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Twenty-ninth day Poetry open meeting 第二十九天 诗词开大会







香港回归日期:1997.7.1-1685.7.1=312年,为什么不是300年整呢?如是则应该1985.7.1日回归,而这和1685则信息联系紧密,只6变为9而已。黄道12等分,则在11线上即是新生命出生或是穿越时空的时间长度吗?为什么红楼梦一人而分为12钗,拆12分身了啊!宝钗不是随便的钗,是这个拆意义啊!以前画过生死轮回圆图,也是和两个欧拉数学公式相关的,也可以验证刚才的说法的。这可能就是应时而生,应时而逝吧!香港,香玉之港;澳门, 凹晶馆之门。 郯城地震,地球与身体。怪不得香港澳门1997.7.1与12.20日回归呢!

《八声甘州·对潇潇暮雨洒江天》 柳永






向此成追感,新愁易积,故人难聚。凭高尽日凝伫。赢得消魂无语。极目霁霭霏微,瞑鸦零乱,萧索江城暮。南楼画角,又送残阳去。 ​​​

——雄风: 宋玉风赋:~故其清凉雄风,则飘举升降,乘凌高城,入于深宫.抵花叶而振气,徘徊于桂椒之间,翱翔于激水之上.将击芙蓉之精,猎蕙草,离秦蘅,概新夷,被荑杨,回穴冲陵,萧条众芳.然后徜徉中庭,北上玉堂,跻于罗幢,经于洞房,乃得为大王之风也。

妙玉说古人的诗词只有两句是好的: "纵是千年铁门槛,终需一个土馒头", 意思是那些大富大贵的人家, 自以为铁打的门槛, 连小鬼也近不去, 却不知道人人都有一死, 死了不过都是埋在一个土堆里, (看起来就像一个土馒头), 什么荣华富贵都带不走,并没有区别。 她自认为自己看透一切,已经在门槛之外了, 所以自称 "槛外人"。











苏轼《永遇乐 夜宿燕子楼,梦盼盼,因作此词》






秋蓝看到评论:柳絮与思妇达到了“你中有我,我中有你”,水乳交融,貌似神合的境界,“昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也。不知周之梦为蝴蝶,蝴蝶之梦为周与?周与蝴蝶,则必有分矣。此之谓‘物化’。 ​​​秋蓝如上又自觉的将苏轼的诗与红楼梦进行对应了:此篇更是葬花吟的写照了,柳絮词黛玉。苏轼男子可以写出如此细腻的女儿情怀词吗?怪不得诗词大会静姝随身携带苏轼呢?心想女孩子为什么要这么对待苏轼啊?原来如此。她还喜欢陆游的。


罗贯中: 黄巾之乱、董卓之乱、群雄逐鹿、三国鼎立、三国归晋五大部分。战争。——罗,高罗佩,夢,红楼梦,贯穿其中。黄巾起义,正黄旗,纳兰成德。张角,红楼梦争犄角围棋。四库全书,四个皇帝知道了原来怎么来的啊!西游记吴承恩,乌雅氏继承/蒙受红楼梦大观园顾恩思义。施耐庵,武士彟,方寸灵山,心。潘金莲,金梅瓶。









秋蓝想到桃花扇,晴雯撕扇。最后一句同惟恐夜深花睡去,也许桃花扇是纳兰禅思出来的事件,和他有一点类似,因为薛宝钗让其考取功名,而他意难平,同桃花扇两个人的分歧造成离别。也同楚辞里说的心不同媒劳。孔尚任桃花扇所说当年真是戏,今日戏如真 ,两度旁观者 ,天留冷眼人,这风格如出金圣叹红楼梦一辙,怪不得三苏叫洵轼辙呢。





梁武帝称:“不读谢诗三日觉口臭。”沈约称:“二百年来无此诗也。”唐代大诗人李白对谢脁最为倾心。清代王士禛《论诗绝句》说李白“一生低首谢宣城”。秋蓝心想李白都膜拜的我得看看是怎么回事,查谢朓信息时,看到这个奇怪的歌曲来源事件:在1992年10月的某一个月圆的晚上,黄安抱著女儿佳佳到楼下去散步,突然有一段旋律飘过他的耳机,敏感的黄安赶紧跑回家,迅速记下了这段旋律。这是一段中国五声音阶的旋律,极为琅琅上口,于是便有了《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》的原始素材。黄安当时觉得那段旋律颇有古风,于是翻开唐诗,在李白的《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》中“弃我去者,昨日之日不可留,乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧,抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁,人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟”。黄安仅是稍加修改便有了《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》的第一段。而在杜甫的诗《佳人》中,后者则是“由来只有新人笑,有谁听见旧人哭?”,写到这儿女儿佳佳哭闹,黄安哄她睡觉时脱口而出:“不如温柔同眠”。 而黄安自己深有体会的则是:“爱情两个字好辛苦。”秋蓝看罢惊叹还有这种事儿?岂不是如同娱乐圈的灵异事件吗?乔梁不就是这样吗?晁,姓氏名。另外,有早晨的意思;字从日从兆,兆亦声。“兆”义为 “远”、“遥远”。日照香炉生紫烟,想到了晁盖的晁字,因金圣叹说过似乎是水浒传也是以晁盖一梦起始,想与红楼梦相似因此印象深刻。刚才没找到什么梦。刚才看唐诗提到自然山水诗著名作者有六朝的谢灵运,谢朓!后一个人没听说过,可是居然是月+兆,和晁对应。这个谢朓还和李白如此有关系。难道波性意识纠缠吗?本是同根生的啊!曹雪芹,草,晁,曹操,黄巢,也有对应。刚才看了chao cao拼音的字极少。空空道人含义有点心经的感觉,贾雨村甄士隐含义是虚中有实,实中有虚。

纳兰性德写下一首五律: 《夜合花》









biang字就是象声词,是陕西人拉扯宽面条时摔打在案板上声音写biang口诀:一点戳破天,黄河两道弯,八字张开口,言字往里走,你一扭,我一扭,你一长,我一长,中间坐个马大王。心字底,月字旁,留个勾搭挂麻糖,坐个车车逛咸阳。秋蓝想到秦钟会说:此字大有意趣,八王走马,剡言之字月心玉壶中。胤是此字的内容,除此余 言马心穴走,不正是八王走马,只余了一个胤禛吗?这是九龙夺嫡的预言啊?九子夺嫡,是指清朝康熙皇帝的儿子们争夺皇位的历史事件。当时康熙皇帝序齿的儿子有24个,其中有9个参与了皇位的争夺。这是谁这么能啊!故意的还是怎么出来的啊?应该是故意的,否则不会那么形象的搞一个骑马扬鞭的声音来读此字,也可能不是故意的,那就太奇特了吧!












《古风 其十九》


西上莲花山,迢迢见明星。(西上 一作:西岳)












































百尺游丝争绕树,一群娇鸟共啼花。(百尺 一作:百丈)











昔时金阶白玉堂,即今惟见青松在。(惟见 一作:唯见)






昨晚本来是写宇宙大爆炸,改写成了宇宙灭亡,因为说的奇点大爆炸是生成了质子直至宇宙的那个图景,不是灭亡的,是星球完全爆炸不见了才是灭亡。~为什么铜陵,通灵吗?能够重新创世的是通灵? 奇点可能就是一个信息物质黑洞合二为一,大爆炸后又重新组合宇宙及事件可能性,直至压缩为奇点,如此循环,这就是平行宇宙存在的可能,因为有信息交叉点可以链接,形成量子纠缠效应,同步性同一性就发生了,看来被激发因果关系的是叠加态禅思,经典态是组合过程了。


天门山古称云梦山,又名玉屏山。坐落在张家界市区以南10公里处。公元263年,因山壁 崩塌而使山体上部洞 开一门,南北相通。三国时吴王孙休以为吉祥,赐名“天门山”。











有连山雪同毛泽东一诗。三山在南齐都城建业之西(今南京市板桥镇西南江边)。刘姥姥 板儿。灞涘望长安,河阳视京县。白日丽飞甍,参差皆可见。余霞散成绮,澄江静如练。喧鸟覆春洲,杂英满芳甸。去矣方滞淫,怀哉罢欢宴。佳期怅何许,泪下如流霰。有情知望乡,谁能鬒不变?谢朓《晚登三山还望京邑》​。第三十三景:长虹饮练位于内湖、如意湖之间的长桥上建有两座木牌坊,桥南牌坊上康熙题额为“长虹饮练”,意思是说长桥像彩虹饮水一样架在白绢般的湖面上。对应谢朓楼对联。


李 白

白 发 三 千 丈, 缘 愁 似 个长。

不 知 明 镜 里, 何 处 得 秋 霜?










纳兰此诗和谢朓 缁尘染素衣 ,李白我本楚狂人,同销万古愁, 李贺的诗句:“买丝绣作平原君,有酒惟浇赵州土, 杜甫《短歌行》有句云:“青眼高歌望吾子, 辛稼轩曾有句云:“倩何人,唤取翠袖红巾,揾英雄泪。 杜甫的名句“白日放歌须纵酒, 。”屈原说过:“众女嫉余之蛾眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫……有关联,以上诗人皆与纳兰有量子纠缠效应。








































并刀,纳兰提过并蒂莲以及并刀,纳兰诗词没看,前天偶尔翻到一页看到。剪了吴淞半江水岂不是武松了?乌雅氏 松树青松。不会武大郎是康熙?看过哪里说康熙非常矮,西门庆对应西贝草斤。此诗有浦溆,都是水边之意,和红楼梦花溆对应,和水浒也对应。纠缠的疙瘩解不开了。此诗提到洞庭湖画的流到了日本,听说白居易在日本火热,又看到此诗似金圣叹风格:






法国弗拉芒维尔Flamanville核电站刚刚发生爆炸。铜陵爆炸看到贴吧说天津爆炸哪个厉害,有人说在3里外看到一个发动机。提到二次爆炸的消防员。李白同销万古愁,想到前面是与尔。维上次不知道在厥离维什么中意思,在唐诗选看到好几次,只,李维嘉也有维。又常建塞下曲:玉帛朝回望帝乡,乌孙归去不称王。天涯静处无征战,兵气销为日月光。想到了两次爆炸。fla-fly man. 惟尔。汽车。中子质子是核。乘风破浪一个视频浙江舟山航拍,想到普陀山.观音。汽车(k)一直弯弯绕绕在公路上任意驰骋,很久了开到头后汽车不见了只见彩虹飞起高丈……雄风拂槛、上青云、乘风破浪彩虹高。



