions, when the end of the text is written: "Kaiyuan five years old Ding Ding on March 7, Tintin ... ... ", crowing days dawn, monument did not write completed, Li Kui hurriedly point a few points, the soul quietly leave. The next day, Ye Fushan ink to thank, Li Kui said with a shock: "thought it was a dream, now really is ?!"


Ding Ding monument spread, basically in Ye Fa Shan, the main reason is Li Ying. First, the inscription is good. Li Kui can poem good text, juvenile fame, called after the left pick left, served as Danzhou (Lishui) provincial governor, the North Sea prefect. Long experience, conservation science, look at the thoroughness of man and nature, so more than 1300 words (including 160 words after the text) of the "Tintin tablet" essay, Describe Ye's grandchildren arduous practice, reaching "Chen curse Lei Hai, spit blade electric light", "Oh ghosts, Hundreds of gods" realm; Chen Gong became famous.


Old Chi cloud: the view has decadent, before the Han Luo Song, Dan Jing, Temple two old monument, Tai Sui word brick, the big bell, stone incense burner when the number of monument Yan. According to legend, I should come again.

- Speaking of Podocarpus Podocarpus, Guanyin Liu. Tile no deposit, not the soul monument is Nalan Zen think? He wrote Shunzhi the Shinto tablet. Moreover, there are Danjing, Podocarpus?


When writing to the end of the article: "Kaiyuan five years old Ding Ding on March 7, the waiter Qingxi view Zhan yuan a small Ding ... ...", crowing days dawn,

- Three Yi Zhai carved "West Wing" art, the official name from the "intoxicated ..." Ching-chieh Van Bin autumn with ", we can see that the selection of Fan Bin at that time ... there are streams.


1676 Defei sixteen years old, as Furong 诔. In front of Daiyu Xiangyun, Miaolu Mid-Autumn Festival thirty-fifth Mid-Autumn Festival poem also raised the cold month burial soul is twenty-two rhyme, corresponding to gem 1676 twenty-year-old. Thirty-five rhyme should be Nalan 1690 35-year-old, Defei 30-year-old official in charge of the harem year, corresponding to Miaoyu done everyone said Miaoyu is a teacher.



1 Talking cumbersome, chatter endless look: "big talk inflammation, small talk ~ ~."

2. To: "five days, six days not ~."

〔〕 〔~ Things the ancient official name, Prince Edward Prince housekeeping.

4. Surname

- Zhan Yuan, Mo Fei Difei just entered the palace management Prince Edward family? Yuan, taboo Xuan Ye.


A total of points of the Union, died as a covenant with the funeral. Points, graves.椁 (guǒ), outside the coffin coffin.迨 (dài), and With the gray, Li Bai, "long line": "The beginning of the fifteen eyebrow, is willing to dust and ash." The so-called couple's love of firmness. Baoyu had said that in future it should be with the Grand View Garden girl together with the smoky ash.

Kangxi tomb in Kangxi down and 52 daughters together with the hole.


Yun God accompanied by the attendants as ah! You look at the God who catch the moon to send you away?

- Jia Yun, attendants guards.


Only for Liu Rushi, he is the youngest and weakest woman in China. In fact, he wanted to do is: to complete the Cao Xueqin "Boudoir Avengers" "Dream of Red Mansions," the reality version. Cao Xueqin wrote the art of the twelve hairpin Jinling, but he then "talk", write beautiful women in life. In his opinion, Liu Ruyu is Lin Daiyu. And he felt that the real hope of Chinese culture was not the emperor will phase, not in the genius and beauty, not in Li Bai Du Fu, not in Su Xin Qi Jiji, but in Liu Rousseau's body. This is indeed a startling discovery. This kind of fundamental subversion of the traditional values ​​and the cultural lineage of the characters undoubtedly also benefits from the "Dream of Red Mansions."


Because it involves the dimension of man and soul must involve a problem, that is, love. Therefore, "Dream of Red Mansions" there is a very famous poem called: "Open Hong Meng, who is the kind of love." What he wants to ask is that if our history returns to its source once again, who is the driving force for creating this world and who is the most important element in creating this world? In Chinese culture, we have asked any questions, that is, this question is not asked. Cao Xueqin first asked this question, and as a result, he pushed China aesthetics to a whole new stage of development.


If the husband Mongolian Mongolia, silence and everywhere, although the Pro in the hereby, I Mo Mo see.

This is the "Dream of Red Mansions," the fifth "Dream of Red Mansions introduction." Hong Meng opened up: the world has opened up the meaning. Hongmeng is the primitive state of nature that the ancients assumed. Who is the kind of situation: who is the most infatuated person. Passionate love that refers to the special sincere feelings of people. Trial delusion: try to deport my feelings. Sent for removal. Stupid as modesty means me. Heart for the meaning of feelings.


    Pond overnight cold autumn, blowing loose 芰 ruby ​​shadow.

