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Zhouyi Sets Volume 14 周易集註卷十四 來知德繫辭下傳

The first chapter: attributed to Zhenyi 第一章:歸之于貞一



明 來知德 撰
















The first chapter: attributed to Zhenyi

New Engraved Siku Quanshu

Zhouyi Sets Volume 14



Gossip into columns, as in which carry on. So heavy, 爻 in which carry on. Rough and soft phase, in which carry on. Words abound, move in which carry on. Good and bad resentment who, who move too active. Rigid who, the legislature also. Adapters, fun time also. Heavy straight dragon

Gossip to the hexagram diagram. Into a column, dry one against two, from three earthquake four, Yang in the next listed in the left. There are five kan, six, and seven kun, and yin is listed on the right. Elephant gossip shape of the image, not the world Lile Fengshui volcano Ze image. All the heaven and earth, all in the same. Therefore, those who are heavier, three paintings on the increase of three paintings, heavy dry-kun and the like. Anode in six, six in the cathode, due to heavy into six, so there are six 爻. The gossip lined up in two lines, saying that the three were drawn in eight lines, so that they were two sentences that were heavy, two lines and eight lines, six lines and six lines, and six lines and six lines. If dry and dry, it became a heaven, and it changed into a cloudy tone. Burgundy, three yin of Kun, is a rigid push phase also. The subject of the remarks is the remarks of 64,384. Life-saving, ordered its good and bad too generous also. Move, human action camp, that is, good fortune also Kyrgyzstan. Easy 64 卦 384 爻, but just a soft, 96 only. Easy ninety-sixth, is for this. No nine six, then what is the basis? Therefore, Li Liben. Poverty is easy to change, change the pass, the same will not pass. When there is a time, there is a time when the time is right, of course, the situation is inevitable. Fun to also.


Although Fu Xi Ba Gou is listed as an artist, although it is not a word, then it has become a gossip, and the image of the King Wen is already in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Although the Fuxi Bagua is not worthy of it, then it is heavy with six, and Zhou Gongliu has been weighed heavily. The sixty-four hexagrams, which are both rigid and soft, do not change in divination, but the changes in the blasphemy are already in it. All departments are resigned, although they are not moving, then if the occupants value this eloquence, they will play the game and move. What are the words that move in life? Gagey is guilty of murder, and all his life is given away. The occupants are moved by the orders of life. When they tend to tend, they should not be easy to avoid, but otherwise, they will be guilty. Kyrgyzstan regrets the fact that it is a matter of movement and resigns itself. Rigid and soft push, and change it in what? The person who covers the rigid and soft person is also the person who changes his interest. If there is flexibility and flexibility, then it can be used for fun, so that there is no rigid, flexible energy? Change due to rigid and soft, so hard and soft phase push, and change in which.


The perpetrators, the victors also. The way of heaven and earth, the virgins also. The path of the sun and the moon is also true to the wise. The movement of the world, one of Zhen Fen.

View sound, Fu Yin Fu

Zhenzheng is also a sage, "Book of Changes", is conducive to positive. It is also a book of saints. It is not worthwhile for the doctors to say goodbye to their good wishes, but they are not worthy of morality. In this case, when a bird is a bird, it is a good thing. The winner wins and the winner wins, but the words win only if they are good or bad. If you are rich and expensive, you can say that you are a lucky person. If you don't use it, you don't judge riches, lucky people, and lucky ones. Poverty and destitution are fierce. If you don't do it in the right way, you can be safe and poor, fierce and lucky. The negative rider caused the embarrassment, the car-makers licked his toes, and the quarter-yang goods were rich. Yan Hui returned to the impoverished constitution. Where he killed himself as a beneficiary, he was given a righteous position, and he was involved in extermination. The viewers display images of human beings, and the truth of the sun and the moon of the world is Taiji. One has no desire and no desire is positive. Confucius said that the ancestors, the ancestral description of its fine one, so I stick to it. Also, the one who did so was one, and the one who also fought against the world. All three words are the same, Confucius did not, after the Confucianism do not know the meaning of the word, one week Zhouxi know one by one, so a last resort, but also into the meaning of the saint kung fu.

Good and bad vision and Zhen Sheng, regardless of their good or bad, why? Heaven and earth have a reasonable view of this, and therefore there is no private account for selfishness; the sun and moon have this reasoning and clarity, so there is no private light. Heaven, earth, moon, moon, moon, sun, moon, sun, moon, sun, moon, sun, moon, sun, moon, sun, moon, sun and moon, Therefore, the movement of the world, although thousands of thousands of threads, only a fragrant husband. If there is no desire, then there will be no chastity. If there is desire, it will not be true. The light of truth and brightness, the view of heaven and earth, and the virginity of the sun and the moon, all of whom are eternal and unappreciable.



The husband-in-law, it is indeed easy to show. Fu Kun, suddenly showing people simple. For those who are also, it is also effective. Like the person, like this. As a matter of fact, the image of the sage has changed. See Hyun

It's true that it is a healthy appearance, and it looks like a natural appearance. The only place in the earth is this one. The sage is easy to make, and the sage is also the one who does this. Like him, but like this one. To make this ineffective, the sage's easiness is not similar to heaven and earth. As a result of this movement, if one moves in the blasphemy, then either Kyrgyzstan or the fierce one is present outside the blasphemy, and the meritorious service is seen as a result of the change. The practitioners, Chengwu Dingye, also see the change because of change, that is, change it and use it to make profits. If the sage's resignation is not in the image of the sacred one, it is because of the steadiness of the line. No matter how good or bad it is to teach people, one should win with Zhen Sheng. This is the sage's resignation.


The heaven and earth of the great deities, the saint's great treasure position. How can we guard? Yiren. Why gather people? Wealth. Money management resigns, and the banned people are not righteous.

Da Dezhe, Yi Jianzheng, a great German also. At the beginning of the life of the living God, the creature of the landlord also became. Dabao, the sage must live in the heavens. He can be a heavenly person, and he is a person. Therefore, all the powers of the Counselor also chanted Dabao. Those who gather are inside and outside the Baiguan, and outside Li and also. Wealthy financial managers also have nine types of nine styles. The teacher who teaches righteousness also teaches it. Three things Twelve teaching is also. The banned offenders are not only regarded as morals, but also as punishment. Five punishments and five penalties are similar. The justice of righteousness is also true.

The heavens and the earth have this great virtue of Zhen, but they use the creature as the heart, so there is no private cover. The saints occupy the position of the great treasure, and with the heaven and earth, they are keeping their positions, and when the right position is conceived, they are benevolences and benevolences. This is the great virtue of heaven and earth. In order to stay in position and financial management is banned from the right, the meaning of justice, the meaning of justice, is the great virtue of heaven and earth. Ren is a child, righteousness is righteousness, there is this morality and selfless virtue, so it is also with the world. Yi is the book, and the disjunction is accounted for. The first chapter of the system is to lift the virtues of heaven and earth. It is followed by the position of the saint. See that the saint has grams to the heavens and earth. This is the original of the Yi and the body of the Yi. Under the first chapter, to lift the virtues of heaven and earth, and to follow the virtues of the saints, see the sage has a counselor to the heavens and earth. This is the easy thing to do and easy to use.


The first chapter of the right

This chapter is easy to talk about and it is attributed to Zhenyi.

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