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来知德 Lai Zhide

来知德(1525~1604),明代理学家、易学家,著名诗人。 字矣鲜,别号瞿塘,明夔州府梁山县(今重庆市梁平区)人。嘉靖三十一年(1552)举人,屡上公车不第,便"杜门谢客,穷研经史",隐居求志,著述为乐。其晚年,朝廷特授翰林院待诏,不赴,敕建"聘君仁里"石坊。著有《周易集注》《来瞿唐先生日录》,分别收入《四库全书》和《续修四库全书》。



‖此刻宇宙同时灭去(没有来知德书的宇宙),下一刻宇宙同时升起(有来知德书的宇宙)... ...

Lai Zhide (1525 ~ 1604), the Ming Dynasty physicist, Yi Xuejia, a famous poet. Characters carry on fresh, alias Qutang, Ming Zhuo state Yangshan County (now Chongqing Liangping District) people. Thirty-one years of Jiajing (1552) juren, repeated on the bus is not the first, then "Durex Xie Ke, poor study history", seclusion, writing for the music. In his later years, the court granted the Imperial Academy Imperial Court to be Chao, do not go, 敕 built "hire Junrenli" Shifang. Author of "Book of Changes", "Mr. Qu Tang Diarus", respectively, "Sikuquanshu" and "rework Sikuquanshu".



Always remember to go to the book 錧 that afternoon, in the high ladder bookshelf, occasionally discovered to the Book of Changes Chow Chi-chu, because of the author's name found special: Lai Zhide!

I have an intuition: To know the virtue, one of the law is out of me. The former due to easy gossip in natural foreign objects, do not understand its source, how can be regarded as the eternal odd book? There must be a source of talent. The latter is to find that this is the source of morality, distorted desires and then get its own way, then clean static micro-universe should be the source of the big bang, everything evolved from birth to source (source Is a natural evolution, people need to evolve toward the source direction).

‖ At the moment, the universe is destroyed at the same time (the universe without the Book of Knowledge), and at the same time the universe rises at the same time (the universe without the Book of Knowledge) ...

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Mar 06, 2018

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