Polygonum lotus leaves worry, heavy exposure to the pressure crease.

Do not smell the noise during the day, Yan mud mess chessboard.

Ancients farewell to pity friends, my situation now when hand and foot!

  Baoyu Yin Yin strike, suddenly heard behind someone laughed: "What you stay hair?" Baoyu looked busy who turned out to be Hong Ling.

Said in front of Lotus daughter Dai Dai suddenly appeared. Here again in the spring of purple Lingzhou Cha Jin Yin poem after this poem appears. This is borrowing and converting people. In fact, it implies that they are all individuals.


Root and lotus stem aroma, life is actually sad .Because students from both countries, resulting in the return of hometown of the soul.

What does this hometown mean? If Qingwen Dai Yu Xiangling died only the character of the stage conversion is lost, then in fact I did not die, but the conversion of characters. Returning home, may refer to Xiang Ling is the former imperial court entered the palace, or past life is Empress Yang Empress Wu Zetian. Nalande Fei both lonely wood, Lin (Daiyu) was separated behind simply came out a Xia Kimui, in fact, refers to the emperor Wives concubine meaning.

Kim Gui-wai said after the dust of Wang Xifeng.

See also Xiangling this a concubine of concubines in the room, more and more Tim "Song Taizu destroy the Southern Tang" meaning, "the couch on the side How can we let others sleep soundly" heart. Because his family more sweet-scented osmanthus, he called the nickname Jingu name. When he was at home, he was allowed to bring out the second word of his population. Anyone who did not pay any attention to misunderstood the word, he decided to fight hard and punish him. Because he wanted osmanthus word is forbidden, must call another, because there was a wide range of cold osmanthus Chang'e said, they will be replaced by Chang'e flower osmanthus, but also their own identity so.

- actually taboo name, compared to Chang E? Lin Daiyu is to say that Chang'e.

Love their own respect if the Buddha, peeping others as dirt, such as dirt, outside with Hua Liu posture, the wind and thunder inside the property.

- This is a bit Xiichun and Daiyu Wang Xifeng combination


"Dream of Red Mansions" eighty back: Meixiang Ling infatuated with sticks, Wang Taoist Hu 诌 jealous woman

- Reading this chapter is very clear, borrowing characters and points, and interoperability information, this chapter closely and smoothly: Xiangling Jin Gui palace harassment, Xue Pan gambling wine domestic violence ☞ ounces correspond to Sun Shaozu situation.


Sun Shaozu "blindly, gambling alcoholism, all the wives at home and will be obscene .Slightly persuaded two or three times, they scolded me is` vinegar wife twisted out '.Also said the Lord had received him five thousand silver ... ... pointing to my face and saying: `Do not fill me and my lady, and you, my lord, have given me five thousand silver, and I will give you the standard for you. When your grandfather is there, I hope my richness will be rushed to each other

- sleep in the room, the price sold Spring, rich and expensive climbing branches.


Therefore, there is ... ... Po Yu said: "I ask you, there may be posted a woman's jealous prescription not?"


Fifteen years of Kangxi, a famous scholar pearl Mu Guzhen concept, hired its son Nalan Xingde lectures. Nalan Xingde is also a famous scholar in the early Qing Dynasty. Seventeen years of the reign of the Qing Emperor Kangxi open "erudite word section" network Han Han Shi doctor. Renowned scholars and scholars such as Zhu Yizun, Chen Weisong, Yan Shengsun, Jiang Chenying and others were all recommended to Beijing for examination of the Ren Hailin Academy in China. Gu Zhenguan, Nalan Xingde often meet with them, chant and sing. Nalan's solo donation farewell poem a total of 74, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total, of which to the view of Gu Zheng seven, Xu Qian scholar six, Yansheng Sun twenty-four, ten horses.


Nalan Rong if in the "original poem," said: "The book said: 'poetry and words of Chi.' Zhi Yu said: 'poetry of love, only to righteousness.' This is the book of poetry. The study also ... ... people must be curious to retreat, cut the mountain channel thing, and then there is a poem; people must have north window high lying, unwilling to fold the meaning of children in the village, and then Tao poem; , Do not forget the heart of each meal, and then have Du Fu; people must have lazy rivers and lakes, riding the whale catching the moon, and then there is Li poetry.


Nalan seventeen-year-old make up all the students into the Imperial College, Xu Jianyuan then wine appreciation appreciation of his talent, he recommended to his brother Xu Qianxue, praising it: "Sima Gong son, extraordinary person." The following year, Nalan attended Shuntian Township test, Xu Qianxue just as the deputy examiner, the two then formed the friendship between teachers and students. Until the Nalan 19-year-old palace guard positions, he every 369 days dawn riding to the Xu house, talked about the history of the book.