池边屡回翠替,拥群仙醉赏,凭栏凝思。萼绿揽飞琼,共波上游戏。西风又看露下,更结双双新莲子。斗妆竞美。问鸳鸯、向谁留意。 ​​​

宋词三百首有晁元礼 晁补之 晁冲之,刚才查同销万古愁,偶然看到晁端礼也有,此人名特别,看到此并蒂莲诗。















诗词大会蒙曼寄语唐诗人杜秋娘《金缕衣》: 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。 花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。 感慨伤感~看到解释觉得和元迎探惜~隐含青春不再来的原应叹息强关联。/想到青春期只想拍照留念,大点了根本不想照相了~继续看唐诗选有诗“临水不敢照,恐惊平昔颜——热搜如此高100多万?这么看来,这个热搜现象不只是对青春的留恋,而且是如同红楼梦,如同陆游唐婉对“爱的永恒价值”的留恋。







人成各,今非昨,病魂常似秋千索。角声寒,夜阑珊。怕人寻问,咽泪装欢。瞒,瞒,瞒!(装欢 通:妆)











窟顶有一朵精美的莲花,环绕莲花周围的为一则碑刻题记:“大唐永隆元年十一月三十日成,大监姚神表,内道场运禅师,一万五千尊像一龛”。。洞内主佛为阿弥陀佛,端坐于双层莲花座上,。主佛施“无畏印”,表示在天地之间无所畏惧,唯我独尊。中间主佛为卢舍那大佛,为释迦牟尼的报身佛,据佛经说,卢舍那意即光明遍照。这座佛像通高17.14米,头高4米,耳朵长达1.9米,头顶为波状形的发纹。双耳长——沈园题诗有40年,计算德妃54岁1714年 ​​​。雍正生日与万佛洞碑刻成日雷同。四米同雍正是四子。19同德妃19岁生子。石窟金佛类同炼金丹女子生出胎儿。唐高宗武则天,想到为什么是高鹗,高罗佩?与此有关。又看到介绍说洛阳龙门石窟是武则天时代开凿的,最大的露天摩崖大龛——奉先寺中,有一尊“卢舍那佛”被不少学者认为是武则天44岁时的“写真”。






玄鉴是对事物本质和全体的一种深远的关照。“心居玄幂之处,览知万事,故谓之玄览也”——老子评传如是说及高亨说,与昨晚说的其中有象~信的解释在心的玄览上一致。不过昨晚说的近乎道之所化的三那个阶段了,即即将从道三产生万物的那个关键连接点上了:此刻已经包含道1智能无限,2自由意志与3爱。一切万物现象是光能量,现象界,是八卦。四象是波粒意识与物质。自由意志与爱是太极两仪,广度与深度。无极是类波函数,禅界,智能无限,造物主。 ​高我不会操作它过去的自我们。当时机合适它会保护;当收到请求它会指引;但自由意志的力量是至高无上的。 如果接受有这么一个东西叫做真实同时性(truesimultaneity),宿命论(determinism)与自由意志表面上的矛盾将会融解。高我是迄今为止所有该心/身/灵复合体经验的发展的结果。 宇宙中万事万物的源头被称为 “造物主”。 它陈述宇宙是由太一无限造物者所创造— 从它自身— 扭曲祂的能量转变为存在的所有部份, 称为”变貌” (扭曲)。 无限造物者创造的三变貌被称为自由意志,爱,光。 所有其他物质都从这三种变貌的互动产生。 近似于全息图或碎形, 宇宙造物的每一个部份也是全体。此刻创造时的心已经是涤除洗心后的如镜玄鉴了,即为道之路途上了。老子此句对应上红楼梦宝玉宝钗说的洗心洗耳。为道日损洗心以达玄鉴,从而方可关照宇宙真谛于波函数之中畅游,此窥视镜(红楼梦以风月宝鉴戏称,可上天入地均可囊括其意)即是观测者,无此镜则无窥视“道”的“门”(入我门来一笑逢,红楼梦即是指此门也)。














唐下是什么,庄下则是土,红楼梦男人是泥巴做的。子沐,水木氏,水木清华。漆园傲吏,西游记孙悟空来自傲来国。庄周,联系到孝庄。且看的宋词三百首是上 彊村人编写的,心想这个人的土跑哪里了呢?不会是跑到庄子里了吧?


周邦彦 宋代



溧水南京 雄风 老子 莺莺 巫山云雨 妙玉梅 嘉荫(甲寅,昨天来知德书1674年刻录)清 香炉竹炉 乌鸦乌雅 绿水 凭阑(李凭吗)芦苇(卢舍那 韦小宝 魏征)竹林 白居易九江 探春船推背图船


王和卿 元代



庄子,宝玉风流孽障,三百首,纳兰。想了纳兰把采花的大蝴蝶都扇到了桥东。又看到朋友圈邱处机图片中的蓑衣似两翅,丘处机诗有蓑衣任平生,宝玉穿蓑衣。看了邱处机九首修道诗,想到庄周梦蝶,南柯一梦红楼梦 纳兰:然诺重,君需记,与第9图学道词同,这就是大蝴蝶的三百座园里一扑一个空?丘,孔丘,贾芹,+耳朵旁就是郯城地震,历史上重量级人物全都是一个人的弥天大谎?无法相信,不可思议,也许天梯之尽头,惟一人耳?


马致远 元代
























此处惊秋雨,李贺箜篌引“ 女娲炼石补天处⑽,石破天惊逗秋雨 ”,对应赋诗的陈其年照图亦是禅思所来的,后面的卿卿无那情也是对应,同时含有卿卿有“纳”情。














Twenty-ninth day

Poetry open meeting十九天 诗词开大会

Autumn and blue this time looking at the book related to Dream of Red Mansions, leisure time to see micro-hot search is in full swing. A small video in the shouting wheat, which has said, I can not remember my temper to say more than three times, autumn and thought of Lin Dai Qiu small prodigal son. Because of zoo events, we think about computer intelligence and human issues as well as animal and human issues. Also see Yimeng Mountain has three water pound Qiuyue, Laoshan monument has a seamount view, Mizuki. Later, I saw Miaoyu at the Chinese Poetry Conference, and everyone was commenting: "This woman said like I was saying" I said it, "said 82 people. Thank you ... Do you think she is a robot? Autumn Blue looked very surprised to see this show, find the TV Poetry Assembly looked up, when asked to see the following three sentences which is not a description of the battlefield, actually have the afternoon thinking of the Yumen Pass. This video is actually there Wan Wanshan, Gansu a date, think of this very much like room test 159 pages under the pit has a blade, but also thought seems to explain the blade, mountain, sail, shaped like Tancheng earthquake Rift Valley.

Earthquakes are vibrations caused by rapid crustal energy release and are a long-term activity. Autumn blue see this, think: release energy? Black hole merger? Information black hole and material black hole merge process? Awareness of the wave of two black holes and wave material into one, resulting in collapsed phenomenon? If the gravitational waves emitted by the merger of black holes span millions of years, if the living body on this black hole has a similar network collection system on our planet, he may immediately know the feedback to his own meditation. Just as he is aware of the same phenomena that meditate in black holes at the same time on Earth. So broad and wide, the future high I, the feedback of Zen gravitation wave of information collection, they should behave like our behavior. All of our information is stored and analyzed by him, just as we read books. This should be watching the day, people are doing this saying.

This is the same time as ours now and the future of our ego. At that time, quantum entanglement happened. For example, the contemplation phenomena caused by reading the present book have entangled with the past. What we now think may collapse in the past. Some of the past may be collapsed in the present, such as archeology. And for the collapsing events seen by past people, that is prophecy. Because we are now walking on the arrow of time. For example, Einstein's five Einstein time trial launch. One hundred years on earth, and the speed of light that Einstein only one year old.

For example, the Yuncheng earthquake, Nalan Zen may be 1686, and his black hole in information is entangled with the wave of black holes in the material, resulting in collapsing. And he did not know his Zen beyond the speed of light back to the past (positioning Linyi Pixian County, the time point 1668). Just as the prophecy book (information + book) has been collapsed in the past time and space, the frequency of being attracted to meditation again appears (information + character). Perhaps Narendra changed the historical process of the Tang Dynasty. His meditation and combination is: Dewey's related black-hole wavy information + wave-like substances bonded with the Tang Dynasty ☞ Interview with Wu Zetian for a time and space.

Autumn blue and saw the poetry at the General Assembly Ye Fei 13-year-old, this person was impressed. A few days ago I thought of the following: Angian singing horse breaking Zhang Fei. The Tang Dynasty Tang combination is Guangxuekou vertical, the current China is the Chinese dagger is ten, think of the cross. Impressed above is the fly, mouth, ten. The combination is Ye Fei.

See Shen Zi is Wu Zixu, No. Shen son. Think of the front said Bo Yong, known as Jia Shi, because the edge of a water. Unexpected monument, A visit to Yun Road dream, deeds have declared in mind. So to say, the strange events of 1644 come from? Li Zicheng, 18 son, Wu Tang Lee's self-Cheng, so out of Li Zicheng? Heat search for the Summer Palace, saw the inscription of the Summer Palace. Just look at the Song words, there is a man named Wang Yi Sun attracted my attention, because Wang Xifeng, Linyi earthquake Jia Qin, Chu said the sun refers to the small division three meanings. His first word is Tianxiang, the second is the eyebrow, (the charming woman?) The last sentence to see clouds outside the mountains, but also old Osmanthus old film. Have a sense of osmanthus, find notes, written is "look at the cloud" two sentences, think of the corresponding on the sky. Autumn Blue heard the Journey to the West heard Longevity Hill, Twelve Chai Wanshou word, Laoshan peak life, the Summer Palace Longevity Hill.

