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The 59th day That Place In Your Heart 第五十九天 That Place In Your Heart








今早的颐和园,自带宋画滤镜。秋蓝看到发黄照片,新闻还报道今日北京沙尘暴,她想到昨天偶然外出“巡察”生态环保,风很大,天很暗,拍出来枯木一般的景色像旧相片发黄的色调。她边走边想,不想要沙土砖头天天满地堆,只想这天看到的木乃伊应该就是伊乃木林的意思,植物有土地来生存。报道中说是蒙古来的沙土,蒙古大草原对抗无大自然感觉的北京钱权堆砌?秋蓝走着,看到很远处一个妈妈抱着孩子,对着一犁地的农夫,正声嘶力竭的大骂:狗,只会吃屎的狗! ​​​​




秋蓝分析生死时速时,想过那个禅思画面是否如此流转:似乎这个无形的思维裹挟那个对应的时空,在它的上空顶一样,然后融入到其时空中进行了编程效果,参与演化,最后输出结果。写过这个后,秋蓝因突然遭遇需要忍辱之吵事,偶遇到元吾氏发的歌曲,the place in your heart。一开始没看到汉语,自己理解意思,就想到那个时空被我裹挟在我的心中禅思之地。也许此歌是来源于此。那么敌人就是物质,这边就是意识。物质VS意识。秋蓝再看专辑名是Anthem,作者是Ronan Hardiman。秋蓝想到刚听的英文课有hard drive,romantic也看到过。

秋蓝一直思考此歌如此贴切她的所想,然后发现there is always a way 总是有一条路,to that place in your heart 能通向你心灵之处——此句和秋蓝文章中写的,要以如水化解忍辱之事时的心情一样啊,原来是大悲如水之泪水啊!这天早晨,秋蓝又想查找此歌其他版本的翻译,看到这句:We can not contemplate how far apart we are,我们根本无法凝思出我们之间的差距有多远。她发现歌曲中英文单词contemplate与以前借的周易系辞传英文书中的翻译用词一样,用的也是contemplate:子曰:天下何思何虑?天下同归而殊途,一致而百虑。

秋蓝思来想去,此歌关键词组合为:霉霉歌曲look what you made me do +禅思时空一体(高速生死时速)+泪水化解隔阂(忍辱修行)+天下何思何虑?——物质VS意识的抽象概念的全息时空幻现。秋蓝还发现,Walk with me ,break some bread here with me,有的翻译是分点面包,有的是因为某些利益而引发仇恨,有的翻译为同甘共苦。




秋蓝看到惠普笔记本夜间充电时爆炸,整间办公室被烧毁的秒拍视频 。HP高管Flaxman 去世,秋蓝只想到想过使用的是HP计算机,内容火爆。这爆炸和三星手机,苹果手机裂开一个性质吗?用过LG,联想没听说过这种事,可能因为那时候没有想过内容火爆。这三者对应使用工具、网络名称、苹果网名。爆炸视频提到plastic,此词在海洋酸化英文课有觉知。envy,也许是一开头有even那篇英文课有觉知Even。秋蓝查看电脑,确实是envy品牌,为什么用嫉妒命名呢?海洋酸化也是酸。又接着看视频,看到嗯哼视频居然有两个模样一样的嗯哼,也有说吃醋了......



川普最爱用这句佛系口头禅:看情况吧,随缘。秋蓝心想川普果真是那个百件藏品中的历史家或佛教研究者吗?所以看环境如何叠加形成什么样的现实?她还想了川普大厦、迈阿密桥塌方、苹果发文批评FB。秋蓝前两天看到南方周末居然有句英文,好奇的看了看,是蜘蛛侠的信念:with great power comes great responsibility。后面说到这蜘蛛侠的信念是不容忽视的内在律令。成功企业家如果犬儒,年轻人就难免闷声发大财,若他们有清醒的公共关怀,就会社会进步。




这两天热搜一直是范玮琪梁静茹什么的,搞不明白是什么事,只不过那个LOVE-涵印象深刻。又看到梁静茹重新关注张韶涵,秋蓝想到上一次张韶涵唱那个歌曲很有同感,特意去查看她的微博,备注居然写的是: "Only God can Judge me" The reason I said this coz God always fair,觉得她很有特色个性。

秋蓝看到比尔盖茨客串《生活大爆炸》幕后访谈,很奇怪这个生活大爆炸为什么最后出现的字幕是BigBang theory?