Nalan 17-year-old make up all the students, tribute into too much learning, 18-year-old Sun Yat-sen test, 19-year-old will try Chinese, 22-year-old middle school seventh Jinshi, 23-year-old Ren Guanyuan three guards, Not successful. But the problem is that Nalan's will not be there. He is one of the guards, who is admired by ordinary people on the side of the emperor. However, his real ambition is to become a wise man in his own country and show his talent.

Suddenly see gem stand up, his mouth muttering: "a` release waves outside the body! '"The lady's phase, pitched, or take the embrace, enlightened within a room; Waveshapes outside the body. Although the fun of homes and special, different temperament, when its happy to meet, temporarily in self, almost self-sufficient, I do not know the approaching of the old. And their both tired, love with the move, feeling carry on. Waveshapes: Wave: indulgence; unrestrained; Skeleton: Human form, shape. Means the behavior is not bound by the secular etiquette; Unconstrained bold. Baoyu said: "I want to be Jiang Taigong's." Then they left the Rockies, sitting on the pool to catch it, do you know that the fish in the water to see the shadow of children, have hid elsewhere.


Lv Shang seclusion, fishing in Wei Binxi, Zhou Wen Wang met him during the hunting, talked about extremely speculative, that worship as a teacher. After Lu Shang help Wu King cut Ying Yin, the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty. After the use of "Taigong, Lv fishing, Wei fishing, Ziya hanging hook, river fishing, Weibin fishing, fishing week, fishing Wei, fishing stream, fishing hook, fishing straight hook, straight fishing, brook Case "and so write seclusion, talent stand-by, and Yin can governed, the cause of Shenglong.


Baoyu thought for a time, said: "I remember when the sick child, a good stand, I was like someone behind me stick a stick, hurt the eyes of the first dark, see the room full of green face Fusi, take Knife lift the wicked goblin. Lying on the kang, think head added a few brain hoops like. After any pain what they do not know. To good times, but also remember the hall a golden light shines into my room The ghosts ran and dodged, and they were gone, my head did not hurt, and my heart was clear. "Jia Mu told Mrs. Wang," This kind of child is almost the same. "

--is this real?


The day before yesterday when someone and I brought a gentleman, learned character are excellent, but also from the south. But I think Mr. Nanbian is the most peaceful person

- Should correspond to the Gu Gu concept of Jiangsu in 1676.


Confucianism and Taoism on behalf of Confucianism: "I think he looks decent decent, spiritual also go, why not study, just heart wild stubborn poetry together, not learn not to, as long as developed, it is not too late to learn it."

- Jia Dai Ru should correspond to Gu Zhenguan: Kangxi fifteen years (1676) by the Imperial College Jiujiu Xu Yuanwen recommended, into the cabinet of the University of Pearl House in the private school teachers, and the son of the son of Peranakan met Lande, become a dearest friend.

Zhenguan, sexual morality advocate "comfortable spiritual writing", the words of extreme, simple and natural, male in school and innovation can change.


Nalan Rong If the "Witch Lifting beam Liang" said: "Germany is also crazy ears. Occasionally, dust dust Beijing, Wu door No. wine but poured Zhaozhou soil, who would like to make a living? Do not believe, actually into a confidante .Qingyang high-singing all the old, to the respect, make a heroic tears. Do not you see, on the water .A total of this night must indulge .And by him, Crescent rhyme, ancient and modern with bogey. Enough to ask, sneer all the way .Sure from the beginning, regret from scratch .Thousands of days in the heart of trouble, after the body edge, fear of knot in the other .No heavy, monarch must remember. "This is Rongruo Chu Gu Gu Liangfen pay Gift made. If the feeling of sexual Benedict Yung, Gu Liang Fen Festival Mr. Wen said: "It is also true in morality, especially to elegant life, friends for the heart." Is made in Bingchen (1676), Rongruo years Twenty-two, when Gu Liangfen forty, black unarmed, Hall in Nalan, will not, and if the Lord Nalan is less satisfied, and Gu given heartfelt friendship , We must first clear its ambition to eliminate the gap between the status of a disproportionate. Gu Liangfen and the word note, had "private surprised his life and then knot, especially ominous meaning, for the B ugly May (1685 Rongruo years) 谶 also injury Zai!


Nalanxingde Gu Guoxin heart, very important reason is that they have a common understanding of reality. According to Gu Zhenguan, Wu Zhaoqian was falsely accused of exile. Nalan's sexuality looked at the two [witch's song] given to Wu and was very touched and determined to take part in the rescue of Wu Zhaoqian and write this poem-poem to Gu Zhenguan . "Germany is also crazy ears", starting a very strange Wu

- and the Dream of Red Mansions Baozong case of that sentence from the Lan Ting order release waves consistent


"The heart of a day after the robbery, after the edge of life, fear of knot in his life." Robbery is Sanskrit robbery omitted, is counting the number of words. At a time when we meet a friend unexpectedly. He solemnly said that once devotion is enjoyed, the friendship will last forever, and it will last thousands of years. At the same time, each other each other hate late, had no choice but to look after the rest of life to make up for the missed time. Needless to analyze, this oath, burning hot. Conclusion "However, heavy weight, monarch must be remembered." Repeatedly exhorted, strongly expressed the wishes of friends with Guzhen Guanjue.


