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The forty-eighth day Alternative learning English III 第四十八天 另类学英文III












身body,似dog god;心heart,与听,耳朵,地球有关。






《Yao Ming:New Center Style 姚明:新式中锋》 。不小心打开了这个,突然的发音让我吃一惊。听意思想到这个姚明女兆日月啊!












富士山被日本人民誉为“圣岳”,是日本民族的象征。称作“芙蓉峰”或“富岳”以及“不二的高岭”。日本诗人曾用“玉扇倒悬东海天”、“富士白雪映朝阳”等诗句赞美它。阿苏山(Aso-san;Aso, Mount),世界上具有最大破火山口的活火山。位于日本九州岛熊本县东北部,九州岛的中央。今天看到贴吧有人说黄石火山口喷,圣人半部书出。头脑王者有美国什么体育项目叫什么碗。


刚看到小人的幸运,想到今天姚明英语介绍,查看到简介里科比夸奖他英语好,而姚明叹气说,什么时候他们能把中文说那么好,我们才是厉害了。小人是什么样子?孔子对小人的定义是:“小人不耻不仁, 不畏不义,不见利不劝,不威不惩。”这句话并不是说小人不知羞耻不讲仁慈,无畏惧而 不讲义气,见利忘义,一点也不威武。而是 说:“小人不蒙受耻辱就不懂得仁爱,不有所 畏惧就不会遵从道义,不见到利益就不会努力,不受到威慑就不知惩戒。”在《易经》中,小人与君子 皆为中性词,是阴与阳的关系,是被统治者 与统治者的关系,是臣民与君王的关系。在上古母系时代,部落领袖并非是靠武力得到统治权的,而是靠知识与技能。在知识与技能上,部落领袖就如同经验丰富的家长,民众则如同无知的小孩子。所以,部落领袖为大人,部落联盟领袖为君子,最杰出的部落联盟领袖为圣人;而被统治的民众,则皆为小人。如果准确定义小人与君子的区别,则关键在于是否“知道”、“得道”:能够以君子之道治国的君王,才是真君子,否则即使有君王之位,也属于小人。这个“道”,就是古天文学的天道,也就是源于古天文学的易理。



BBC制作的幼儿节目《天线宝宝》(Teletubbies),自1997年开播后,红遍全球,23日却传出在扮演“丁丁”的男星西蒙班纳斯(Simon Barnes)已经离世,享年52岁。三个孩子的父亲。秋蓝曾看过,觉得有趣,青春天线?昨天易经英文神农pass away,pass along都有看到。丁丁?Simon Shelton, the actor who played the handbag-carrying Tinky Winky in Teletubbies, passed away aged 52 last week.






脊梁是一个汉语词语,读音是jǐ liang,是指全身骨骼的主干,比喻在国家、民族或团队中起中坚作用的人。元 关汉卿 《拜月亭》第一折有记载:“你心里把褐衲袄脊梁上披,强似着紫朝衣。”2011年日本海域地震分布,1分47秒超级高能。看日本2011年地震视频,发现很像天蚕云啊!脊椎骨头,一样的,日本地形。泰国是大象头。难道日本是脊梁的禅思?秋蓝早上看照片有恐龙化石来着,都是骨头,巨大无比,想了恐龙究竟和龙的传人什么关系呢?又看到小人君子网页提到民族联盟领袖分为大人,君子,最优秀的民族联盟领导者是圣人。现在就在看脊梁骨了。

戴旭:中国长成了一个没有骨头的大胖子。我们错把重量当力量,把肥大当强大了。中国房地产经济是国内的垄断资本和国际资本联合起来打劫中国人民的财富。今天美国GDP的构成是太空产业、航空产业、船舶制造。日本的GDP是汽车工业、电子工业,奠定了日本在世界上第二强国的位置。 ​

联合国国际减灾署日前表示,最近横跨太平洋4国的火山喷发及大地震,显示太平洋火环带(Pacific Ring of Fire)正在活跃中。就在减灾署发文后次日,日本青森县附近海域又发生6.2级地震。秋蓝学易经英文看到好几次ring,是环意思,就是圈啊?一直感觉像铃铛。昨天有人发庄周环说。写女子,说到海洋来源问题,想到中国地图太平洋好宽广的想像……情深青森?