秋蓝昨晚梦见和其中一个好朋友一起飞起来,身上披着长长的飘巾似乎,一直向前飞去。秋蓝白天在reddit上看到health文字造型,像万有规律那样的鱼骨,只是两边各多了个H秤砣,图案有骨干,剑矢的双重寓意,下面人形正面可看成一个人,从两边看也可看成是两个人。然后秋蓝看到我国成功发射"一箭双星"与此前6颗"北斗"组网运行,北斗导航系统将于2018年底服务"一带一路"沿线国家! ​​​​




秋蓝整理思维:304吵家毒素,苹果面部识别运用神经,爱尔兰歌曲有责备变成仇恨毒素+reddit上可能是看到adderall字体帖子中的评论,以为说自己是间谍,其实只是全世界大联合思维而已:信息源中提到间谍保留有前苏联意识形态+狼狗之君子小人之别 。


大象“抽烟” 人家可能是为了便便畅通。秋蓝学英文课中,讲巨大波音飞机拍卖提到giant elephant 。刚才查看两个中国研究生英国失踪看到吸烟。印度地图。


青岛毛女士女子衣服上印“DIE” ,穿着开完家长会后闹到商场。秋蓝在reddit上看到snoring dog,发布者说是一个女子dying留下的狗。不相信这是死去的意思,查了果真是死了。海天蚝油最强大脑,想了海天,毛。因间谍事件想过青岛。


秋蓝查徐弓果真是苏州的,还8.21,国有独资?这国家也不是个好对付的吧? ​​​​秋蓝想起研几网的宇宙意识,想起爱默生的历史:他必须足不出户,免受国王、帝国欺凌之苦,却知道他比世界上的一切地理、一切政府都要伟大;于是秋蓝决定宣告:










就从每一个人最美好本真的地方来 ​​​​




大S:生二胎差点死在手术台上。 那个怀孕女子疼的跳楼了,莫非世界上的悲剧就是被缺技术智慧、缺爱心、缺正义的一方所纠缠塌缩出来的吗?



秋蓝最后找到此诗:灵归何地不悲哀,形归何处不下贱?总是生死难参透,逍遥人间飞九天!对生死提问的这一天是:2015-04-23 22:31,居然和3.28日发布网页时间一样都有123......

The 59th day That Place In Your Heart

On the afternoon of the autumn blue, he went out and saw many small white petals on the floor. Then he went back and saw the hot search of the fallen cherry blossoms. Autumn Blue thought of Parrot, Yang Guixi, Xue Baochao, and Snow. Two days ago, I heard that the cherry blossoms came from the Himalayas. Qiu Lan was very curious. She also saw the cherry blossoms as warm, pure and noble, and was honored as the Japanese national flower.

Sun Hao made two Easter hats very chic, one earth color flower group. Autumn Blue saw the picture, thought this was a new article? The contrasting words are bird droppings and bird flowers.

Autumn Blue saw the Internet continue to broadcast a serious Russian fire and mentioned that at least 64 people were killed, of which at least 11 were children. He also saw that Russia’s former double-faced spy prophecy was fulfilled and his wife and children were poisoned after they died. After she read a few articles, she continued to think about how this incident was logical. Double spies treason, treason! Autumn blue suddenly thought of it. She saw on the reddit that someone commented that the man was treasonable. Qiu Lan thought that the person he was talking about was her, because she had just built a web page with the same font as the posted picture. Because of endless endless tossing around the arguing, let the autumn blue breathe, and then think of the surrounding environment in the past two years is not natural, thinking that there is a risk, and then think of her daughter's safety. That night, Qiu Lan saw a bloody fight in a junior high school school. Soon afterwards, Miao's nosebleeds corresponded to safety. Qiu Lan also thought that if he was a child when he was worried about his mother's safety? Otherwise why often nosebleeds, facing the pot of water to shoot the forehead, or can not stop the blood. Later, the teacher asked the pupils to study and report that there were bundles of fingers to stop nosebleeds. This bunch of fingers to stop bleeding, is it safe to hand in hand?

Big S was exposed on the evening of the 27th epileptic relapse and suddenly fainted. Qiu Lan thinks of noisy families since the 19th and has a blockage in his heart, like the result of being deliberately squeezed out of a small company for telling the truth. Did this Korean star, Big S, sense it? Think of someone who had fainted for no reason before, and the feeling that the house was turning around.