There was a very interesting phenomenon in the ci poems of the Qing Dynasty; many poets competed for the word "witch hazel". Like Chen Weisong, his life actually wrote a few hundreds of [witch song]. In the Qing Dynasty many [witch song], the most notable, there is a gift of Nalan Liang Fen a. According to Xu Xun in "Ci Yuan Cong Tan," said the word came out, "all competing write down, so the studio songs, all know" side cap words. "Nalan this poem and Dream of Red Mansions very Appropriate, and Hibiscus daughter is linked, this poem Unicom love and friendship, runs through the door of space-time.

Daiyu said: "Although we girls and children do not want this, but hours follow you Mr. Yucun study, have seen. There are also close friends in the near reason, there are Qingyuan faraway. Feel good, can not be completely wiped down. Moreover, you have to take fame, this is also more expensive. "Baoyu heard here, I feel very not ears, because people like to never be such a person Daiyu, how so eager to smother?

- Daiyu converted into Bao Chai, Xue Bao and later to send Daiyu Baoyu litchi moral.


On behalf of the Confucianism laughed: "You just have to talk about the festival down clearly, but the sentence is somewhat childish. 'No smell' is not the word can not be developed to do the official words. 'Smell' is the fact that they can be honest, do not do is There is a "smell." Otherwise, the ancient sages do not know who reclusive, is it not non-official, is it also a "no smell" it? `Know 'word on the needle, not` afraid' of the word. To be seen from here, before they can fine.


But it is God's will, color is human desires, and human beings are willing to do as God desires.

- If a woman is virtuous, do you not clash?


Daiyu then said: "He was enough, especially how the two girls died." Hit man said: "No, all want to be a person, but less well-known, why so bitter? Outside reputation is not good. "Daiyu never said anything to anyone, and now I have a reason to say so:" It is hard to say anything about family affairs, not because the east wind has wedged the westerly wind that the westerly wind pressured the east wind. "


Fragrant second sister is a person, but the celebrity rank almost. Dongfeng westerly refers to the East Palace Nishinomiya. Wang Xifeng here may refer to Kangxi's second queen. Dream of Red Mansions writing technique is very unique, to write the actual personality of the event, but behind the identity and some of their own things can not be truthfully inserted into the back of these people. A bright one.

Xiao Zhaoren Queen, the Queen's portrait and character are in line with Wang Xifeng. Queen Hsiao Ren Hui (1653 - March 18, 1678), Niuluolu, Manchuria flag yellow, Emperor Kangxi second queen, after the name of the Golden State also the granddaughter, Taishi, Guo Yi Gong, before the auxiliary First Minister of the Central Government stopped Bilong women, Ao Bai Yijie, sister Wen 僖 Royal Concubine. Emperor Kangxi four years (AD 1665), into the palace for the Princess. Emperor Kangxi sixteen years (1677) on August 22, became Queen. Seventeen years of Kangxi (1678) February 26 has time, driving collapse in Kunning Palace. Two years of Kangxi (1681) eighth day of March, buried Jingling underground palace.

- Only to find the date of death and Kangxi birthday the same day! Shunzhi eleven years March 18 (May 4, 1654).


See also Sister Xifeng with Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Bao Chai and so on all to laugh: "We are a Hi, and secondly."


Jia Yucun media, will you give you any stepmother relatives, but also said to be continued string, so people come here to pick you up. About to go home in the past, are your stepmother.


Holding the mother's waist and said: "The old lady to save me! I do not go to the south! Moreover, with stepmother, not my own mother .I am willing to follow the old lady together." But see the old lady stay With a smile, said: "This is not my thing." Daiyu cried: "The old lady, what is it." The old lady said: "The strings are better, down more than a makeup 奁." : "If I am in front of the old lady, I will never make any extra spare cash here, only the old lady will save me."


I heard Jia Mu said: "Yuanyang, you come to the girl to go out to rest. I'd been his lack of sleep." Daiyu situation is not the road, seeking to useless, it is better to find a suicide, stand up and go away.


Bao Yu said: "You do not want to go, just live here, you had promised me, so you come to us, I treat you is like, you think about it.

- Daiyu's dream, in fact, is her fact, it seems that the mandarin duck refused to marriage that theory is just the ideal, and this is the reality. Or really refused to grant amnesty success, and refused to Kangxi Xue Pan unsuccessful, Jia attitude here, Mrs. Wang Xifeng can be seen.


Habitat humane: "Yesterday evening to sleep or good children, who knows midnight a stack of rings shouting distressed, his mouth nonsense, only to say like a knife cut to go. Better.