世界首例体细胞克隆猴两只食蟹猴“中中”和“华华”在中国诞生!好可爱。看冰岛penis。又看到易经英文屯卦说像刚刚出土的胚胎rush seed什么的,联想到penis就是那样的形态。后来又看到penis图片亦是如此。copulate,交配,交尾。solstice至,至日,至点。shoot射门,射击,苗。sprout发芽,抽条。seed萌芽。



boy,girl抱你狗狗。men,women门,无门。male,female马樂妹耳,飞妃妹耳。诺一临行密密缝的密少了一撇,是心。yang易经,又看到yong。定远火车失火,关联的国王与木匠画,想到了众人拾柴火焰高。上传韩国学英文书封面配图。英国首相1.31日访华想到1.27、128、129 都有寓意,所以不来,如同那些停运的G125、193车次一样?130 ,131来都有13。早上学单词有crossbow十字架弓弩。韩国东南部城市密阳市世宗医院发生火灾,已造成31死40余伤。


They tore minerals from the rocks, and gradually the freshwater of the oceans...became heavy with salt.



They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at its birth molten rock surging from the depths, solidifying, cracking,


Blistering or spreading in a thin crust, before fabling dormant for a time.

冒着泡 或摊开形成薄的外壳。然后再休眠一段时间。

These wreaths of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth...


bear witness to the Earth's original atmosphere.




区块链技术,简称BT(Blockchain...。block生命控制中心有。 chain:家园纪录片Today, life- our life-is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings...今天 我们的生命是地球上无数生物形成的生命链中的一环。秋蓝拍照了一个小月牙非常漂亮,那天房檐上有一条条雪。哪里看到漠字。热搜看到甘肃月牙泉现沙雪交融美景。伊西斯自然书有说地上流出泉水。


中国山寨旅行青蛙遭下架...青森,群马草津不是前两天日本火山口喷发,地震吗?妙儿一天都在开心唱第14本阿衰中的歌曲,我好奇看了看,发现大脸妹画成了绿青蛙,和旅行青蛙一模一样的。东北地区斑斑雎鸠,木饭盒像红楼梦里的。前两天想过日本动漫太阳之法等里面的孔子佛陀诺贝尔,想到有人旅行到日本照片。 三叶草,四叶草。诺一临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归,密是心字。也符合这个青蛙旅行。再一看青蛙旅行的东北地区物品,一直想的是中国东北,往下看才知道是日本的东北,为什么用的东西一样古代的呢?青蛙旅行。唐朝密室?地图日本在长江口东北方向。

The forty-eighth day Alternative learning English III

The king of mind has, Ukraine's largest European black land. The largest crater in Japan. The land of Thailand is like an elephant head.

Penis.labium, pen, King Kong pencil graphite; laboratory, lip.

God, dog, want to know similar to them, check the next only good, very much like Google, go, god, good, it is: follow God's way is Kyrgyzstan.

Witness Balwan said: "Whatever comes from heaven, sounds like a plane screaming across the sky. It falls down in my home." It is human excrement - the shithole, thought about Africa, India is poor. But India code, English is good, through online education. Today learns to find the code in English by the Book of Changes.

Confucius said: The words are about the body and the people are involved. He also uses vague language. In fact, it contains waves and grains: words are out of the body, and what I myself say (want to write words that are words of Nirvana's soul, words that are not ordinary) are added to the people's heads. Use; behavior is also.

The smelly (self is Di Renjie, pushes the figure dog, the red house dream throws out the feces Jiaru) to read the sniffing) is Nalan.

Imperata, Luancheng earthquake, Jiangnan everywhere white hair.

Xiaolong regrets that the soul has been as high as the newly discovered moon and Saitama, and no one has no place without help. It has been outside the human circle at that time and a new one-dimensional equation of new unknowns has been added.

Negative rides, such as Zhuangzi's plundering speech. From this point of view, it is the meditation of Zhuangzi's content and Baodi's bizarre experiences. The Book of Changes is a book of heaven, like the current poetic articles written by artificial intelligence.

Its stinky orchid orchid is like a child's name Jia Lan Jia Lan.

Thatch Thatch, Thatched House, Thick Hair. That, that. Correspondence.