Hong Kong date of return: 1997.7.1-1685.7.1 = 312 years, why not 300 years? If so, it should return on January 7, 1985, and this is closely linked with the 1685 information, only 6 into 9 only. Ecliptic 12 equally divided, then in 11 lines that is the birth of a new life or time span of time? Why a Dream of Red Mansions and divided into 12 hairpin, split 12 avatar ah! Bao Chai is not casual hairpin, is the meaning of this demolition ah! Previously painted a circle chart of life and death, but also with the two Euler mathematical formula, you can also verify the just argument. This may be born from time to time, it should be gone! Hong Kong, Hong Kong celadon; Macao, the gateway to the concave crystal Museum. Tancheng earthquake, earth and body. No wonder Hong Kong and Macau 1997.7.1 and 12.20 return to it too!

"Eight Yinzhou Ganzhou Xiaoxu twilight rain sprinkle Jiang days" Liu Yong

Xiaoxu Twilight Sprinkle River days, some clear autumn. Cold frost tightness, off the river, residual photo when the floor. Is the red faded Tsui reduction, Huo Huo Hua Hu. Only the Yangtze River, speechless.

Unbearing climax, hopelessness hometown, return to think hard to close. Sigh years trail, what bitter flooded stay? Like a woman, makeup lookout, mistakes a few times, the sky acquainted boat. Dispute me, leaning railings, Zheng 恁 condensate worry!

Imagine beauty because of their own thoughts and miss their own people, is leaning on the bar, a dream of Confucius A Dream of Red Mansions!猗 Lan Cao, Yue Fei by the column! Song Yu Song Dai words jade. Why Tang poetry so clear and different? This verse is similar to what I just saw in the poem by the same wording, Nalan and poem by whom, Confucius music? Could these be the combination of time and space through the ppap, the predecessors do not know future generations I do not know, really should be the last empty man in the sky dream of laughing to go out laughing.

Bamboo horse (immortal Lu tune) Liu Yong

Gordon isolated barrier desolate, Dan Wang Kuang Wang Jing, static Linzhu example. Rain on the female Ni, Xiongfeng Threshold, slightly tired annoying summer. Gradually feel astonishing autumn leaves, cicada noisy late, prime time. King want to see before the scene, that God Beijing, non-smoking non-smoking depths.

Into this chase, new worry easy product, so people are difficult to gather. With high day condensate queue. Win ecstasy speechless. A very subtle 霁 Ai Fei Wei, crows messy, desperate Jiangcheng twilight. South Tower painting angle, and sent to the sun. The company is located in:

- Treasures: Song Yufeng Fu: ~ Therefore, the cool glory, then floating lift, take the Ling Gaocheng, into the deep Palace. Arrived Mosaic and Vibrating, hovering between the sweet and sour, flying in the water above. Hibiscus essence, hunting LOH grass, from the Qin Ying, a summary of new yi, was Yang, back to the hole Chong Ling, Depression Zhongfang .And then Atrium, North Yutang, in the Luo buildings, through the bridal chamber, Wind also.

Miaoyu said the ancients poem only two are good: "vertical is the threshold of the Millennium Iron, the final need a land bread," meaning those rich and powerful people, think they iron the threshold, and even the devil is also close to, but I do not know everyone has a dead, dead, but are buried in a mound (looks like a land bread), what are the glory and wealth are not taken, there is no difference. She thinks she sees through everything, is already outside the threshold, so claiming to be "outsiders."

In this way, Li Bai, Yang Guifei, Tang and Song poems, Liu Yong, Song Yu, Qu Yuan, Chu Ci, A Dream of Red Mansions, Miaoyu, Nalan, De Fei, so through the time and space of the Song and Song poems linked. By now, I have become accustomed to such a ghostly quantum entanglement that was questioned by Einstein.

When is the moon, the wine ask the sky.

I do not know the sky palace, Jinxi is what year?

I want to go by the wind, but also fear Juggernaut Yu Yu, height is unspeakable.

Dancing clear shadow, like in the world!

Su Shi two words of the word dance Notes: Dance under the moon, swaying sway, "as if God go back, a few do not know who is also in the world." Autumn blue feel very clever explanation, take a closer look is Polygonum word choice. Think of the Polygonatum Scape, is it not non-Yuan Chunhua spent here, and take Polygonatum it?

 Last night rain Shufeng

苕 Creek fishing hidden cloud: Recently, women can write words such as Li Yi'an, quite good sentences, such as the cloud "green fat red thin," only the phrase very new. And nine days words, "Curtain westerlies, people like yellow flower thin", this remark is also difficult for women to also. Shen Jifei said: "No" word, stacked deodorant. "Green fat red and green," won the woman, big odd. By asking very affectionate, answer 'still. , Answered extremely 澹, fell out of "know" two sentences. The "green fat red thin, infinitely sad, but wonderful in subtle. The short story Twists and turns in the world, self-sacred words.

Autumn and blue to see the words to write red and green fat red thin words, think of Hongloumeng Hongxiang jade, the original is here ambush ah! It is not today to verify a Song, Really did not think of Li Qingzhao and Nalande Fei what relationship. Lee, needless to say, eighteen son push back plum, the Qing Dynasty, according to Kam, Li Qingzhao. How does the entanglement of quantum between Li Qingzhao and Defei?

Autumn blue Su Shi Su Longyin Sui Yin sub-rhyme Yang Hua words, think of stay, Xiang Ling. Su Shi, Dongpo lay, Xining period. Liu is so, Kangxi. See Yi Mao night dream on the 20th lunar January ten years of life and death two boundless. Do not think about it. Since memorable. Trinidad solitary grave, nowhere bleak. Bowel cut off every year, moonlight night, short Matsuoka. Autumn blue and think of German birthday 1.20 days, the moon, pine, ten years. Read the east wind curl thick Sogo, fragrant fog empty moon porch. Fear the night deep sleep, so burning high candle according to red makeup. Autumn blue and think of Shixian Yun, Yang Yu Fei, Baoyu let Dai Yu sleep, afraid of plot food, to tell her jokes Xiaoxian mice.

Su Shi, "Paradise Ever Eternal Swallow House, dream Panpan, because of this word"

Bright moon, such as frost, good wind, unlimited scenery. Qu Hong jump fish, lotus diarrhea, lonely no one see.紞 such as the three drums, Keng Ran leaves, dark and dark dream cloud was broken. The vastness of the night, re-search nowhere, I feel small garden travels. Tired of End of the World, the return of the mountain, Wang Disconnected from hometown mind. Swallow floor empty, beautiful woman where, empty lock floor Zhongyan. Dreams of ancient and modern, ever dreamed, but old Huanxin resentment. Different time, yellow night view, Yu-ho sigh.

Autumn and winter blues strike this poem heart exclaimed, is simply the sigh of the ages of Jin Shengtan, Dai Yu funeral flowers, this poem also had a few words written by Su Shi, simply can not believe why the Dream of Red Mansions and the entire clues are Is this mood "too illusory"? Laoshan suspected fantasy has a correspondence, Su Shi and what other can be corresponding?

Hydrangea Yang flower word Su Shi

Flowers also seem non-flower, no one pity to teach from the pendant. Pajiajiao Road, consider it, ruthless and thoughtful. Lying Rouchang, drowsy Jiao Yan, want to open back. Miles dream of the wind, looking for a place to go to Lang, but also been, Yingying.

Do not hate this flower to do, hate the West Park, Falling Red Difficulties. Xiao rain, where is the trace? A pool of Ping broken. Spring three points, two dust, a minute of water. Fine, not Yang Hua, a little bit from tears.

Autumn blue see the comments: catkins and thinking woman reached the "you have me, I have you," Shuimun blend, seemingly the realm of God, "Xi Shizhuang for the butterfly, vivid butterfly also .. I do not know the dream of the butterfly, Butterfly dreams for the weeks and weeks and butterflies, there must be points to carry .This is called 'materialized.' Autumn blue above and consciously Su Shi's poetry and the corresponding Dream of Red Mansions: This article is funeral Yin The portrayal of words, Daiyu. Su Shi men can write such a delicate daughter's feelings words? Strange poetry conference Jing Shu Su carry it? Think girls why treat Su Shi ah? So it is. She also likes Lu You of.

Tang poetry ... Tangshan! Tanggula, Songjiang, Shanhai Grand View. Shan Hai Jing. Monk. Cao Cao. Monkey King.

Luo Guanzhong: Yellow Turban chaos, Dong Zhuo chaos, crowded, the Three Kingdoms, the three countries go to the Jin five most. war. - Luo, Gao Luopei, dreams, Dream of Red Mans, runs through them. Yellow Turbans Uprising, is yellow flag, Nalan Chengde. Zhang Kok, Dream of Red Mansions horns chess Go. Sikuquanshu, four emperors know how the original ah! Journey to the West Wu Cheng'en, Uygur inheritance / Succeed Dream of Red Mansions Grand View Garden. Shi Naian, Samurai 方, square inch Lingshan, heart. Pan Jinlian, Jin Mei bottle.

Outlaws of the Marsh Lin Chong, wild boar Lin, his wife was beguiling robbery, Journey to the West is a good monster grab the benevolent wife, especially the Second Sister Dream of Red Mansions was robbed, Romance of the Three Kingdoms should also have this throughout the book, the background is the fact that the beginning is Nalan was hidden Back tone. Four famous need to look together, or do not understand what exactly is imagination, but in the end is a must. Understand the Dream of Red Mansions, to fully understand the other three.

Huang Tingjian said that Yan Jidao had "four crazy" in his life: as a prime minister, he did not use his own relationship to seek career opportunities. This is a "fool"; The beginning of the rich family assets, but generous assistance to others, in the end but the family lived a poor life, this is the "three crazy"; others live up to him, he still believes in others, this is the "four crazy." In fact, Yan Jidao not only this "four crazy", he still has a crazy, is infatuation.

"Linjiang Xian" is a few famous people who chant Yan Road: Dreams high locks after the dream, sober curtain drooping. When the hate came last spring. Falling people independent, micro-Swift fly. I remember Xiao Ping first see, double heart word Luo Yi. Pipa string said Acacia. At that time in the moon, according to Caiyun return.

Prime Minister's son, four idiot and infatuation, as well as poetry, class Nalan.

Colorful sleeves graciously holding the jade bell, then fight but drunk red.

Dancing low Willow House heart month, songs make peach fan style.

Do not meet, reunion, a few back to the soul with dreams.

Tonight left the silver 釭 photo, still afraid to meet is a dream.