Daiyu terrified, busy holding the heart of Bao Yu's heart, cried: "how do you do this thing, you first kill me!" Bao Yu said: "I'm afraid, I'll show you my heart "He also grabbed his hand over the open area.


Daiyu's dream is the truth of Baoyu, and Yifanshan wrote the same as the pursuit of the soul monument. It seems that all the stories written in the Dream of Red Mansions are actually written, but the conversion of character relations.


So << Nei Jing >> said: `Tongyin GM, plug inuse. Bupleurum with blood turtle fried, it is false week Ambassador Liu 'method. "

- This medicine name is weird


"Intermittent order"

Broken red rain dream, Angelica life, leisure banana deer. Pillow and then ice slippery ice, Ding Ding sound alone. Live hot spring Nansong Tao tender, frankincense, Dragon Group cooked. To bundle Gonggui shade, but also spit Juju. Spent about Chai Sang. White fleas, body deep cup of green. Blue mirror streamer, see the mercury wave, drift driftwood. Gu Man even money, worms Yin fine, hard startled meat. Calm rabbit, fsi short hair is not sustainable.

【Comment】 This song "intermittent order" is actually a headline. The song "Intermittent Order" can be called a drug noun. Guzhen Qiaoqiao will be the traditional Chinese medicine Angelica, antler, talc, independent living, Nansong, frankincense, Rehmannia, Guizhi, chrysanthemum, mulberry white skin, flea off, green, mercury, papaya, even money grass, asarum, meat calm Cistanche), reeling, intermittent embedded words, read just right.

This poem implies A Dream of Red Mansions words: off from the Dream of Red Mansions ~ red rain, dreams, life experience, banana leaves deer, pillow cool, ice muscle slip, stone, pine, milk, dragon Yin thin, Chrysanthemum poetry. The last sentence, Rongruyuya Year of the Rabbit! Or why the intermittent order? If so this poem is not written by Gu Zhengguan, he died in 1714. Gu Zhenguan died before the election of 40 poems published.


Fifty-three years of Kangxi (1714), Zhen Guan died in his hometown. Before his death, his 40 poems for his life will be chosen. Claiming to be all "sour outside". Therefore, although his writings abundance and save the poem.

Wu Yu rain to send spring with Mr. Gu Liangfen made

Wu palace flower tears rouge, red dot red residue night branches.

Since there is no place for the east wind, the West had had time.

Jinfan blue curtain Qing Fang cold, Yu-hearted white bamboo residue words.

Squad green waves could not stay, Half Tong Yan Liuru silk.


[New Year's greeting fifteen heads]

Contemporary Talent Lead field, Merry first, ask who is. How many Huainan door off, arguing Dongfeng lay. To noodles, what to heart. Read a new red manuscript, Yishan, Chang Ji Qinglian Lane. Another plug, poetry into men.


Met Qin, said to Jialong: "This is respect for his wife." Jia Rong said: "Please, please sit down and let me talk about the symptoms within the base." Under the meaning of younger brother, actually first look pulse, and then ask the source is.


Jia Tao Road, "Zi Juan sister, you first put the girl's condition to Master Wang said." Wang Dafu said: "and said slowly, etc. I diagnosed the pulse, listen to me to see is right, if any place, the girl Tell me again. "


Qin Keqing etiology: heart Qi and fire, should not adjust the current menstrual period, insomnia at night. Hepatic blood deficiency stagnation, should be under the threat of swelling, the letter expired, the heart fever. Pulmonary meridian too virtual, head dizziness from time to time, Yin Mao inevitable spontaneous, such as sitting in the boat. Spleen soil is restrained by the liver wood, must not think of diet, mental fatigue, limbs sore. As far as I see this vein, when these symptoms are correct.


Then the king doctor to the Zi Juan said: "The disease often should be dizzy, diet, dreams, every five more, will wake up a few times that the day to hear their own things, but also need to move, and more suspicious I do not know who is suspected of being ominous temperament, in fact, due to liver loss, loss of heart, are sick of this disease there.


Bupleurum is commonly used in relieving pain. Alias ​​to smoked, mountain vegetables, mushroom grass, firewood, bitter taste, slightly cold, liver, gallbladder. There are reconciliation table, Shugan Yang effect. For cold and fever, cold and heat, malaria, liver qi stagnation, chest rib pain, prolapse, uterine prolapse, irregular menstruation.


Qin Keqing Bupleurum with vinegar, Lin Daiyu is turtle blood Bupleurum, but also verify that they are a person, because of the disease are caused by the liver is restrained by the liver wood.


The symptoms of the illness are almost the same.


After reading the doctor saw Daiyu disease. Jia Yuanchun is the next time that is sick, but also said that too much medicine into the palace. Well, this is the Lin Taiyu converted to the body of the spring, so that it can be consistent before and after, that is the disease of Lin Daiyu Qin Jiaqing and Qin are the same thing with the same person. So Qin Keqing prostitution incense floor, you can determine, Jia Zhen is Xue Pan (he was shot in the Tianxiang floor gambling children) that is, Kangxi, his illness is also due to sexual intercourse, it should be irregular menstruation.