Body body, like dog god; heart heart, and hearing, ears, earth.

India's Shithole, the sky fly feces thought UFO; India-Japan subway agreement. Witchcraft. 213, 231, 123 and these three bars are on. Japan 731 documentary. Human experiment. 500 songs song train, American subway drop. Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. is expected to receive approximately 1600 orders for new subway vehicles introduced in New York City. According to the analysis of the total order amounted to approximately 400 billion yen (approximately RMB 23.1 billion).

Zhao Yunzeng of Fuyang, Henan Province, invested 500,000 yuan and had more than 3,500 eggs and geese. Autumn Blue just finished reading the book of the ninth chapter of the Book of Changes, and the number of Dayan fifty and five years old and then English have leap, is a surge, jump meaning. In the middle, playing the WeChat to see the ink head portrait of the white swan, the first feeling is very beautiful and it feels amazing. It may be implicitly extended. Although it is not clear in the mind, the swan feels that it is flying in the sky and the picture is not flying in the water. It senses the domestic goose swimming in the water. The news is 5 times, and the number of geese increased by 3500. Just look at Deng Chao.

Bai Mao floats in the green water, as mentioned earlier to see the I Ching Blessing, and analyzes the white Mao of the Yucheng earthquake. Yarrow yarrow grass, old days, Lao Tzu, round cylindrical grass. Like yellow duck meat crow meat?

"Yi Chuan's Corollary Upload": "Easy to have tai chi, is to produce two instruments, two instrumental students four elephants, four elephants gossip." Kong Yingda said: "Tai Chi said before and after the heaven and earth is not divided, the vitality is mixed and one, that is Too early, too one too."

- This sentence is a description of the image of the collapse of meditation. For example, the chaos of the former meditation is not divided, and thus Taiji Wusheng gave birth to a white swan-leap50 subject and verb two instruments, and then lied to the Li Xiang Zeng Xiangyang four elephants to generate a gossip (subject and verb complement × 2 is 8 卦). The presence of gossip is good and bad. Like India's Shithole spaceflight, it is India's general rather than individual, so it is not a person's fierce but a nation's auspicious change.

"Yao Ming: New Center Style Yao Ming: New Center". I accidentally opened this, and the sudden pronunciation surprised me. Listen to the idea of ​​thinking of this sunburst of Yao Ming.

The volcanic eruption of Kusatsu Baigen Mountain in Gunma Prefecture in Japan caused an avalanche in the ski resort. Yesterday: The largest crater of the King's mind was in Japan and thought of Xue Baozhen and Yang Guixi. The Spanish nation worshiped the wolf and thought about the Di Renjie dog being analyzed. He thought of two words: (Ma Liang). A group of good horses is hard to chase. 1.21 Tianjin is snowing, and it is white. See Iceland Penis Museum. Today's order of 31.18 billion U.S. subways in the United States was due to UFO in India, Pearl Harbor attack, Japan was dropped atomic bomb, PPAP, pen. Hot search and the head of the brain can not log on.

This is an English translation of the second chapter of the English translation of the story, the story of a dream of the Red Mansions ah ... ... five five moon night owl, ostrich, mallard, the next day Jiawu Jiabao farm tools, two pieces of clothes, construction Qingming Shanghe map, Zhao Mengtuo painting nets, Western instruments, boat guazhou, riding a horse to pay homage to gold, arrow imperial guards, Wang Xifeng straw mat buried, Jia Zheng escort several coffins......

The promotion of ice burial in the United Kingdom: liquid nitrogen frozen ice sticks broken, environmental pollution, dust back to the dust. The king of the brain can be liquid nitrogen. In the afternoon, I saw the ancient scriptures of the I Ching burial, and later the sage did the burying of the coffin. I thought that it occupied so many places. If we reasoned that the Dream of the Red Chamber was written by the Confucius of the Baoyu Saints, whether it was a straw mat or not, the Sancun Palace in the Qing Dynasty was 300 miles long. The Royal Tombs are very large in many places. But there are also the Ming Tombs in the Ming Dynasty. What happened to those archaeological burials? Is it collapsed?

A magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurred 281 kilometers southeast of Kodiak in Alaska. Autumn and Blue all look at the English I Ching: “Easy to have tai chi, it is a pupil of two instruments, two imaginary students are four elephants, and four imams are gossip.” Kong Yingda said: “Tai Chi said that before the undivided heaven and earth, the vital energy is mixed and one is It is too early, too one too."