Autumn Blue saw that the same kind of post as webpage fonts was said by Adderall. The search network actually saw: American women abused the prescription drug Adderall. Many people took this medicine to become "better mothers." This medicine is used to treat narcolepsy and lack of attention. It is a "smart drug." Autumn blue thought, the concern of the sound of rain every day, sleep is very little, attention is to concentrate attention.

Autumn Blue saw Kim Jong-un's visit to China on the 3.28th day. He thought that the Korean War was also a call for the sand boat and Russian children to die.

Autumn Blue looked at the picture of the magical “yin and yang days” phenomenon in British Columbia, Canada. After the entire sky was cut across the sky, she recalled: Miao’er put on that white shirt again in the morning with shiny red dot decoration. Is a blue sports shoes, autumn blue think of half red and blue. Li Ka-shing has seen business in Canada. Learning English ski is very much like sky. Thought about the Russian children's sky breast cloud.

The Summer Palace this morning has its own filter. Autumn blue saw the yellow photos, and the news also reported that the dust storm in Beijing today. She thought about accidentally going out yesterday to “inspect” ecological environment. It was very windy and the sky was very dark. Shooting a dead wood like the yellowish tone of old photos. She thought as she walked. She didn't want to pile sand and soil everywhere. I just wanted the mummy I saw that day to be the meaning of Ino-Mulin. Plants have land to survive. In the report, it was said that sand came from Mongolia. The Mongolian steppes fight against Beijing's money-free buildings that have no natural feelings. Autumn blue walks and sees a mother holding a child far away, facing a farmer who plows land, and is crying out. Otsuka: Dogs, they only eat squeaky dogs!

The blue lyrics of Qi Qin's song "Wolf" suddenly appeared in the blue and blue head of the brain: Long yellow sand passed through... Qiu Lan thought: Ecological damage. It turned out to be a bird-scented scene. Now it is yellow. The old dark atmosphere. The dust storm in Beijing from Mongolia means that anyone who destroys the environment of the universe with one's own, one family, one country, and one planet's privateness is a dog and has no wolfness. The long yellow sand skips the private sector of those money rights. The wolf is the ancestor of the dog. The dog only eats crickets, indicating that it loses its wolf spirit and exchanges selfish interests for its own interests. One person's difficulties correspond to the difficulties of history, which stem from this person's heart.

Autumn Blue saw the title on the Southern Weekend: Restricting police power is the best protection for the police. Then I saw the attempted escape from Venezuela.

The two passenger planes collided on the tarmac of Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv that day. A German Deutsche Boeing 737 aircraft that was preparing to fly to Berlin crashed on the same day as it took off before taking off. The Boeing 767 to Israeli Airlines in Rome. Yesterday, Qiu Lan issued an analysis link on the Japan Airlines flight 123 behind a post, and there was a picture showing the owner. The tail of the aircraft was marked with English and the manuscript: Cruising. There was an explosive decompression here! Viewed in Tel Aviv, Israel. Yesterday I also saw a picture of a German word in a friend's circle. I thought that the German word was translated into German. Can't you read now is a buddy?

When Qiu Lan analyzes the speed of life and death, I have thought whether the picture of meditation is circulating: It seems that this intangible thinking envelops the corresponding space-time and it is on top of it, and then integrates into its space-time to program effects, participate in evolution, and finally Output results. After writing this, Qiu Lan encountered a noisy quarrel due to a sudden encounter. Even met with the songs sent by Yuan Wushi, the place in your heart. I didn't see Chinese at first, I understood the meaning of myself, and I thought of the space where I was wrapped up in my heart. Maybe this song is from this. Then the enemy is material, and here is consciousness. Material VS consciousness. Autumn Blue then read the album name Anthem, the author is Ronan Hardiman. Autumn Blue thinks that the English class he just listened to has a hard drive, and romantic has also seen it.

Qiu Lan has been thinking about this song so aptly for what she thinks, and then discovers that there is always a way, there is always a way to that place where your heart can lead to your heart. This is written in this sentence and Qiu Lan’s article. We must be as happy as when water dissolves the solution to humiliation. It turns out that great sadness is like the tears of water! This morning, Qiu Lan wanted to find other translations of this song. See this sentence: We can not contemplate how far apart we are. We simply cannot contemplate how far apart we are. She found that the English contemplate word in the song is the same as the translation term used in the previously published Book of Changes. It is also contemplate. All things in the world are the same, but they are all the same.