Do not borrow a dream of Red Mansion Jiao mouth, scolded Xiao Zhuang Empress and Kangxi not? Dorgon is the younger brother of Taiji, Kangxi who recognize as a son yet? Still mean that they are slaves? Jia Zheng and mandarin duck guess is not yet sure ...


However, the Nalan family of things is indeed no mistake, Rongrong Rong Yun, belong to determine the age determined. There are also connected Liu, Liu is money Qian Yi ☞ Jin Shengtang ☞ Zhang Tao dark line ......


Just see Gu Ye said Go, Fan said Fan. Morning did not know why the author is called cool Creek Fan Bin Fan? Bin on the river ginger fishing, Fan it? Fan is the original ah!


Fung is about to stand up and play back, I saw a palace woman passed into many positions, please Niangniang Longmian. Princess looked, that is, Jia Amnesty, Jia Zheng and a number of other people. That Princess read the title, eyes red, stop shed tears.


Fourteen years of Emperor Kangxi (1674), Nalan Mingzhu transferred to the official book. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi in 1676 (1676), he was awarded a bachelor's degree in Wuying Hall, during which time he served as the chief compiling officer of major royal books such as Record of Record, General Plan, Unification of History and Ming Dynasty.


Jia Zheng Jia Jia faction just because of mentioning the words, said: "The old lady so painful gem, after all, to have him some real knowledge, in the future can be mixed fame, just so old lady hurt him a bit, not to bad people's daughter." "

Nalan was replaced? So the final Lin Daiyu replaced Xue Bao Chai royal? Will not be the daughter of Xiao Zhuang Empress, right? This is how Xiao Zhuang and the Empress Dowager daughter marry Wu Sangui son class with it? Maybe the former is true! But age is not good, Junji daughter is almost the same


Second daughter (1653 a 1685): and long princess. Fulin's two women. The mother of Fulin Pro Princess Fei. First seal and princess. Six years of Emperor Kangxi (1667), 15 years old married Ghargard Nardu. Na'er du official guards Minister plus less Bo. Kangxi eight years to recover from the Vice Minister of Ao Bai was seized, after the resurgence of fifteen years (1676) plus Prince less teacher, is the pawn. Kangxi asked, the princess Jin Feng Gong Gong long princess. Twenty-four years of Emperor Kangxi (1685) died in October, when he was 33 years old.

[Taizong fourteenth female] - and Shuo Ke pure princess, concubine Chahalch Pearson students, no recorded name, the first seal of the princess. Shunzhi fourteen years, into and master long princess. Sixteen years, feudal Ning long princess. Complex change and Shuo Ke pure princess. Zonta December birth, Kangxi forty-three years in December 薨, aged sixty-three.


【Second Ancestral Female】 Concubine Young's Health, early seal and princess. Kangxi, Jin Feng and Shuo Gong Gong long princess. Junji ten years in December, Kangxi twenty-four years in October, thirty-three years old. Kangxi six years in February, married to Nardu. Neal Duguar Jiashi, son of Oboi.

Father Shunzhi Di, mother Princess Fei Yang, husband Gail Jiajianeruodu, bright and lovely, virtuous Shukutoku, wide and Christine, was Empress Dowager Zhuo Huang as the pearl.


赑 屃 will climb to the southwest. Because Princess Tomb built on the hillside tomb, 赑 屃 naturally slipped about 20 meters down the slope. Local people say that this is the princess Princess Cui miss my grandmother, father and brother far away in Beijing. The villagers in the village are all the descendants of those who kept the princess Cuihua for that year. This name is Nara, and later they were changed to the Han or Bao Yang. The local villagers said: "This is a pack originally owned by Nara.

- Turtle name Miaoyu Mid-Autumn Festival poems there, also mentioned widows. Why that last name?


Yang Shen "cited cited um total works," Bayi "Longshengjiukai": "The common practice dragon nine, ... a said 赑 屃, shaped like a turtle, a good load, this stone tablet turtle is also."


Apostolic Empress Life frugal, non-luxury, peace San Francisco, the court saved silver donated reward reward soldier. Every year when I was apologetic, she always took the savings out of the palace and gave her full support to her grandson's cause.

- Dream of Red Mansions there Jia Jia take their savings.


Xuan Ye Ye said: "How can someone like you," expensive for the Son of God, "but like the scholar as hard to read it?" Xuan Ye initial position, one day, in front of all minister, Xiao Zhuang asked mysterious Ye as the world's Lord, what are the plans, Xuan Yee replied: "Chen no his desire, willing to the world Nian, the people happy, sharing the blessing of peace it." The young emperor decided to be a wise man, rich country Yu Min The strong desire to show Xiao Zhuang years of initial training results.