Autumn and blue peach fan think, Qingwen tear fan. The last sentence of the same feared night sleep, perhaps Peach fan Nalan Zenith out of events, and he is a bit similar, because Xue Baochai let them get the fame, and he intended to be flat, split with the Peach Blossom fan two people. Also with the heart of Chu said the heart of different media. Kong was Ren Peach fan said that year was really play, today's drama is true, twice onlookers, days stay cold-eyed, this style is the same as a gold Shengtan Dream of Red Mansions, no wonder the three sasuyenite it.

Eternal music · sunset melting

Sunset melting, Mu Yun mix, where are people? Yanliu smoke thick, blowing Mei Di resentment, spring know how many. Lantern Festival, blending the weather, the second storm it. To call on, Hong car BMW, thank him wine friends.

Zhongzhou Shengri, boudoir more time, remember to focus on March 5. Shop Tsui Guan children, twirling snow, ribbon fight Chu. Now haggard, the wind 鬟 cream 鬓, afraid to see the night out. Better to, curtain children, listen to people laugh.

Autumn blue just want Li Qingzhao Rui Brain is a spice, dragon brain. Golden beast, refers to the incense burner. Does Li Bai's poetry have anything to do with it? Room test mentioned censer. Also see this poem and Xin Qiji Lantern Festival mood similar! Even with the car BMW, snow willow twisting gold sentence exactly the same. Perhaps more likely is that Li Qingzhao is the demeanor pseudonym, Zhao Mingcheng is Nalan, but Nalan is not the Ming Dynasty, perhaps this is Zen Ming Dynasty + Chengde ☞ Ming Cheng, corresponding to the Qing Dynasty moon as a mirror according to Li Qingzhao .

Liang Wudi said: "Do not read Xie Shi three days to feel bad breath." Shen about: "There are no such poems for two hundred years." Li Bai, the Tang Dynasty poet most eager to Xie. Wang Shih Tzu in Qing Dynasty "Poem Quatrains" that Li Bai "Xie Xuancheng low life." Autumn Blue thought Bai Bai worship I have to see what is going on, thank you 朓 information, see this strange song source events: a month in October 1992 a full moon night, Huang An daughter Allison went downstairs to go for a walk, suddenly there is a melody drifting across his headphones, sensitive Huang An quickly ran home, quickly recorded this melody. This is a period of China's fifth-scale melody, extremely catchy, so there will be a "new mandarin duck dream of the butterfly," the original material. Huang An was quite old-fashioned melody that time, so open the Tang poetry, in Li Bai's "Xuanzhou Xuan Zui House Farewell School Uncle Shuyun" in the "abandon me to those who yesterday can not stay, chaos my heart today The more worries of the day, pumping knife cut off the water more flow, toast to worry more worried worry, life is not satisfied with life, the Ming Dynasty get boat boat. Huang just a little modified there will be a "new mandarin duck butterfly dream" of the first paragraph. In Du Fu's poem "The Beauty," the latter is "since only the newcomer laughed, who heard the old man cry?", Wrote here, the daughter of Allianz cries, Huang Ann coax her sleep blurted out: sleep". And Huang own deep experience is: "Love two words so hard." Qiu Lan stunning wonder there are such things? Is it not like the entertainment of the supernatural event it? Qiao Liang is not like that? Chao, surnames. In addition, the meaning of the morning; the word from the trillion, trillion also voice. "Mega" meaning "far", "far away." Rizhao incense raw purple smoke, think of the cover Chao Chao word, because Jin Shengtan said seems to be the Outlaws of the Marsh is also a cover Chao a dream, like the Dream of Red Mansions and therefore impressed. Did not find any dream. Just look Tang poems referred to the famous natural landscape poetry writer Xie Lin Yun of the Six Dynasties, thank you! After a person did not hear, but actually month + trillion, and Chao corresponding. Xie Xie and Li Bai also have such a relationship. Is the wave of consciousness entangled it? This is the same root ah! Cao Xueqin, grass, Chao, Cao Cao, Huang Chao, there are correspondence. Just read chao cao pinyin very few words. The meaning of empty-minded people a little Sutra feeling, Jia Yucun Zhen Shi hidden meaning is real, in fact, there is a virtual.

Nalanxingde wrote the first five law: "night co-flower"

Double-night before the order, branches and leaves apply Huarong.

A total of barren rain, volume Shuyin obscure.

Shadow with Yun foil chaos, incense miscellaneous water Shen Shen.

This can be offended, swirling Ying welcome 楹.

Dark: the last day of the lunar month, the day before the new moon day; the darkness is unknown. The Xie 朓 this 朓 word is: the moon lunar month in the West; surplus. Obscure see the West that night 朓. - "Said the text"

The new mandarin duck butterfly dream image deep, the melody has always been clear, because the first time away from home and heard the streets have been repeated play this song. But why is it a pack of blue sky tails? Where is the connection with Baotian ah? It seems that Taiwan has a tricky shot. Taiwan seems to have a spiritual study that seems to have taken place. And Taiwan actually got Lin Zhiying and Cai Yilin. The two men later discovered in autumn Qiu Sansian III, the romantic relationship between the song and the snow once again thought about their time and song content, they have to be further explored.


Poetry Assembly has a question very much in line with Qu Yuan, but the answer is Lu Zhaolin, the original content of both poetry and life experiences are respectively corresponding Nalan and Qu Yuan ah! Wang Wei poetry: kung fu five willow. Five willow Tao Qian. The original Dream of Red Mansions to the last five to Liu Liu is the meaning of seclusion, the second Mandarin duck Li Li's emphasis on performance also dark pointed out this point. Dream of Red Mansions is to write one two three four five: Yuan Ying lovers cherish each other correspond to clever sister Qin Keqing Wang Xi Feng Miaoyu Shi Xiangyun, 10 + 2 (Dai Yu Bao Chai for the abstract author classification of yin and yang two types of thinking).

Hong Kong and Macau map Lingding think of poetry how to say? After watching television poetry there. Just read the Yellow River far away from the clouds, a solitary city Wanjian Mountain, a "yellow sand straight up," think of this and the desert smoke Straight River fell even more the same. Wang Zhi and Wang Wei time similar in age, are Shanxi, and state, Puzhou (and the knife, the West Chamber remember Po Temple). If Nalan Zen spread across time and space to their hearts, then how much the gravitational wave?


 biang word is onomatopoeia, is the Shaanxi people pulling lasagna when beating on the board voice to write biang formulas: piercing the sky, the two bends of the Yellow River, open mouth character, the words go inside, you twist, I twist you A long, I am a long, sitting in the middle of a horse king. Heart word at the end of the word next to leave a hook hanging hamster sugar, sit in a car visiting Xianyang. Qiu Qin think autumn will think: This word is very interesting, eight kings, words in the heart of Yue words jade pot. Yin is the content of this word, in addition to the remaining Ma Xin points go, it is not really eight kings, only a Yin Yao it? This is the prophecy of the Kowloon snatched ah? Nine children to win the emperor, refers to the Qing Emperor Kangxi emperors for the throne of historical events. At that time, Kangxi Emperor ordered teeth son 24, of which 9 involved in the throne of the contention. Who is so able! Intention or how come out ah? Should be intentional, otherwise not so fancy riding a whip to read this word, or may not be intentional, it is so strange!

Hiragana desert smoke such as weaving, cold mountain area around the heart of Bi.

暝 color into the tall building, someone upstairs worry.

Jade steps empty standing, the birds fly booming.

Where is the return? Pavilion pavilion with short kiosks.

Is not the last sentence of the red said the long reach of the shed - there is no non-stop feast it?

Bright moonlight bed, suspected ground frost.

Look up the moon, bow to think of hometown.

Autumn Lan immediately think of Dream of Red Mansions: when every three reunion, full Qingguang jade bar. Out of the round before the world people looked up.

Unresolved tri-generation wish, Tim added a worry. Boring when the amount of money, go to a few look back.

Since the front of the shadow of the film, who can be under the moon? Toad light if interested, first jade head.

Dream of Red Mansions these two poems is the full meaning of Li Bai's poems, the hometown is the old jade jade ah, no wonder the history of Xiangyun called pillow Xia old friends yet. Just saw the word in the song according to Jun, think of Zhaojun originally from moonlight in the king, here Jia Yucun first jade head also corresponds to this. Zhaojun destiny like Daiyu.

"The ancient wind of its nineteen"

Li Bai

West Lotus Hill, 迢 迢 see stars. (West last work: Xiyue)

Prime hand to Lotus, Xu step 蹑 too clear.

Seduction wide band, floating sky trip.

Invited me to board Haeundae Wei Shuqing.

Huang and go, driving Hong Ling purple Ming.

Overlooking Luoyang River, walking Hu Bing.

Bleeding grasses, wolves do crown Ying.

Is this not most of Su Shi's moon when there? Only to the hate, a total of thousands of miles did not come out. Jin Shengtan has always stressed the nineteenth ancient poetry, gem is 19 monk, it seems and Li Bai is also extremely related. Just saw the Academy of Social Sciences out of Tang Poetry selected Li Bai actually born in Na Lanxi line to reach the farthest land: Born in the Western Regions (now Kyrgyzstan Tokkom). The first song is actually written in some of the Journey to the West write, eighteen ghosts, poetry levy levy sign. 1678 Dove ghost?

"Sunrise and sunset"

Li Bai

Oriental sunrise 隈, seems to come from the ground.

Days after another into the sea, the Six Dragons shelter in zai?

The beginning and the end of the rest, non-human safety and long PEAR back.

Grass is not glorified in spring, wood does not complain in autumn.

Who whipped to drive the Four Luck, all things break Xing natural.

Xi and Xi, Ru Xi Xi did not wave of brutal.

Lu Yang Ho Tak, King Kong scene.

Adverse transgression, straightening false real.

I will include chunks, awe-inspiring and Ming-ming with the same section.

This verse is very similar to the natural questioning quest in front of Qu Yuan Heaven, and the content of life politics behind it is included in the last sentence. Just read the content and life encyclopedia content consistent with the A Dream of Red Mansions.