- This sentence is a description of the image of the collapse of meditation. For example, the chaos of the former meditation is not divided, and thus the Tai Chi spurs give birth to white swan-leap50, the master and the narrator. In the morning, the head of the king searches and sees one person, so he finally knows what Allah means. Think of Arab, Allah Shanghai people. Write the Great City Earthquake think of it as an 8.0 earthquake. Kodiak's four words have been noticed today. 281 kilometers. Pearl Harbor thought of the United States and thought of the American fireball meteor. Japanese volcanic eruption thought. The largest crater in Japan is the Aso Crater in Japan, and a picture is seen protruding from the green. Then, before the evening, you can see that the cups made by the pottery children are like the crater.

Autumn Blue thought of the mutual explosion of the United States and Japan, whether Einstein's nuclear bombs, and some of Japan is also so resistant to science and technology and the rise of Buddhism, so the volcanic crater of the Japanese eruption, was the US nuclear warheads like rockets? The two city people who died at the expense of a caesarean section had died, and the damage was far greater than that of the United States. The loss of Pearl Harbor in the United States should be very small. If two nuclear bombs are put into the Asian continent, what is the bigger damage and what? Just think of nothing else. Seeing the mastery of the I Ching universe, I thought about the two things I said about heaven and earth. I was also thinking about defending the earth or something. Yesterday I saw Sa Bening talking about Wu Yifan’s mention of the industrialization of science and technology. I am not saying good things to Japan. I just want to think of another possibility. The perspective of time is long.

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred in West Java, Indonesia. Aso crater, plus leap like dumping, the sage is to follow suit, then Wu Zetian is the dancer no air effect imitation of the sky? Tai Chi 0-2-4-8-64. The title of the head of the mind is Mount Emei in Leshan.

Some of the topics found by Qiu Lan are very instructive. Think of these topics in accordance with the law of attraction? Many of the people I was impressed with had questions and thought about the meaning of Allah. I was convinced that knowledge of such common sense can be known through the minds of the king. In addition, the mind and the head of the liberal arts and sciences, as well as the thought of anime sports and entertainment circles, can allow everyone to develop a balanced development, it is helpful for thinking training. So today we found two microblogging messages about such a king of the brain.

Yesterday I saw the Penis Museum in Iceland. I thought of the empty eruption of the women I had guessed before. I love energy overflowing like a river. I think that the earth is so big and deep that there should be female energy. This eruption concept simulates the eruption of a crater. And Flaming Mountain is like a penis.

The Earth has been very violent recently. Except for Japan, the Mayon volcano in the Philippines has erupted again. Large amounts of lava fragments, ashes and gas are emitted into the air.

122 To love love, Japan snowed and the Mayon volcano in the Philippines erupted. Ma, Ronghua is wealthy and apt to have English. One year old and one hundred years old, the wild fire is not exhausted, and the king of the brain has had it. Other places have encountered.

Mount Fuji is praised by the Japanese people as the "Sacred Mountain," a symbol of the Japanese nation. Called "Fu Rong Feng" or "Fu Yue" and "Fao Ling". The Japanese poet once praised it with poems such as "Yu-fan's inversion of the East China Sea," and "Fuji White Snow Reflects the Sun." Mount Aso (Aso, Mount), the active volcano with the largest caldera in the world. Located in the northeast of Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu Island, Japan, and the center of Kyushu Island. Today, it was posted that someone said that the crater of the Yellowstone was sprayed, and the saints wrote books. Mind King has what sports in the United States is called what bowl.

Autumn Blue to see this "beloved woman's best life" dubbing video, but also think of oranges, Taiwan women's hairpin, and then think of Japanese women's AV more. This movie is also related to the relationship between men and women in Japan! Today, I thought about hemophilia hemophilia and British leukemia. Is it possible that Bai Juyi and Susan Lam, and the mooring boat Guazhou to Japan, meditation came out of the British Isles? After all, reasoning in English is related to Lin Daiyu's parrot. Parrots should learn what they want with Lin Daiyu’s meditation. What other people say is related to the collapse of parrots.