Su Yue: Huang Taizi regarded her as a clever, wise and virtuous wife. Shun Telford's Fantasia saw her as vicious, cruel, and unfriendly enemy rather than a mother. In Kangxi's eyes, he again Is a loving, steady, and politically competent grandmother who appears to her political opponents to be an emblematic and invincible woman politician. Among the women in the past, I respected filial piety and respect for filial piety. Its virtuous virtues are the objects that the harem strives to emulate. It is capable of being excellent and out of the orthodoxy, and not being repudiated by the world.


Among the two generations of Nurhaci and Huang Taichi, they married 53 Mongolian women, of whom the most married and married to Horqin were women, and the marriage included chiefs of all the Horqin tribes and almost all the important tribes of Mongolia . This indisputable political marriage helped Nurhachu and Wong Tai Chi to basically lift the threat from north and northwest. They use this marriage to establish a long and vast security barrier for themselves.

In treating the relationship between the sexes, there are not many other nations in the world, such as the hypocrisy and the gloomy psychology of the contemporary Chinese literati. In those vibrant and energetic tribes, if a woman can put a hero back, not only will not be despised by the tribe, on the contrary, she will be like a hero by everyone's love and respect. This is the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the mind and mind are strongly castrated by Confucius and Mencius Han family doctors are unthinkable.


In the Manchu Baylor, Dorgon was perhaps the most cultured person besides Emperor Tai Chi. His understanding of the Han culture was probably the deepest among the many princes. With his cleverness and warning, when Princess Zhuang - the Filial Piety Empress Dowager disseminates the myths before and after Fulin's birth, he may understand immediately what this woman wants to do. Thus, in the sharp confrontation with Haug, back to the point, made the choice to recommend Fulin.


Doll 衮 buried in nine kings. Junji seven years in November, Dorgon hunting Gubeikou outside. Hunting horse falls hurt when hunting. In December December ninth day (December 31, 1650 AD), Dorgon was erected on the outside of Gubeikou, outside Kara city, at the age of 39. Mountain Resort is also built in Chengde, Hebei, Nalan Chengde was born on January 19, 1655. Haug curse Dorgon is a "sick and blessed" person, Dorr 衮 thin, Su wind suffering from illness, often dizzy, sudden death in prime, probably with the indulgence. With the rapid expansion of power, Dorgon's life is extremely poor and desperate. "Selecting beautiful women in the Eight Banners to enter the government and obtaining the husband of a husband in the new service Kashgar" also forced her to marry the North Korean princess Not beautiful, let North Korea elect beautiful women, and made North Korea's ruling and opposition resentment.


Nobel laureate Laureate Russell, a British philosopher, said: "There are three simple yet extremely intense passions that governed my life, the desire for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and the compassion for the pain of human suffering. I also have deep resonance with this. If you need to supplement, I think I pursue not only love, but that almost perfect, can go beyond life and death, can lead to eternal love, which is deeply attracted to me. For knowledge, I explore the most subtle knowledge about Being, Self, About the Universe, which motivates me to think day after day and to search hard, like searching for my eternal love. When I know what love is, know the truth of self and universe, find my eternal lover, I think I will be able to save the deepest human suffering. Tianxu reminded me of this passage, above the Empress dowager, Dorr have disturbed the network positive and negative, how to find the truth? The truth is only one, or Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager to rule and marriage so later on Kangxi teaching as well , Or is there a real love with Dole? Who can say it clear? Because of my current intuition, no true love can not get access to seven energy centers, can only be limited to a corner of the local area.


Have to say that Nalan Xingde is a genius, 17-year test Jinshi, genius poet, born sex, this is not the day after tomorrow, is certainly a gift of talent ... ... will not be out of meditation Xiaozhuang Empress Dowager What? Otherwise, Dorgon died Chengde, Kangxi built summer resort in Chengde it?

Empress Xiao Zhuang was born in the Ming Wanli forty-one years (1613) on the eighth day of February; Kangxi five years (1666) on August 2, Fan Wencheng died of illness, at the age of 70. As the founding of Zaifu in the Qing Dynasty, Fan Wencheng as the emperor Tai Chi aspirations of the Central Plains "national policy" - the face of the Qing army early occupation of Beijing panic situation, he creatively put forward: "officials to return to their jobs; Its industry ", stability of the heart, stabilize the people, fill the ethnic gap between Manchu and Qing Dynasty, so that the Qing Dynasty can stand a solid hell in the Central Plains. Fan Wencheng lifelong longevity IV, for the establishment of the Qing dynasty established a monumental success, the achievements of the Qing Dynasty can be compared with the Han Zhang, Ming Liu Bowen par. However, there are also some viewpoints that Fan Wen-cheng made a great contribution to the Qing dynasty and made many contributions to the establishment and development of the Qing government. However, he committed unforgivable crimes against the Ming dynasty. Manchu people were ethnic minorities who were frontier at that time. However, Fan Wencheng, who for his part was reluctant to re-use himself and betrayed his own country and Ming monarchy for his personal utility, lost money in the major event. Fan Wencheng himself said: "I am a big bone of clear eared meat." Fan Wen-cheng was "the day sitting at the mercy of the right door," he is the actual organizer of the Qing government, he had to "day and night in the Que, nothing Size should be machine-made. " To Tiancong three years (1629) at the suggestion of Fan Wencheng, Hou Jin conducted the first examination, Manchu, Mongolian and Han intellectuals actively participated in the exam. To Tiancong eight years (1634), Huang Taiji really kick off the imperial examination, follow the Ming Dynasty approach, "Pilot as a lure."