Jiuyi Mountain, also known as Cangwu Mountain. Located in Ningyuan County, Yongzhou City, in the south of Hunan Province, it is 60 miles south of the city of Ningyuan County. It belongs to Mengzhuling in the Nanling Mountains. It has a vertical and horizontal extension of 2,000 years. It borders Luofu Mountain in the south and Heng Yue in the north.

Mao Zedong's ancient poetry Qilu · A friend

Jiuyi Bai Yunfei mountains, Emperor under the wind Cuiwei.

Bamboo a thousand tears, red Xia Wan hundred heavy clothing.

Dongting Bay waves, Long Island people singing songs.

My dream because of the boundless profile, Hibiscus country to do Zhaohui.

Including a large piece, that is, everything is one with me. Sea 涬, natural gas.

One of the long line

Li Bai

Concubine issued the beginning of the amount of discount flowers in front of the play.

Lang riding bamboo horse, get around the bed plum.

Long live in cohabitation, two no suspicions,

Fourteen for the young woman, shame not open.

Bow down to the dark wall, a thousand different call back.

Fifteen start exhibition eyebrow, is willing to dust and ash.

Permanent memory pillar letter, Qi on Taiwan husband.

Sixteen-jun trip, Qutang 滟 滪 pile.

May not touch, apes sound sad day.

Have you ever wanted to Nalan de liru 1674-1677 three years of marriage, death, will not be the palace of the German it? Otherwise, their date is 5.30 days passed away? There are three years, the mandarin duck hall, writing poems that the deceased woman will not write a poem but two dreams good? Will Lushi be dead? And the most critical of this time period corresponds to the German Imperial Palace and his son's time period into the palace in 1673, born in 1678, covering that three years. Li Bai This poem corresponds to De-fei during the period: 14 is a monarch, 16-jun travel, long dry ancient Jinling is a street name. Dream of Red Mansions is Ren Qing Lane, recognize, recognize the reality of the Qing Dynasty, or the Tang Dynasty black hole information alley? Can recognize clearly? And the beginning of the Dream of Red Mansions did not correspond to the dynastic years. Childhood sweetheart, willing to dust and ash, in front of green moss, and the Dream of Red Mansions Daiyu. Ape is sad to grieve in heaven? With the Journey to the West.

Chang'an ancient meaning

Lu Zhao neighbors

Chang An Avenue even narrow slope, Green Cat Baishuang car.

Jade 辇 vertical and horizontal through the main, Jinbianluo to Hou home.

Long title treasure cover Asahi, Fushi Spinning belt with the sunset.

Fendreds of gossamer fight around the tree, a group of Jiao birds altogether crow. (Hundred feet for a: Baizhang)

Butterfly 1000 trip touring bee side, Bi silver tree million colors.

Duplex cross window for Acacia, double Que even 甍 vertical wing.

Liang Jia painting Pavilion in heaven, Han Emperor gold stem straight.

Pursuit of flute to purple smoke, once learned the degree of dance.

He died than what He died, Yuanyang do not envy Xian.

Mandarin duck than envy, double to double do not you see.

Raw hate account embroidered solitary 鸾, good take the curtain posts double Yan.

Shuang Yan flying around the beam, Luo Cui Tsui tulip.

Film line with cicada, squid in the first month on crow.

Festival scenery does not treat, Sang Tian Bi Hai Sui change.

White gold when the White Hall, now only see pine. (But see a work: only see)

Lonely little lonely, aged one year old book.

Nanshan osmanthus unique hair, flying to attack people 裾.

This poem can fit Nalan's experience and thought. Later, we saw that there was a magnitude 4.9 earthquake in Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, with a depth of 10 kilometers. Autumn blue think of 1 o'clock in the afternoon to see the poetry of the General Assembly on September 9 to recall the Shandong Brother exam Shandong where the answer Taishan, in fact, Huashan (in front of a teacher said Huashan Sword!) Touched Shandong Province. Today, if you look at the memory of the sea memory friend Tianya if the neighboring poem name Shu state, I saw why Shu wrapped up a worm ah very strange. Lu Zhaoyuan Chang'an ancient There are Sangtian blue sea, white Yutang, pine, hot people, mandarin duck, blowjob, crowberry, parrot cup, seven incense car feels very much like the Nalan information, see the last word Tian predicted, field saints. Poetry Assembly beat the first 100 people actually 49 people, think of 1949.

If we can push something forward, can we create the same thing that is, the element in this matter? Can not you say that the whole element of the event is what you created? There are many more involved elements of the environment then more, not a six degree space theory? Zen meditation specified information is not sufficient, why can collapse in a person? Is it three-dimensional search was routed to the forefront, so to show us that he or them? If Zen is just a link point, start the beginning of the creation of the movement, then how to exercise is a quantum computer module? Otherwise, how much time and space have to take ah? Zen is the argument variables are entered, and the module program is the same as the underlying program is compressed in the bottom of the black hole in the universe, any one of us no way to understand? Does anyone now understand exactly how the computer works? If there is only one human being perishing in the universe, can he be responsible for this re-creation?

Personnel running so, the natural landscape can also, that nature is Zen sub-finished? That is, have the same kind of vitality, so you can link? Do not know those planets as mud pill is the same? We are like a fool camera, more and more advanced, more distant from the source of photography. Childhood is not that it is very mysterious memorable, not to mention the ancient source of the universe too!

Last night was meant to write a big bang and rewrite it as the demise of the universe because the big bang that is said to have generated the picture of protons up to the universe is not perish but disappears when the planet is completely exploded and gone. ~ Why Tongling, psychic it? Is it possible to re-create the world of psychic? Singularity may be a combination of information black holes, the big bang and then re-combination of the universe and the possibility of events until the compression singularity, so the cycle, which is the possibility of parallel universe , Because of the intersection of information can be linked to form a quantum entanglement effect, synchronicity of identity occurred, it seems to be triggered causal relationship is superposition state Zen, the classical state is the combination process.

Is it the contrary, the planet, the universe, the human explosion disappeared, that is, the formation of a black hole? Although there is nothing, but the information widely dispersed, dust star little proton neutron wandering around, once inspired by the meditation superposition state to a sufficient concentration, there will be nothing to collapse into the reality of material and life, and these high A combination of elements will be a continuous stream of Zen into a new event ... ... that is, from ancient human ancestors that the smallest combination of the universe to the big planet combination, that is, Inspired by meditation, meditation can wander in and out of a black hole, leaving no one ...


Tianmen Mountain Cloud Mountain, also known as Yuping Hill. Is located 10 kilometers south of downtown Zhangjiajie. AD 263 years, due to the collapse of the mountain wall to open the upper part of a mountain, north and south interlinked. Three Kingdoms when the king Sun Hugh auspicious, thanks to the name "Tianmenshan."

Hengjiang Ci four

Poseidon came evil return.

Wave hit Tianmen stone wall open.

Zhejiang August so how.

Tao like snow spray Hill.

The word of Hengjiang six

Moon halo wind fog is not open.

Sea whales East Ba rivers back.

Panic together three moving.

Gongwuduhe go back.

There are mountains and snow with Mao a poem. Sanshan in the capital city of Nan Qi Qi West (now Nanjing Banqiao Zhen southwest waterfront). Liu grandmother board children.灞 涘 look Changan, River Yang as Beijing. Fly in the daylight, all can be seen. Yu Xia scattered into Qi, Cheng Jiang Jing as practicing. Noisy birds covered Chun Chau, mixed British filled Fangdian. To carry on the side of obscenity, pregnant with care Huai Banquet. What good disappointment, tears such as gravid. Affectionate township, who can not change? Xie 朓 "lateen three hill also hope Jingyi." Thirty-third King: Changhong practice is located in Neihu, Lake Ruyi between the two bridges built on the bridge, Kangxi Bridge on the South Bridge on the amount of "Changhong practice," meaning that the bridge like a rainbow of water On the white silk-like lake. Corresponding Xie Tau House couplets.

Autumn Pu song

Li Bai

Thirty thousand white hair, like a long melancholy.

I do not know the mirror, where the autumn frost?

How the princesses twelve princes mirror that mood ah. Qiu Lan also lamented himself two years into a white hair girl quickly, out a lot of white hair, pull unplugged like. Look at the micro-sexy stuff is also showing off their white hair, a little confused.

Li Bai Emei mountain song on the stream, think of West Chamber mind drunk articles Qingxi:

Gongxiu Temple of Qingxi Ancient Town: Known as "Nine Temples and 18 Temples". East Palace, Ronglu Palace, South China Palace, Wanshou Palace, Temple of Heaven, Yu Palace, San San Temple, Wenwu Palace, Hou Tu Gong, Tian Yong Gong, Bing Ling Gong 11 Palace. Qingxi fishing singing the original engraved with a pair of couplets: The couple sit for the true sense of the Five Dragons stirred muddy stream half river water, the couplet as Goddess of Mercy riding a pair of washed Liangjing a heavy day. This couple is Guo Moruo young teacher Chen Rongan old clever clever use of "Qingxi fishing singing" several names together in the.

Orangutan, stars, ape, Qiu Pu more white ape, all gig Aimi ~ complain, think of Everlasting Regret, this hate endless.

Germany is also crazy ears!

Occasionally, Zijing Beijing, Wu door number.

Zhaozhou soil wine but poured, who would like to make a living?

Do not believe, then become friends.

Blue eyes singing all the old, to the respect, make every hero tears. . .

Nalan this poem and Xie 朓 缁 dust dye vest, Li Bai I Ben Chu madman, with the same million-year worry, Li He's poem: "buy silk embroidery for the plain Jun, wine but pour Zhaozhou soil, Du Fu" short song line "has sentence Cloud: "Green eyes singing Wu Zi, Xin Jia Xuan had a saying:" Qian who, call Tsui sleeves red scarf, 揾 hero tears. "Qu Yuan said:" All the female jealous woman's eyebrows come Xi Xi, rhyme that I Yu to prostitution ... ... Related, the above poets are with Nalan Quantum entanglement effect.

"Yin Tian Mu sleepwalking do not stay"

Li Bai

Haiyue talk about Yingzhou, Yan Tao dull letter hard to find.

The more language Tian Mu, cloud Xia Ming or see.

Tianmian day to day horizontal, potential pull Wuyishan cover Chicheng.

Forty-eight thousand feet roof, which would like to dump the southeast.

I want to dream of Wu Yue, Night Moon mirror mirror.