Autumn blue thought to want to go, this song keyword combination is: moldy song look what you made me do + meditation space time one (high speed life and death speed) + tears to resolve the gap (forgiveness and spiritual practice) + what the world thinks? - Holographic space-time illusion of the abstract concept of matter vs consciousness. Qiu Lan also found that Walk with me, breaking some bread here with me, some translations are bread, some because of some interests and lead to hatred, and some translations for the common pain.

Autumn Blue found a number 744 on the back of a green car, and thought of the bird droppings mentioned in the article. Then I saw the news: Zhengzhou was a bird urine on the road, and the public ridiculed it as a "road to heaven."

Qiu Lan this day was caused by the mother's anger caused by no mood to think about it, relax and relax, see several ace PK video is very funny, there are mentioning Jia Ling nickname is a small Braun. Qiu Lan also saw hot searches: 870 Larks in Inner Mongolia were poisoned, and 4,000 dead bodies were reproduced after snowmelt. Lark is commonly known as Lark or Scarling, also known as Mongol. It is produced in the north of China's Inner Mongolia and Hebei Province, and the eastern part of Qinghai Province. Qiu Lan recalled: Noisy family humiliated dead tree yellow sand, Beijing dust storm comes from Inner Mongolia. 4484, related to snow in the Himalayas? The article has marine fishermen, English class has bleak bleak and acid pollution, in urgent need of environmental protection.

Autumn and then went to see the video, accidentally saw Chen Qiao En's video, she smiled happy in front of the background wall, and said that the most like nature. Qiu Lan was breathless because of the family's quarrel. When he came to nature, he was refreshed and his heart was settled. When I heard Chen’s words, I thought this was not what I felt when I was in the garden two days ago. Although there is a wind, but the wind is more beautiful.

Autumn Blue saw the explosion of the HP notebook at night when it was charged, and the entire office was burned in seconds to shoot videos. When HP executive Flaxman died, Qiu Lan only thought of using an HP computer and had a hot content. This explosion and Samsung phones, Apple phone split a nature? Used LG, Lenovo never heard of this kind of thing, probably because at that time did not think about content hot. The three corresponding to the use of tools, network names, Apple. The explosion video refers to plastic, and this word is known in the English lesson on ocean acidification. Envy, perhaps at the beginning there was even an English class that was aware of Even. Qiu Lan see the computer, is indeed the envy brand, why naming it? Acidification of the ocean is also an acid. After watching the video again, I noticed that there were actually two similar videos in the video, but I was also jealous...

The "prince of the dolphins", Vitas, was ordered to use a beacon to shoot crows and was sentenced to detain for 7 days on charges of "little hooliganism." He pleaded guilty to crimes in court and defended that he had fired a gun because the crow had quarreled with his daughter and then drank vodka. Autumn blue dreams dolphin. In English classes, it is said that crows eat rot. For children, Mom is a big dog farmer. Rogue, English class has co~founder sexual harassment, where the news saw the word rogue. In the evening, when Cha'an-Jin Jin saw the general word of Shu, it was also the public heart of Nakamoto Satoshi.

British Prime Minister Theresa May announced on the 14th that it will expel 23 Russian diplomats. Autumn Blue found this time period very sensitive. Because of Emerson's nature, he thought of 610 prophecy words and phrases, and then saw Russia's death and disappearance totaling 106 people. It also predicts a number. 610,910?109?1-9 The most basic number?

Trump loves to use this Buddhist scripture: See the situation and follow. Autumn blue thought Chuan Puguo really is the history of the 100 collections or Buddhist researchers? So look at how the environment stacks up to form what kind of reality? She also thought of the Trump Tower, the Miami Bridge, and Apple's criticism of FB. In the two days before Qiu Lan, he saw that there was an English sentence in Southern Weekend. Looking at it with curiosity, it was Spider-Man's belief that with great power comes great responsibility. Talking about this Spider-Man's belief is an inherent law that cannot be ignored. If successful entrepreneurs are cynics, young people will find it hard to avoid making a big fortune. If they have sober public concern, they will make social progress.