Forty-six years of Wanli (1618), Fushun, FAN Wen-cheng and Soprano took the initiative to seek out Nurhaci and surrendered their money.

Wen Cheng is a great son of the Northern Song Dynasty Fan Zhongyan's seventeenth-generation descendant, it is also well-known, but to Fan Wencheng this generation, the family fell, flow off customs, only mixed with a county student in Shenyang. The Taoist motto of Taoism had a great impact on Genghis Khan, and even once ordered "killing" and once again released 30,000 Han and Jurchen who were slaves. At that time, Dole was only slightly aware of Li Zicheng's march toward Beijing. He also wrote to the Peasant Army and said that both parties should work hand in hand to win the Central Plains while Fan Wencheng told him that the Ming Dynasty will die and that Li Zicheng is the true adversary. Fan look at pushing the back figure?

Ode to say

Tianbai white waterfall come

Hu is not angry

Fan removed from more than

Young child half-sad

Destiny five years (1620) In September, Nurhachu announced the deposed Belle Belle degeneration of the crown princehood, and "Li Amin, Mang Gultai, Huangtaiji, Degu class, Yue Xuan, Zuerhalang, , Duo Duo, Dorgon for the sum of true ", a total of the discussion of state government [1]. In other words, from that moment onwards, Doll has ranked among the eighth generation of young children in participating in the affairs of state and in treasuries.


Aixinjueluo Dole 衮 (November 17, 1612 - December 31, 1650), the Qing Taizu Nurhaci fourteenth son, Aba Hai second son. Ming Wanli Forty years (1612) was born in Hetu Allah (now Liaoning Province Xinbin County Old City). Nurhaci surrendered in 1618 Van Fan, do not know Nurhaci son called Dorgon? Why did you play this name?


Chen Changzhi inscribed in the Qing dynasty: "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": 衮, emperor enjoyed the first king, Volume embroidered embroidery in the next frame, a Longpan Arab township. From the clothes sound.

Others think Dorr should write dorogon or dorohon, which means that children are short - the per capita perception of both opinions is called "badger" rather strange ...

- That's it.


Dragon, the Chinese translation of "dragon", but with the Chinese "dragon" (English translation: loong) are essentially different. Dragon is a powerful creature in Western mythology that at first glance looks like a lizard with bat-like wings. Dorgon is a Manchu, a minority ethnic thing, named pay attention, it seems like a bear, with his name Aixinjueluo (meaning gold), so translated into Chinese name is the golden bear. This is Ji Lianhai said in Zhen Huan Chuan.

A major implication is that the two brothers, the elders of the same generation and the mother, who are inseparable from one another, are somewhat special in their names. The connection of "pardon and government" alludes to "regency." On behalf of good, Regent Wang, Jiamu is a good wife, son of the regency is the king, suggesting dynasties it?


"Dream of Red Mansions" is based on the Dorgon family events as the background, implied Cao Xi family history and the story started. Story of the novel to Jalan, Jia Jia multiply to the fifth generation, Jia's development shows that the story of the novel implies a hundred years of family history, the author's true life experience that is related to the fifth person of the story background.

- "Dream of Red Mansions" is based on the Nalan Pearl Family event as the background, implying Nalan's family history and the story started. When Jia Tong (Story of the Novels) passed to Jia Lan (Yongzheng), Jia's family became the fifth generation. The development of Jia's family proves that the story of the novel implies a hundred-year family history. The author's true personal experience is related to the fifth person of the story background.


The part of Mongolian dance he danced with filial piety was a bold and enthusiastic performance of the passion of a mature man and woman, so real and not contrived. And my love for Xiao Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang's feelings and love or less like it, it is better to say that there is a little jealous, think they can kill their favorite, but also smart and capable people, so forever he has not occupied the look What a wonderful time! The heroine and badger's feelings remind me of the heroine and heroine in Gone with the Wind, their love flaking holy cloak, showing the original appearance. Although this is a downright plum Mary Su drama, but so good art. Actress Dorr from the use of love to link with the natural, no lightning spot. Dorgon was assassinated by filial piety Zhuang, filial piety lying in bed with their couple lying in bed weeping: "He was dead!" I also shed tears.

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