Just to see the villain's luck, think of Yao Ming's introduction to English today, and to see the brief introduction of Ricky's compliment on his English, and Yao Ming sighed and said that when they can speak Chinese well, we are very powerful. What does the villain look like? Confucius’ definition of a villain is: “The villain is not shameless, does not fear injustice, does not discriminate against persecution, and does not punish impunity.” This is not to say that the villain does not shame and speaks no mercy and fear without speaking Loyalty, profit-seeking righteousness is not powerful at all. Instead, he said: "A villain does not understand love without shame, and he will not follow morality without fear. He will not work hard without seeing his interests. He will not be disciplined without deterrence." In Yijing, the villain Both gentlemen and gentlemen are neutral words. It is the relationship between yin and yang. It is the relationship between the ruled and the ruler. It is the relationship between the subjects and the king. In the ancient matriarchal era, tribal leaders did not rely on military power to gain control, but on knowledge and skills. In knowledge and skills, tribal leaders are like experienced parents, and people are like ignorant children. Therefore, the tribal leaders are adults, the leaders of the tribal alliance are gentlemen, and the leaders of the most outstanding tribal alliances are saints. The ruled people are all villains. If the distinction between the villain and the gentleman is precisely defined, the key lies in whether or not to “know” and “get good”: The king who can rule the country with a gentleman is the true gentleman, or even if there is a king, it is a villain. This "way" is the heavenly way of ancient astronomy, that is, the origin of ancient astronomy.

Zi Zhe: The villain is not shameless, does not fear injustice, does not see whether or not to persuade, and is not punished. Small punishment and big brother, the blessing of this villain too.

Yi Yi: school to eliminate toe, no flaws. This is also said. The good is not enough to become famous, but evil is not enough to destroy the body. The villain uses the small good for no benefit and the Ephesus for the evil. The evil is not hurt and the Ephesian goes. Therefore, the evil product cannot be concealed. The sin is large and cannot be solved. What school to kill ears, fierce.

The BBC's children's program Teletubbies has been popular all over the world since it was launched in 1997. On the 23rd it was announced that Simon Barnes, who plays Tintin, has passed away. He is 52 years old. . Father of three children. Autumn blue has seen, feel interesting, youth antenna? Yesterday, the Yi Jing English Shennong pass away, along along have seen. Tintin? Simon Shelton, the actor who played the handbag-carrying Tinky Winky in Teletubbies, passed away aged 52 last week.

Yesterday I just said that Yao Ming sighed ... before seeing the Shenyang Conservatory of Music picture to relocate. Yao Ming, a composer from Liaoning Yingkou City, died at the age of 69.

The Tintin Museum in Iceland, there is hope that the young man's penis into the library - I Ching in English, the saints improve the burial for the coffin - hot search Britain modified to ice buried - BBC antenna baby Tintin died 52 years old.

Yesterday, I saw the description of the red cloud that was written by Ma Yun and the red cloud that was written in the past. It was like the 3D red cloud appeared from the back of the floor to the evening of the pottery crater. The opposite is the red cloud that appeared on the floor before. The red cloud is just not as magnificent as before.

Seeing the ninth chapter's translation is: As for the misunderstanding of various things and the yin-yang virtues, identifying the right and wrong of the process of development of things, if you break the middle of the four, you can not fully comprehend. Imagine the four flashes in the middle of the six lines. It's like heaven and earth. I didn't think that this is what the Bible says. I am the beginning, I am the end, I am the life... What's the truth? Incarnation, Son of God... This Jesus, Shakyamuni, Confucius, quickly stirs up a pot of porridge.

Roost habitat, rooster beauty, rooster (attack, supply, mutual aid?), this sound can be solved in Chinese dialect? Ram sheep, ramadan, Islamic month of Ramadan in September, check the network is no ram is the meaning of the sheep. Bamboo bamboo, bambino child, the image of Christ in childhood.