Autumn Blue also recalled the song of the first axe and thought that the greatest city was a man and a woman with style. Then she saw Zhou Libo couple lovers, thinking why it was brown? It is indeed the main color of the windbreaker. This was another discovery of the panda brown: Shaanxi once again found wild brown pandas in Evergreen Nature Reserve, the 9th of its scientific records.

Qiu Lan also looked at the news of many Russian spies, and it seems that they have become increasingly fierce. Autumn Blue thought of the English class apple face recognition boot, which mentioned nerves. See the hairshop in the video. Autumn Blue thinks this is all about. Ah, why do all countries care so much about this matter? There should be a lot of espionage. Is there anything special about this?

A picture to understand the details of the silver serial murder case you may not know, autumn blue to see red, young women, 1998-2002, autumn blue think this case abnormal and weird, not the same as the British spy case mapping Inexplicable death?

These two days of hot search have always been Fan Xiaoqi Liang Jingru, and do not understand what is the matter, but that LOVE-Chan is impressive. I also saw Angela Leung revisiting Zhang Shaohan. Autumn Blue thought that the last time Zhang Hao Han sang that song was very much the same. He specifically went to check her Weibo. The comment actually read: "Only God can Judge me" The reason I said this coz God always Fair, I think she is very unique personality.

Autumn Blue sees Bill Gates's guest interview with “The Big Bang” behind the scenes. It's wondering why the last big subtitle of the Big Bang Theory was the Big Bang theory.

Qiu Lan dreamed of flying with one of her best friends last night. She seemed to be flying forward with a long floating towel on his body. Autumn blue day in the reddit see health text modeling, like all the rules of the fish bones, but on both sides of the more than a H scale 砣 图案 图案 图案 图案 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 砣 图案 图案 图案 图案 图案 图案 图案 图案Both sides can also be seen as two people. Then Qiu Lan saw China successfully launch the "one arrow double star" and the previous six "Beidou" network operation, Beidou navigation system will serve the countries along the "Belt and Road" at the end of 2018! The

Analysing the Irish song mentioned time and space as one, the video of the trump card PK seen by Qiu Lan last night was more of a feeling of time and space. How did these realities form? !

The 23 countries expelled a total of 233 Russian diplomats. This is the largest move by the West to expel Russian diplomats since the Cold War. At the initial stage, Russia was very tough and said "will respond one by one"; now it has changed its tone: Russian ambassador to the United States stated that Russia will not be provoked. Autumn Blue could not figure out why it died on the 3.4th yesterday, and the information mentions that the spy's surroundings are soaked with neurotoxins. 3.15 is the day after Hawking's death. Is it really 3.4, not 3.14? Think of the grievances in Irish songs as hatred, and think of tortuous levels of toxins at home, who is the toxin of London in the UK? Just think of it again like a funeral museum in Yunnan black and white sign, think of that may have been the death of the prophecy, the original is really 0304 ah! Russia's attitude in correspondence with the English class in which Singaporean Prime Minister strongly denied and thought about Putin's video has said that he will not be affected by outside disturbances.

According to the BBC, Yulia, the daughter of the former Russian spy Scrippel, was in a state of rapid improvement and is now conscious and able to speak. Autumn blue turned to see this news again. It was extremely amazed. The resurrection may have been caused by marveling that the song was actually a British Irish song! It was a pleasant surprise that they had long predicted songs.

Autumn blue finishing thinking: 304 noisy toxins, apple facial recognition using nerves, Irish songs have blamed into hatred toxin + reddit may see adderall font posts in the comments, that he is a spy, in fact, only the world's largest joint Thinking only: The sources mentioned that the spy retains the distinction between the former Soviet Union ideology and the Wolf Man's gentleman villain.

Autumn Blue Theory: 304+ Toxin + Spy. Undoubtedly, why is it Russia and Britain? Does it correspond to the article that two Chinese national students in London, the British National Treasury, suddenly disappeared on the same day, and 106 people in Russia reported a bubble fire on the fourth floor?

Elephants "smoker" people for the sake of convenience. In the autumn blue English class, the giant Boeing plane auction mentioned giant elephant. Just watched two Chinese graduate students disappeared from the UK to see smoking. Map of India.