Lake according to my shadow, send me to Sui River.

Xie Gong places this is still, swill rippling Qingpeitan cry.

Foot Xie Gong 屐, body Deng Qing ladder.

Half the sea to see the day, smell the sky chicken.

Qianyuan million uncertainties, fans Shi Shi Shi Shi suddenly stone.

Bear roaring Yin Yinquan, chestnut deep forest Xi Jing layering.

Come green clouds for rain, water 澹 澹 Come raw smoke.

Lack Perak, Qiu Luan collapse. Cave Stone Fei Fei, suddenly in the open.

Qing Ming mighty bottomless, sun and moon shine gold and silver.

Ni for the wind clothing for the horse, the cloud of Jun come from one after another.

Tiger stabbing fawn carriage return, cents of the people out as Rumao.

Suddenly the soul throbbing soul move, suddenly startled and long 嗟.

However, when the pillow felt, lost in haze.

The same is true for the world of music, ancient everything east.

Do not go when the king, and put White Deer Green Cliff,

You must ride the famous mountain. Ann can destroy eyebrows lie expensive,

I can not happy.

Southeastern dumping, Sui River, Sui Shui, Xie Gong, when the pillow was lost seat haze (Pincushion old friends), Ann can destroy the eyebrows, so I can not happy (meaning Italian difficult truth). This stay like naranna hectares left to work. Yingzhou: Legend of the sea one of the three gods, the other two Penglai name, abbot. Tian Mu, Akagi: Hill name, in this province of Zhejiang. Mirror Lake, also known as Kam Lake, Sui River: water name.

Li Bai sent Pei eighteen map South Songshan

Jun Ying Ying Shui green suddenly return Song Cen.

Moments ear wash, wash their hearts for me.

Wash heart truth, wash ear buy name.

Thanks to the public together, phase and economic common people.

Wash your ears, perhaps by the story, Red Mansions Po Yuchai mentioned this.

Drama king Zai painting landscape map song

Draw a water on the 10th, painted a stone on the 5th.

Ability to do without coercion, Wang Zai initially willing to stay authentic.

Kunlun side pot Zhuang Zhuang figure, hanging wall of the temple of the Prime Minister.

Baling Dongting East Japan, Chishui water and the Milky Way pass, in the cloud with the dragon.

Fisherman into the Pu boat, mountain Ya Hongtao wind do.

Yuan Mo Gu Mo than you, should be ruled by miles.

Yan and fast state scissors, cut Wusong half river.

And knives, Nalan mentioned Tibidan and knives, Nalan poetry did not read the day before the day turned to see. Wusong cut halfway it not Wu Song? Uya pine pine. Will Wu Dalang Kangxi? Have seen where Kangxi is very short, Ximen Qing Xibei grass jin. This poem Pu 溆, are the meaning of waterfront, and the corresponding Dream of Red Mansions, and Water Margin also corresponds. Entangled knots untied. This poem refers to the flow of Dongting Lake paintings to Japan, I heard Bai Juyi hot in Japan, but also see this poem like Jin Shengtan style:

Play topic Magnolia

Bai Juyi

Purple room sun rouge demolition, Su Yan breeze blowing open.

Blame alone powder state, Mulan has been a girl.

(Room test mentioned purple room bridal chamber, Rizhao incense raw purple smoke, Dream of Red Mansions eat rouge).

Flamanville Nuclear Power Station in Flamanville, France, has just exploded. Tongling explosion to see it Post Bar said that Tianjin amazing, some people say that in 3 miles to see an engine. Mentioned the second explosion of firefighters. Li Bai with the same old worry, think of the front is with Seoul. Victoria last do not know what meaning in the distance from Victoria, selected in the Tang poetry to see several times, only, Li Wei Jia also Victoria. And often built under the song: Yupi look back to emperor Township, Wusun go no king. End of the World no expedition, soldier soldier ASE. Think of two explosions. fla-fly man. car. Neutron protons are nuclear. Wind and Wave A video of Zhejiang Zhoushan aerial photography, think of Putuo Mountain. The car (k) has been bent around the road on any ride, a long time after the car was gone, I saw the rainbow flew soaring ... ... Thunder threshold, on the Albatron, wind and waves Rainbow high.

Chao Dilei and sedated Hibiscus

Too liquid wave Cheng, to Kam in the photo, hibiscus. Thousands handle the green Dutch deep, and Dan face fight flattery. God's day fell on holy days, the temple was spacious and spacious Jiarui. Fragrance smell core. May the king, life and Nanshan Qi than.

Cui repeatedly returned Tsui for the crowd, immortal Drunk, meditation on the fence. Earl Green Lanfei Fei, a total wave of the game. Westerly again exposed, more knot new lotus seeds. Dress makeup beauty. Ask mandarin duck, to whom attention. The company is located in:

Song three hundred Chao Yuanli Chao Buzhi of the red Chongzhi, just check the sales of the ancient worry, occasionally see Chao Duanli also, the name of special, see this gay pedicle poem.



Lee with 箜 篌 cited

Li He

Wu silk Shu Tong Zhang Gaoqiu, empty mountain condensate decadent does not flow.

Jiang E censor Zu Su Nu, Lee with Chinese shells 箜 篌.

Kunshan Jade Broken Phoenix called Hibiscus fragrant laugh.

Twelve before the cold melt, twenty-three silk moving purple.

Nu Wa rubble TianBu, Shi Tiantian surprise funny autumn rain.

Dream into God mountain gods, old fish jumping wave thin Kau dance.

Wu sleepless leaning laurel, barefoot inclined cold wet rabbits.

Good wind by virtue of force, send me on the Albatron. Eighteen children, Li Ping, Li Ping bottle child children example.箜 篌, to Xiaoxiang concubine bamboo prefix is ​​empty Hou Monkey empty, Monkey King.

Will microblogging heat search is a quantum computer program yet? Sister Liu singing folk songs, singing here to hey and ~ and who need to understand the meaning of the information you launch, do not understand certainly must go silent on the tall buildings. But what is the intermediary? People are wave consciousness, the clouds are wave-like material, and some psychic animals that is really superb ah? Will there be a higher level of aliens also think we psychic it? RA said the density level?


The real Wu Zetian is the original appearance of this article, how looks like Putuoshan Guanyin? Longmen Grottoes are the same, and Guanyin accessories like the river will not Empress Wu Ming Dynasty scholars scam, right? However, this is not easy to say, today would like to Tang and Song poetry will also be a big scam, feeling three hundred Tang and Song Lyrics is three books, and the four famous, just a book written by the author, rather than all poets Poetry, just as the Book of Songs is collapsed out of the same, rather than a collection of Confucius. Look at the Song Ci have this feeling, and thought maybe Song Ci is a book written by De Fei, the Tang poetry is written by Nalan, Yuan Qu has not looked. Daiyu Dream Red Mansions complain about the poet in the boudoir book out to others read, and perhaps this is the way they spread it. Is it harder for a man to write three hundred poems? For extraordinary people, should be just as normal family affairs ease it! Inside the confusion of some of the Dream of Red Mansions comment class or can not be directly explained that the implicit meaning, only the big talk, as the Westward Journey, let it naturalization without losing its artistic conception, in fact, should have its micro-connotation, very few people Will be able to get through, or Ji Xiaolan Why read called micro-cottage? Read Cao Cao Tang notes carefully, read through Cao Xueqin Tang, otherwise how would he study ancient sex? In fact, I have never read Ji Xiaolan book, do not know what he studied, but occasionally check the relevant content inside the exam actually found Ji Xiaolan is also studying this aspect ... ... "Reading Wei Cottage Notes" for the Qing dynasty Strange fiction, the main search before and after the era of various fox gods, karma, persuasion and punishments such as the popular rural strange, or personal anecdote heard in the magisterial; in the space area, then the range Across China as far as Urumqi, Yining, Yunnan and other places to the south.

Sun Wukong eat Xiantao, peach eating peach peach was demoted down, that is, Nalan and German incident was hit it? Journey to the West with poetry as evidence. Dream of Red Mansions was Daiyu Yu died of the corresponding. Eat immortality immortality, Lin Daiyu Peach Society, is not a lover get married is immortal it? Li He, eighteen, Gabe, Jia Kangxi Gabe, Simon, to Jia home for He. Lee with Chinese impeachment Li, Li Defei with the country is a jade word to understand the image of the air, reminded of the Yuan Dynasty pushed the back of the palace has a pig corresponding to Ukiah.

Re-introduced to introduce Lu Wan Tang Wan, intuition that they both Jia Yu Village, in fact, Nalan De Fei. Poetry as evidence: Under the bridge ~ 渌 water kiosk, Tang 琬 ~ Tang Empress Wu Zetian, Wu Ya. De Wan, Wang + Wan. Palace wall willow, willow five children. Think of the inscription on the wall may be meditation out, not artificially carved, or why people want to stay from generation to generation to look it? There are hundreds of millions of good poems in the world

Poetry Assembly Mon mant poem Du Qiu Niang Tang poem "Golden Tailgai": Advise Jun Mochu Jinyi, advise Jun pity to take juvenile. Fold straight off folding flowers, Mo to stay empty flower branches. Sense of sadness ~ see the explanation that Yuan Ying and pamper hidden ~ hidden the youth should not be the original sigh strong association. / Think of just want to take pictures of adolescence, big point did not want to take a picture ~ Continue to see the Tang Poetry Selected Poems "Lin Shui dare not according to fear panic Pingxi Yan - hot search so high 100 million? In view of this hot search Phenomenon is not only a nostalgia for youth, but also as a Dream of Red Mansions, as Lu Wan Tang Wan on the "eternal value of love" nostalgia.

Chai Toufeng red crisp hands

Red crisp hand, Huangpi wine, the city spring palace wall willow. Dongfeng evil, happy. Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Spring is old, people are skinny and thin, tears red 浥 鲛 绡 绡 through. Peach falls, leisure pool Club. Although the league in the mountains, Kam book difficult to care. Mo, Mo, Mo!

Red bergamot fruits, Xia Kimui to Xue Tadao wine and he did not drink, this is also reported in Nalan Chuan De Fei sent his dessert fruit. Acacia spring in the world and people are already in the palace. Baoyu Daiyu jade handkerchief. The Peach Blossom Society written by A Dream of Red Mansions can not gather a poetry one episode, which refers to the book hard to care. Also refers to the Naland Pearl home exclusive concubine pavilion idle.