The backbone is a Chinese word. The pronunciation is jǐ liang. It refers to the backbone of the whole body's bones and metaphorizes people who play a key role in the country, the nation, or the team. Yuan Guan Hanqing The First Fold of “Waiting Pavilion” has recorded: “In your heart, you put on the ridge of the brown python, which resembles the purple drapery.” In 2011, the distribution of earthquakes in the Japanese sea area was 1 minute and 47 seconds of super high energy. Look at Japan's 2011 earthquake video and find it resembles a cocoine cloud! Spine bones, same, Japanese terrain. Thailand is the elephant head. Is Japan the meditation of the backbone? Autumn blue morning photos are dinosaur fossils, all bones, huge, think of the dinosaurs and the dragon's successor what relationship? Also see the website of the villain gentleman mentioned that the leader of the National League is divided into adults, gentlemen, and the best national league leaders are saints. It's time to look at the spine.

Dai Xu: China grows into a big fat man without bones. We mistakenly regard weight as strength and make fat as powerful. China’s real estate economy is a combination of domestic monopoly capital and international capital to rob the Chinese people’s wealth. The composition of US GDP today is the space industry, aviation industry, and shipbuilding. Japan’s GDP is the automobile industry and the electronics industry, which lays Japan’s position as the second most powerful country in the world. The

The UN International Agency for Disaster Reduction said recently that the recent volcanic eruption and major earthquake across the Pacific 4 countries showed that the Pacific Ring of Fire is active. Just after the disaster reduction agency issued the document, another 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in the sea near Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The Autumn Blue Learns the Book of Changes. I saw several times in the ring. It is the ring meaning, is the circle ah? It always feels like a bell. Yesterday, someone said that Zhou Zonghuan was born. Write a woman, when it comes to the issue of ocean sources, I think of the great and broad imagination of the Chinese map of the Pacific Ocean.

The image of various gods in the West; the life of the invisible spirituality of the pure soul adds a coat to the reduction of intellectual activity, which implies a spatial volume distance. This process is regarded as falling/death, so naturally the love is hidden, and the veil is veiled - these and the last seen The I Ching sequence has an induction. When we look at it, we feel that every transition node is dead and rebirth. The heaven and earth/words are at work, as if Tai Chi's air runs through the entire image, that is, it forms an atom, an item, and a person until The incident, the planet, is not the case.

Isis Isis, I mean everything, now, will, and was ... Is is the meaning, two is that everything is isis produced, so many breasts, arms on the arm can fly, legs All beasts can crawl, vultures are like parrots, and veils are like curtains to listen to people.

Qingdao opened on the G281 high-speed rail to Hangzhou. Mind King's provincial license plate number plus A, think of G. 281 said that the push was 284 at first, and it was yesterday that January 24 was *2. At the bus station, Miaoer said that there was a spider web. I saw there were signs of banned electrical appliances in the windows. Three warning red words. It was 12 o'clock in the morning to see the king and the carpenter. I was told that the black was like someone had painted it. I saw her telling her that it was black smoke. It was not like someone was painted. Yesterday, hot search Shanghai snow to see snow in Hangzhou. See what country Qingdao is becoming. Looking at Isis in the morning, it is said that Isis and the god are mathematically dyeda. It is strange that this is not the same as the first and last moments of the previous analysis representing heaven and earth.

The world's first somatic cell clone Monkey Two cynomolgus monkeys "Zhongzhong" and "Huahua" were born in China! so cute. Look Iceland penis. I also saw that the I Ching kansai said that the embryo rush seed that was just unearthed is what it thinks. Later I saw penis pictures as well. Copulate, mating, copulation. Solstice until, to date, to the point. Shoot shoot, shoot, seedling. Sprout sprout, draw. Seed germination.

The fifth of Ipsilon epsilon Greece. Look at Isis breasts five pictures today. There is a tower on the head, called the throne. Yesterday, the pipe-making pottery that was done by the children had two hats like a cone, and it was a very positive vertebral body. Or is Isis's picture book saying that the most important cone is worn on this head? Perhaps the pottery sees the cone, and Isis sees it again, and now I see that the Japanese solar rocket is a cone. Japan launched an Epsilon rocket from the Nakumi Space Center and sent the Asnaro-2 satellite into the sun's synchronous orbit.

Autumn Blue studied English articles and saw an article mentioning Marx German learning English. Nuclear, crashed English, graveyard English is impressive, cemetery always feel that buildings can not remember. A German helicopter and a sports aircraft collided over Germany on the 23rd, killing four people. The accident occurred on the outskirts of Philipsburg, Baden-Württemberg. The incident occurred near a cemetery and a nuclear power plant. The helicopter belongs to the rescue department.