In Taizhou, Jiangsu, a private house was surrounded by 19 graves. Autumn Blue actually saw the license plate number Su. Is Taizhou related to illness in London women? 19. The simplest and most essential thing I thought about was 1-9. Why are news related to death these days? It may be that I have been trying to check the stickers for the past few days. The first question I asked was about the relationship. From why Egypt paid so much attention to death, until the great sadness and jackfruit articles were completed, Qiu Lan realized that he had discovered the key reason for death. How long did it take? Think of it, it began in May 15 to March 18, actually 35 months!

Ms. Qingdao Mao printed "DIE" on her clothes and wore it to the mall after she had finished her parents' meeting. Autumn blue sees snoring dog on reddit, the publisher said is a dog left by a woman dying. Do not believe this is the meaning of death, check it is really dead. Haitian oyster oil is the most powerful brain, thinking of Haitian and Mao. I missed Qingdao because of the espionage incident.

Gillian said on the social platform: "Declaration" Zhang Haohan: Chen Shaohan has a little bit like a Russian spy daughter. Autumn blue these days feel that events such as overwhelming, is not accumulating to a certain extent, it will be wrapped up in the world?

The autumn blue check Xu Xuguo really is Suzhou, still 8.21, state-owned? This country is not a good deal, right? Autumn Blue thinks of the research network's cosmic consciousness, and recalls Emerson's history: He must leave his home without being humiliated by the king or the empire, but he knows that he has more geography and all governments than any other in the world. To be great; so Qiulan decided to declare:


Is the son of the world

Is the grandson of the universe

Is a vast love

Does not belong

Any private private country private body


Special Envoys to the Interplanetary Federation

Those who are true, good, and beautiful

Don't ask where I come from

From everybody’s most beautiful place

Then Qiu Lan saw the TED Speech: Do not openly announce your personal goals, keep mystery on your dreams, and make it easier to do it with action. Finally, there is a Mona Lisa image.

He publicly pronounced and sentenced the death of the "Silver Case" murderer Gao Chengyong for robbery, intentional homicide, rape, and insulting the body. 1988 is here. 41 Russian children. Previously reported 11 children died. Could it be that this toxin is as disagreeable as the Russian spy case? Is Gao Chengyong a criminal, and why hasn't he sentenced him for so many years? Why did he immediately sentence the death penalty after the Russian espionage case came out?

Defense Attorney: Gao Chengyong has abnormal personality, means cruelty, and has no hatred with the victims. Autumn blue to write linger jackfruit is to think of the words that crape myrtle peacock said, only to write. This is also ah. Is it possible that materialism capitalism emerged from the reform and opening up in 1988 to 2002, which violated Mao Zedong's heart that was founded at the beginning of the country, so did this corresponding long period of insulting the red dress women's event? The clothes of the Qingdao clothes die may have originated from this possibility. The mapping of JESSI's singing really seems that one person may be the true meaning of another person. Is it because two people with entangled relationship map each other and become entangled in reality?

Big S: The second child nearly died on the operating table. The pregnant woman jumped in pain, is it that the tragedy in the world was crushed by the lack of technical wisdom, lack of love, and lack of justice?

Autumn Blue finds the time when questions about life and death begin, sees the records made, self-jumps: I have accumulated a hundred years of consciousness, invisible to me across the face, this subconsciousness is combined with my creativity. In unity, I explored with a curiosity and happiness in heaven and earth. This is 123. In the ecstasy of investing in my consciousness, when I paid my blessing to the fullest, I discovered the secret of all things. I am everywhere, and I have nowhere to go. I find that I have disappeared into everything. Boundary, without borders, is infinite, it cannot see the whole, nor can it become self-contained. I think I should calm down, accept this state of totality, precipitate everything, and wait for the unyielding leap of the flying cliff! This is 456... When I woke up again, I was standing on the last step of my dark subconscious mind, and it was constantly running... 7, into! The new beginning of Genesis...

The world is so big. When I want to do this, there is always another me who does not want to do this. She trails behind me and wants to swallow me and destroy me. In this way, the line between us was so clear that in the end she became part of my world, and I, eventually, made the transition to triumph on her upper level.... so endlessly.

Qiu Lan finally found this poem: Where does the spirit come from, and where does it go? Life and death are always difficult to understand, and the world is flying for nine days! The day of questioning life and death is: 2015-04-23 22:31, actually has the same time as the 3.28 release page time... 123...

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