Chai Toufeng world situation thin

Worldly love, human evil, rain sent flowers easily fall at dawn. Xiao air dry, tears residue. For the note mind, monologue Lang Lan. Hard, hard, hard!

People into each, this is not yesterday, the sick soul is often like a swing cable. Corner sound cold, night and night Shan. Afraid of people seeking, pharyngeal tears Hide, hide, hide! (Loaded Huan Tong: makeup)

Makeup, think of Daiyu said gem installed crazy, wind blowing threshold. Reliance ÀÀÀ, night ÀÊÀÊ.


Shen Park Gok Hsuan inscriptions are very strange, like: child is not ~ red, Orioles, Li 18 son, thank Xiyang (Wang Ba). Pavilion joint problem is obviously the Dafu Daiyu corresponding: Palace wall Liu, Fu Dongfeng flying white floc. "Palace wall willow tenderness and the East to fly Bai Xu, Liu convex (half) Langer how many times to send the rain to send Dusk." Pavilion of the joint is obviously the Difei Daiyu corresponding: Palace wall Liu, Fu Dongfeng Flying white floc Six Dynasties have poetry of Song and Yuan dynasties Song poetry of the Qing dynasty, Nalan Qi wonderful ideas. Wind and rain.

I, surnamed Li ear, the word 聃, a word or say 谥 Bo Yang. Huaxia nationality, Chu County bitter Li Li Township, about living in 571 to 471 years ago. Is an ancient Chinese great philosopher and thinker, founder of the Taoist school, was chased by the Tang Dynasty emperor as Li ancestor.

Look at Lao Zi Ping Chuan write Lao Zi, Lao Zi, said I do not know where their final. Think Laolai like to know Germany, I feel Nara is also based on the collapse of the moral classics compiled by the historical figures do? And Li 18 son, ears, more like Tancheng earthquake 郯. Bo, Nalan boss, Yang. Is Empress Wu ears not long? Do not be Empress Wu Zetian?

聃 dān ear length and big. Old thought longevity sign. Lu Si Mian: Lao Tzu, the book of righteousness, women's rights are superior to the patriarchal, and future generations of men and women cheap woman very different. Longmen Grottoes located in Luoyang City, 12 kilometers south of the Department, with the Datong Yungang Grottoes, Dunhuang Thousand Buddha caves par famous one of China's three grottoes. - Luo God of the yang. Dragon's Gate, Datong world. Cloud God Wushan cloud Yuanyang, Dunmin fire white Wang Dunhuang. These caves should be collapsed, implicitly key to the vital truths of meditation.

Ruan Ji:

People know the deal, dating sincere. Dangerous road doubts, the Pearl can not do it. He is too fast, I want a meal. Gains and losses from students, abusive rhetoric.

There are compassionate love, no sadness and no thought. Gou non-Ying net 何, why Miles Miles. Xiang Feng whisk Xiao Xiao, Qing Yun trick 晞. Declining house, take care of human posture. Ever forgotten, how do you know hey.

Hibiscus Rongqiu tomb, Huang Huang bright color. Daytime decadent forest, elegant side of the road. Cricket Yin households 蟪, 蟪 蛄 Ming thorn.蜉 蝣 Play three dynasties, mining plume wing repair. Who is the clothes?俛 Yang self-absorption swab. When the geometry of life? Generous efforts.

Seventeen years of Emperor Kangxi (1678) October 30, Sheng Huangshengzi Yin 禛 (that is, Emperor Yongzheng), when 19 years old.

At the top of the cave there is a beautiful lotus flower around the lotus as an inscription inscription: "In the first year of the great dragon of Wing Lung on November 30, the supervisor Yao gods table, inner road field Yun Zen, fifteen thousand like a niche" . . The main Buddha in the cave is Amitabha, sitting on a double lotus seat. Lord Buddha applied "fearless", said fearless in the world, the only I admire. The main Buddha in the middle is the Lhasa Buddha, a Buddha reported to the Buddha. According to the Buddhist scriptures, the Rashnaah means bright light. The statue is 17.14 meters high, with a head height of 4 meters and an ear of 1.9 meters. The top of the statue is wavy hairline. Ear length - Shen Yuan poem has 40 years, calculating Fei Fei 54 years old 1714 years. Yongzheng birthday and Wanfo Cave inscribed on the same day. Four meters with the Yongzheng is the son of four. 19 Tongde Fei 19-year-old child. Grottoes Golden Buddha class with alchemy woman gave birth to fetus. Emperor Gaozong Wu Zetian, think of why Gao Qiao, Gauluo Pei? With this. Also saw the introduction that the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang is the Empire era excavation, the largest open-air cliff shrine - Fengxian Temple, there is a "Rheshena Buddha" by many scholars that Wu Zetian 44-year-old "photo."

South wall of the cave carved with Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva statue, the body into a "s" -shaped curve, moderately appropriate, the right hand tail at the dust according to shoulder, the left hand to mention the bottle Jiao Victory, the whole posture looks very elegant dignified. People can not but think of Cao Zhi Luo Shen Fu Luo Luo described in the description of the sentence: "its shape is also, Pina Ruoshong, just like travel dragon ------ If Xi Xiiguang of the moon, fluttering Xi Ruoyu the return of the snow --- --- Shorten the degree of convergence. Shoulder if the cut, waist if about. Yan neck show items, Hao quality revealed. Radix no added, leadless Royal. Cloud bun up Emei, eyebrow Juanjuan. Dan lips outside, white teeth ------ "How do you know the sculptor is not in accordance with the description of Cao Zhi carved this statue of a Buddism godness Guanyin? Almost 1000 years later in Western artists Rafael's" West Sri Lanka Virgin "can only be seen before and after the Buddha Cave two rooms, both sides of the cave door for the two force disabilities, the former chamber north and south wall originally engraved with the largest modeling of the largest Longmen Grottoes the most beautiful law enforcement lions two. Two lions is not the two stone lions in the Dream of Red Mansions? A Buddism godness Guanyin Handicapped tail of the Longmen Grottoes reminds me of a person who attacked a woman with a white rhinoceros in the hands of a cat.

To the Qing Emperor Kangxi Jiayin (1674) Gao Xuejun "engraved Qutang to Confucius easy note", in the aftermath of all kinds of figures by adding "to map Addendum", column "Tai Chi", "Fu Xi Gua", "heaven and the moon Wheel Chart, Chaos of Imperial Figure, Chaos of Ancient Era, Great Chaos of Talents in Past Dynasties, and Three Chaos in the World. (All are derived from the diagram of the Gua circle chart in December).

Lao Tzu and Moon worship, with the Red Mansions full moon, Chang E description, to Germany and the moon also has a map, but also surnamed Gao, and named Xue Jun, high class Luo Pei, Cao Xueqin.

Longmen Grottoes, Laojiao Confucius is said to be dragon, the room test said that the woman Qinglong white tiger. Lao Tze thought and woman worship, Valley God is Xuan Zang, Xuan Zang's door, is the root of heaven and earth, No wonder Daiyu is gem jade called children, and Laozi book this 牝 related.

Like an invisible heart image, things are like objects, the real thing that the heart implies, the gratification is the grading of the consciousness level of the heart (shame to the unity of man and nature), and the letter is the meaning of the communication of heart and heaven , And the impression of the message of the heart to this meaning has been engraved as a sign.


Xuanjian is a far-reaching consideration to the nature of things and the whole. "In the heart of Xuan Power, you can see all things, so the mystery of the word is also called" - Lao Tzu's comment on Gao Heng's remark was consistent with the metaphysical statement of last night about which there was a letter-like interpretation. However, as I said last night, almost three phases of Taoism are imminent, that is, the crucial juncture of forthcoming creation of all things from Taoism III: At this moment, we have included Tao 1 Intelligence Unlimited 2 Free Will and 3 Love. All phenomena are light energy, phenomenal world, gossip. Four images are wave awareness and material. Free will and love are Taiji two instruments, breadth and depth. Promise is a wave function, Zen community, infinite intelligence, creator. High I will not operate its past self. It protects when the time is right; it guides when it is received; but the power of free will is paramount. If one accepts something called truesimultaneity, the apparent contradiction between determinism and free will dissolves. High I was the result of all the experience of so many mind / body / spirit complexes so far. The source of all things in the universe is called "Creator." It states that the universe is created by an infinite Creator-from itself-distorting His energy into all parts of existence, called "transfiguration" (distortions). The three transformations created by the Creator are called free will, love, light. All other things arise from the interaction of these three transforms. Similar to the hologram or the fractal, every part of the universe is also the whole. At the moment of creation, the heart has been washed away after washing as a mirror Xuan Kam, that is, the road to the road. I sentence corresponding to the Dream of Red Mansions Po Yuchai say wash heart wash ears. For the day to wash the heart to Xuanjian, so as to be able to take care of the true meaning of the universe in the wave function of Changyou, this peep-looking mirror (A Dream of Red Mansions Fengtusibaojian said that God into the ground can be inclusive) that is observers, no Mirror is no peep "Road" "door" (into my door to smile, Dream of Red Mansions refers to this door also).

In 2012, Defei birthday 12.20 days, 2 (0). 12 Dream of Red Mansions into the Grand View Garden. I do not know if 2012 is related to the Zen time in Nalan. To the virtual pole, Shou Benedict. Everything is done, I view complex. Lao Tzu seems to be the "Vast Passy of the Book of Changes + I Ching" = Road. Many of the main points of the fatalism that the Book of Changes is difficult to violate due to the fact that many books of the Yi Jing classics are bound to oppose the law are of weakness and modesty. Therefore, The product of amalgamation of Buddhism, focusing on assets and liabilities. The Chuang-tzu direct pull out the heart is Buddha, Buddha is the heart of this point, equivalent to the integration of Buddha after the enhanced version of the distillation of distillation, focusing on profit and loss.

See Ji Kang said the passage immediately connected to the purpose of the Dream of Red Mansions, and the last sentence "unfriendly teacher, cut the world to serve their private", but also linked to Wang Xifeng said dare to pull down the emperor, Is Kangxi a horse?嵇, Ji, audit Kangxi, 嵇 Kang. membership:

Family name: such as household registration, the name of meaning, can mean: Who am I?