Boy, girl hold your dog. Men,women, nowhere. Male, female Ma Lemei ears, flying sister ears. Connaught’s closeness and lack of concentration was less than a moment. It was the heart. The yang Yi Jing, again see yong. The Dingyuan train caught fire, and the associated king and the carpenter drew a picture of the firewood. Upload Korean school English book cover with map. When the British Prime Minister visited China on the 1.31th day, he thought that 1.27, 128, and 129 all had meaning, so they wouldn't come. Like the G125 and 193 trains that were out of service? 130, 131 have 13. Learn words in the morning with crossbow cross bows. A fire broke out in the Sejong Hospital in the city of Miyang in southeast Korea, killing more than 40 people and causing more than 40 injuries.

Just reported 33 people. The story of Shakespeare's drama borrowed 5,000 words yesterday. I think this figure is very familiar with the age of 33 and Zheng Zhihua.

They tore minerals from the rocks, and gradually the freshwater of the oceans...became heavy with salt.

Translation: Water dissolves the rock's minerals. Gradually fresh water in the ocean turns into salty water.

Water dissolves stone minerals, fresh water turns salty water. Tears dissolve, Buddhism salt water is fish urine, Lin Daiyu still tears, Yan Guan, Jia Baoyu stone, so the dream of the Red Mansions Buddhism science is self-contained. Tore is tear past style, tears, tear, rip.

They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at at a birthday molten rock surging from the depths, solidifying, cracking,

They let us witness the appearance of the earth when Pangu was first opened, and the molten stones poured out from the depths. Cracks begin to solidify.

Blistering or spreading in a thin crust, before fabling dormant for a time.

Blisters or spread out to form a thin shell. Then sleep for a while.

These wreaths of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth...

These spit out hazy smoke rings from inside the earth.

Bear witness to the Earth's original atmosphere.

It is the witness of the earth's primitive atmosphere.

Volcano English description Think of it The day before the eruption of the Philippine crater in Japan, it was like the formation of a volcano on the earth. It was a very respectful feeling. The Khon Kaen Waiting Hall in Thailand was caught in a fire on the third floor of the Electrical Control Room.

According to a small crescent moon, it was very beautiful. There was a snow on the eaves that day. Where to see the word desert. Hot search to see snow in Gansu. Isis Naturals said that spring water flows out of the ground.

Blockchain technology, abbreviated as BT (Blockchain... Block life control center. Chain: Home documentary Today, life- our life-is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings... Today our lives are the Earth There are numerous creatures forming a link in the life chain.Autumn Blue took a picture of a small crescent moon.It was very beautiful.There was a snow on the eaves of the room.Where there was a word of desert.The hot search showed the beauty of the snow and sand in Gansu’s Moon Lake. Nature's book says that spring water flows out of the ground.

One man has decorated triangle, Hua Zheng, Huang Rong.... Will not shoot the Eagle Heroes as the same as the Dream of Red Mansions? Otherwise, how is Buddhism in Nepal Mongolian yurts, Mongolian prairie Yu Zhu Xiancao, Xiao Zhuang? The image of the red solar shooting statue is like pushing the back of the two people's chest to write a heart shot day. Yesterday I wanted to leave the original grass. Marx learned English in Belgium, German, French, Russian, and English.

 Chinese cottage travel frogs were taken off the shelf... Aomori, Gunma Kusatsu is not the first two days of the Japanese crater eruption, earthquake? Miao happily sang the 14th AI song in one fell swoop all day. I looked curiously and found that the big-faced sister was painted as a green frog, exactly the same as a traveling frog. The northeastern region is spotted and the wooden lunch boxes are like those in the Dream of the Red Chamber. In the previous two days, Confucius Buddha Nobel, who had thought of the Japanese Anime Sun Law, thought that someone had traveled to Japan. Clover, clover. Connaught was close to the line, fearing that it was late, and secret was the heart. Also meets this frog trip. When we look at the items that the frogs traveled in the Northeast, they always think of Northeast China. Looking down, we know that it is the Northeast of Japan. Why did you use something as old as that? Frog travel. Tang Dynasty secret room? Map Japan is in the northeast of the Yangtze Estuary.

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