Birthplace: Have ancestral home, the meaning of birth, can mean: Where do I come from?

Place of origin: ownership, the end, can mean: I want to go?

By borrowing: with help, by virtue of meaning, can mean: how do I go?

Ruan, next to the ear + yuan, Ruan Ji, deep, the source.

This confirms my conjecture, the product of the collapsing of Zen, and the adaptation of the author and history of the episode, as shown in the Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasties: San Xuan (Zhou Yi, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu), and later it is not well known for some people in the Ming, There are also scholars in the Wei Zheng (travels in the Tang poetry), Su Shi (Song Ci), the Emperor is only Emperor Xuanzong (18 son, Empress Wu), Huizong Song (Song three hundred first 1101), the Ming Taizu (Buddha Monk), Qing ancestors and so on.

"Release name" "Old and immortality, said immortal. Immortal, move also. Move into the mountains too.

- Sima Qian just saw the history of the first mention of Huang Lao Road, think whether Sima Qian is also a pseudonym? Sima, is not the Red Mansion Dream enigma Daiyu said no reins and horses? What does it mean? This shows that immigration is fairy. Corresponds to just guess, Sima immortal also.

See that alien surgery Donghan Wei Boyang. Suddenly thought I also called Bo Yang Li Kui. And Wei Bo Yang also has eighteen female ghost with Wei Zheng. In front of its analysis of Wei Bo Yang Zhou Yi ginseng contract many of the contents of the test room linked to. Lao Zi, Wei Bo Yang and Nalan relationship.

Chuang Tzu, surnamed Zhuang, Zhou, word off (also said son Mu), Song Mongolia.

Zhuang Zhou should not be due to advocate the freedom of Chu Wei Wong's appointment, life only done in the Song Dynasty paint garden officials. History known as "paint Park proud officials", known as a model of local officials. Chuang Tzu first proposed that the thought of "inner saint and outer king" had a far-reaching influence on Confucianism and Chuang Tzu inspected Yi Tseng and profoundly pointed out that "Yi" adopted the principle of "yi and yang"; His representative works are "Zhuangzi", among which there are "famous travels" and "homogeneous things". Par with Lao Zi, known as Laozhuang.

What is under the Tang, Zhuangzhuang is the soil, a man of red dreams are made of mud. Sub-Mu, Mizuki, Mizuki Tsinghua. Paint Park arrogant, Journey to the Sun Wukong proud to come to the country. Zhuang Zhou, contact Xiao Zhuang. And look at the song three hundred is written on the strong village, I thought this person where the soil run? Will not go to Chuang Tzu, right?

Man Tingfang summer Lishui no idea mountain

Zhou Bangyan Song Dynasty

Wind old warbler chickens, plump plum, afternoon Yin Jiashuqing. Infernal near, Yi Run fee furnace smoke. People quiet black kite music, a small bridge, the new green splash. Pillar for a long time, Huanglu bitter bamboo, to be Pan-Jiujiang ship.

Every year. Such as Swallow, drifting sea, to repair the rafters. And Morse body, long ago respect. Hale gauze Jiangnan tired guest, unbearable listening, emergency tube strings. Song banquet, the first pillow, let me drunk sleep.

Lishui Nanjing Xiong Feng Lao Zi Ying Ying Wushan Yun Yu Miaoyu Mei Jiayin (Jiayin, yesterday to know the book recorded in 1674) Qing incense furnace bamboo crow Wuya green water with Lan (Li Ping you) reed (Lushenaweibao Wei Zheng) Bamboo white Jiujiang exploration Chun Chun boat push back chart boat

Drunk in the sky · Wing big butterfly

Wang and Qing Yuan Dynasty

Shoot Chuang Zhou dreams, two wings drove east wind, three hundred parks a mining an empty.

Is the kind of Merry, scared to kill Fang find honey! Gently fan, the florist Fanqiao East.

Zhuangzi, Baoyu wind evil barrier, three hundred, Nalan. Nalan took the big butterfly butterfly flowers fan Qiaodong. Also see the circle of friends Qiu office machine in the clothes like two wings, the poem at the Qiu Qi Yi clothing Renping Sheng, Baoyu wear 蓑 clothing. Qiu Chujiu saw nine monastic poems, think of Chuang Chou Meng, South Ko dreams of the Red Chamber Dream Nalan: Ranuo heavy, Jun need to remember, with No. 9 map words with the same, this is the big butterfly in the 300 park one by one empty Qiu, Confucius Qiu, Jia Qin, is the ear next to the Tancheng earthquake, the history of heavyweights are all a lie! Can not believe, incredible, perhaps the end of the ladder, the only human ear?

Small pink _ fourth son Zhai Fu

Ma Zhiyuan Yuan Dynasty

[Fourth son Zhai Fu] [Spring] Painting Hall spring warm Embroidery heavy, Po seal fine incense. What is the use of fame? Drunk in the east wake up pear dream. Master lover, welcome, parrot in the golden cage.

[Summer] Twelve Pearls hanging curtains, swallows come and go. Where is the summer fragrance? Ask the slave, ice tapping Po Kam 珰 jade. Unsurprisingly, Shijia fight for wealth, breaking purple coral.

【】 Autumn bai yarn Tsui people idle leisure, after feeling micro-Khan. Qi Qiao floor empty night feast, socks cold, moss puzzle on the concept of silver. Streaming firefly a few times, well Wu Ye, Crescent song Lan dry.

[Winter] two Xuan bamboo Phoenix habitat, exquisite snow pressure Tsui. Idle idlers sleep on day, Lai Hua doctor, headrest pillow on more flavor. Strange in front of the wind was weak, the home has Hanni rhinoceros.

Four Seasons Poetry Dream of the Four Seasons spring.

The gold by _ Xu Fei float drift snow

Ma Zhiyuan

Xu Fei float drift snow, incense lotus leaf wind, and to the river for fishing Weng. Poor, man ill, storm dream, a illusion in.

Bear the burden of the month, ax mills on the moss, and do lumberjack hidden away. Chai, Chen Chen in Zai? Empty rock, the old pillars.

Night westerly, nine days eagle flying, trapped in the Central Plains. Sad, so people know unknown? Embark on the building, hate the sky ladder.

Discount Gui _ _ even talk about Shu seats

Yu set

I even talk about Shu things, because of the short column

Yu Yu three caresses, Han Yu hard support, day-old Sang Yu. Deep south crossing Lu, Xushu drive, refused to Soochow. The United States Zhouyao Miaosu, Kuwano Guan Yu Yun 殂. The days of surplus, creature multiplication and division. As Ru asked, as early as the return Fu.

Red Mansions verdict addition and subtraction.

Reduce the word magnolia

Flowers from the cold, self-pity to find spring later. Know this life, know that life that see Qing.

Natural alternative, do not believe muddy muddy puzzled. If the solution Acacia, set with a total of South Korea.

According to Li's Li, the search for God's remembrance of Han with ducks and branches and branches tree, Bai Juyi Everlasting Regret lovebird with branches, Mao Zedong like Li He's poems, Mao Zedong's biography to write its true love? These are related.

Jin Gan Bao "God of Memory" Volume XI, set the Warring States period Wang Kang Song Wang, married wife He. Kang took the king, and prisoners. With suicide. Ho also dropped from the high platform and died. Suicide note request and with burial. Wang Do not listen, buried in life, two graves across. Soon, the end of the two mound big Azusa wood, pike body phase, root to pay, the wrong branch on. Another male and female mandarin ducks, long habitat tree, cross neck grief, Song sad, then the name of its wood said Acacia tree. "

Wusiqianqianrong spectrum, Xiaoran half shock, Qu hammer bun partial. Grace is really poor.

Must be muddy like halberds, when the hairpin flower dramas. Behind the sudden surprised Qing, Zhi Qing Wu Naiqing.

Copy (Miaoyi wind copy) This article as "Chen Qi-year lyrics map volume", the word cloud: "Wusi word to pay the red pedigree, Xiao-xiao press out of colorful dance. Dance strike bun partial, grace the most pessimistic. Era of affair. Whispers are Qing, Qing Qing Wu Naiqing. "

Here autumn shock, Li He 箜 篌 cited "Nuwa 娲 refining sky Department ⑽, Shi Tianxian tease funny autumn", corresponding to the poetry of Chen Qi-nian according to the map is Zen meditation, the back of the Qing Qing Wu Naiqing is the same time, at the same time Contains Qingqing "satisfied" situation.

"Hepu Pearl Tower" is a poem, the author is Tao Bute in the Song Dynasty.

Hepu old beads still Pavilion, so that the ancient royal Qing Qing. Clam shellfish in the sand often full, sleepy dragon drowsy.

Just know that this is to escape, Tao is to escape is peach ah! Tao Qian, escape the potential, peach blossom.

Recall Qin'e Longtan mouth

Mountains overlap. Cliff one day suspense. Days of doubt. Broken monument inscriptions, moss cross.

Wind thundered Ming Jin iron. Dirty pools at the end of dragon caves. Dragon Cave. Rise and fall eyes, the old moon.

Langtao autumn thinking

Frost under the silver pond, and make a new cool. Nepalese young woman Intuit frivolous, correct a lotus leaf cover, protecting the mandarin duck.

Swallows to return home, but not carved beam. Lean more rely on the sun, or thin love or hate, think carefully.

Green girl, the main frost snow. Corresponds to nine green map. Corresponding Xue Bao Chai snow. History of Xiangyun Yong Begonia, god Chang'e.

Qitian Le Yuan

Flourishing fire Dragon fish dance, looking treasure Baohai Lou far.靺 鞨 Yu Hong, glass left Bi, to be determined to spend slowly. Light and light leak shallow. CKS convergence is falling, meteorite, such as arrows. Old things startled, a lotus lotus lotus wire broken. Mo happily fleeting, hatred Pinchufen, Shaogu Intuit cheap. Whispering blowing incense, dark dust cage 都, Xiao Xiao wind by chaos. Lan Xian knocking times. Ask the end of the curtain slender, then see again. Acacia can not understand, Yuehua tonight full.

This poem Lantern Festival and Xin Qiji, Li Qingzhao has many artistic conceptions and words overlap.

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